Feels like it goes without saying, but don't click on any links by newly posting accounts. I will delete them when I see them, but in the meantime don't click 'em
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Feels like it goes without saying, but don't click on any links by newly posting accounts. I will delete them when I see them, but in the meantime don't click 'em
Like a Phoenix (hehe), I am alive! Life's the same but different if that makes sense. Glad to see this place is still up as well!
Talk about the site itself. Please read the rules first.
Everything related to the Sonic SCANF community.
Discussion of games, movies and all other official works featuring Sonic the Hedgehog.
Talk about everything related to Sonic the Hedgehog comics.
A place to share and discuss Sonic fan-created content like fangames, hacks, music, etc.
A place to share any artworks that you wish, Sonic or otherwise.
Let out your creativity through words. Short-stories, Fan-fictions, any kind of story you wish to post and share as a writer, do so here.
A place to share your creations whatever they may be.
Misc forum games
Everything about PCs and high technologies.
Bad topics, posts, and other examples of how not to post on this board end up here. If your posts/threads keep getting trashed, shape up quick.
An ongoing roleplaying game that anyone is free to join.
For those wanting a relaxing RPing experience that you can simply jump into and enjoy, this place is for you.
For those who enjoy and puts focus on characters. Here, you can make detailed sheets for your characters, so that you can show them to others and see what they think of it.
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