Bean and Bark Feral Forest, Furville As the duo made their way through the forest, Bean became deep in thought. "Here's a story, not so long ago I was just a regular soilder and always did what I was told. I wasn't the most remarkable trooper so when the big boss himself told me he wanted me to be part of a "super secret" project I was indeed surprised. We all know how that ended. Now I'm just a crazy little bird trying to find a place where he belongs. At least I found a friend in this crazy journey." Bark tried to grab Bean's attention. "What is it big guy?" Bark pointed to the smoke emerging from the village and the two ran to the village. Bean and Bark looked at the village. "Man this place looks terrible." Antoine,Mobotropolis Antoine looked at the shadow looming over the town with a terrified look. "Mon Dieu." Charmy, Casino Night Zone "Right behind you!" Said Charmy following after knocking down a robot. Omega, Winged Fortress Omega gathered up his forces and waited for the order to begin.