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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You're probably right, but if you're wanting some who'd do the job without putting their own aims first, the selection is limited."

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(Spark bounded of another wall and flew into the door smashing it into pieces) agh, holy crap that hurt.

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"How on Moebius did you have that much momentum?" wondered Anna.


"I don't think you should take it on your shoulders to change the fate of an entire Zone," said Miles.

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"It sounds like you're planning one though!"

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"That can be dangerous!" joked Miles.

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Well every time I would bounce of the wall I would gane more speed so by time I hit the door I had so much speed I could smash threw the door

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"But the friction of the ice should have.... never mind."

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"You do it a lot, do you?" asked Miles

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"Why don't you give them a fake gem?" Berry suggested, "they don't do anything with it, and Kayl can take care that they don't take it near the big emerald."

"Excuse me?" Kayl made a face, "as if guardians will listen to me."

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"And yet you interfere on occasion even when there is no official reason for your force to get involved."


"I think I can rustle up a fake," said Ziona.

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"I do what's necessary and what's right. Destroying a wizard with plans that could threaten the force is the best course of action. Doing nothing would accomplish exactly that."

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Berry smiled.

Kayl turned to Lucifer, "you aren't telling them."

Lucifer replied,"just stop calling me those names..."

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"So why don't you stop Doctor Eggman then?" asked Miles. "He's threatened reality and different Zones enough times."


"Is that the price for your silence?" asked Ziona.

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Tikal held on against Skye.


"Having fun I see." Said Locke.

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"Here we are," said Skye as he landed outside the hut. "Close your eyes."


"I am. I'm not sure if he is!"

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"Because I can't take on an army of robotd. Besides, people are already fighting him. "

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Miles shook his head. "It seems to me its all unbalanced whether you help or not."


"If you don't co-operate I could change all official records from your old name..." suggested Ziona.

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