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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Miles stood up and began pacing the cell, his back to Zamy. "It makes you wonder if those who are pulling the strings of your organisation are truly working for the betterment of all Zones, or their own goals."

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"I think it's both. They want to better Zones, but just aren't in a hurry to do it."

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"You have a lot of faith in the people who let Nega seize so much power."

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"I guess I do. I support our cause and just put up with the inefficiencies."

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"Just be careful your faith isn't misplaced," said Miles.

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Tikal closed her eyes just like Skye asked her to.


Glen just sighed.


"He is not my son, that's too bad for him." said Locke.

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I'm so dizzy.( spark says while lying back down

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Skye carefully led Tikal into the hut. When last she'd see it the two of them had still been working on it, and it had been unfinished. Over the night Skye had worked alone to complete it. The furniture was all in place, and the whole thing was fully decorated. Except for the bookcase that still needed to be filled, the hut was completely ready. A small enchanted fire burned and cracked in the hearth, and three beautifully wrapped presents sat on the table.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," said Skye.


"I never said you were," replied Miles, turning back to Zamy.


"That doesn't mean you should be harsh with him Daddy," said Anna. "Can't you help him?"


"Don't sigh Glen, it makes you look older," joked Ziona.

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"If you were a fool, I'd have escaped by now," Miles said.

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Miles shook his head. "I have enough magic to disorient you and exit the cell without being noticed. Yet I'm still here. I've given up the trump card of a possible rescue by my uncle. And there is no sense in me waiting, because once I'm in this program I'll be under surveillance and wearing a suppression collar."

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"I almost can't believe I'm going through with this," confessed Miles.

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"I appreciate it's very sudden. But we'll try and help you through it as much as possible."

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"I... th-thank you," replied Miles, unused to the words.

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Miles nodded, then stood awkwardly for a while.

"I... don't suppose you have chess-set or something?" he asked after a moment. "Something to pass the time until we hear whether..."

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"I'll see if I can procure one,"replied Zamy before teleporting to her office.

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Miles blink. "Seriously? Leaving me completely unsupervised?"

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Zamy reappeared a second later with a chess board in hand. "You know I can still hear everything thanks to the miracle of bugs. Plus if you did try to escape I'd have caught you in the act. Not that I can see how you'd escape."

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"Well, I could give you a demonstration if you wanted," smiled Miles. "And I would have still called that a mistake, bug or no bug."

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"Oh, really ? Then I think I should do it more often."Joked Glen."People keep on saying I'm not making my age."


Tikal opened her eyes, only to be impressed by the work done by skye in her absence.


"I cannot do such a thing anna, as it would mean breaking the moment." said Locke;

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"Well, do you like it?" asked Skye nervously.


"Er, I think Spark may have already interrupted the moment," said Anna


"Isn't that a good thing?" asked Ziona with a smile.

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