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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It wasn't abuse, it was discipline," replied the adult Miles, while Melody, showing a hint of emotion for the first time, flinched. "And you can't just leave him in this time. One wrong move and all of his history could be changed."

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"Don't give me that. Your so called 'discipline' only made him hate you. If he were here now he'd tear you limb from limb in an instant. And that time related problem has been resolved."

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Miles laughed. "Skye lacks the spine to even try and face me. And even if he did I'd remind him of his proper place in a heartbeat. But if he has found someway to survive the paradoxes..." Miles turned his gave to his younger self, who shrunk away from it. "I suppose that explains you. I certainly can't remember myself ever being that pathetic, squirming on the ground like a bird with a broken wing."

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"I... Really don't know what to say skye...."


Glen sat down on a nearby bench.


"We don't have to care Anna, The others can make sure it doesn't cause any problem."Said Locke.

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Everyone was looking around silently.

"Let us rap!" Max suddenly laughed.

"Lettuce wrap!" Berry and Kayl giggled at lucifer.

"Oh come on!" Lucifer smiled.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"You don't need to say anything Angel," replied Skye.


Anna gave a sidelong glance at Locke.


A few moments later Ziona reappeared, now holding two blue gems, and wearing a hi-tech eyepiece. "Here we go, all sorted. Are you sure you want to go through with this plan?" she asked.

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Spark glanced at the doorway then jumped down so they could see what whas about to ruin the ice rink) now will you get down (he said as fire was shot right at him) wow that was close

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"It appear that we'll never get any moment of peace . I'm starting to see why Glen isn't really liking our new friend... He is even more of a trouble magnet than we are." Said Locke.


"Nice sunglasses Zionna."


"Thank you."Said tikal.

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"Yeah, fool proof. Cool glasses." Kayl said, trying to figure out the fake gem.

"So, we go and lucifer stays." Berry confirmed.

"No, since I am not among the guilty, I'll stay here and take care the fake gem is not revealed." Max said.

Berry looked at him sadly.

"I have to take care of dad too, I'll come to meet. Promise." Max assured her.

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"My pleasure," said Skye as he picked up the necklace. "Hold still while I put it on you, and we'll see how it looks."


At Zamy's threat Melody turned to look at her father. As she turned her head there was a glint of something metallic attached to the back of her neck.

"Do you want me to kill them Father?" she asked in the same blank voice.

"No," said Miles, "I think I may need to use them to get history back on track."


As the flames appeared, Anna gave a little shriek and fell off Locke's shoulders, landing painfully on the ice.

"Why can't me and Daddy just have some time together?" she sobbed.


"Thank you all," said Ziona in reply to the comments on her eye-wear. "I needed some way to tell these two apart." She turned to Berry. "I thought the plan was that you would go with Limp so you would be banished and he wouldn't be executed."

Ziona then glanced at Dylan. "Everything alright? You seem concerned about something."

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"I get this strange feeling something bad is about to happen... And we are missing the most of it.... How about you call your squadmate to get news on her situation with the kid ?"'


Tikal standed still for skye.


"Anna !" Locke went at her daughter's side ."Don't move , i'm getting you out of here."

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Skye gently lifted up Tikal deadlock at the back of her neck and slipped the necklace round. The clasp was a little fiddly but he managed to get it attached.

"What do you think?"


"I'm... I'm alright Daddy. Nothing broken I think," said Anna.


"The radio won't work across time Glen," said Ziona. "But don't worry, as soon as Berry know's if she's staying or not, we can head back and we can check then. I think you're just being paranoid though."

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Glen gave her a sidelong glance."with all the crazy stories happenning to us everyday , having something normal happenning IS the anomaly."


"It's wonderful , skye." Said Tikal as she took the pendant in her hands.


"I hope so. Let's still get you out of here, just in case."

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"But I need to check in with a doctor first." Berry said, "I feel very sick."

"So this is the fake gem?" Kayl asked, "you take Berry and I'll go and report lucifer, "the authorities will see her once and banish her, it can be done later."


"It's isn't?" Max asked.

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Then go quickly oh and get melody and your mistress out of here ill keep her busy.

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"There's an infirmary back at Haven, Berry. Sabre could see if your okay. And to answer your earlier question, Ziona I'm fine. Let's just sort things out here and get back"

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"Not as wonderful as the person wearing it," said Skye and he walk round on-front of Tikal and took her hands. "But it does compliment her beauty."


"I don't intend on changing anything," sneered the older Miles, "I'm simply going to put it back the way it should be." He turned to face his cowering, younger self. "I'll probably need to Inhabit you in order to get things restored with the least disruption. Melody, if the Zone Cop tries to interfere, kill her."

"Of course Father," replied Melody. He turned to Zamy.

"I'd rather not go through the hassle of reanimating your corpse, but I'm perfectly willing to do so if necessary."

"That's horrific," exclaimed the younger Miles, getting to his feet. His older self spun round and, without hesitation, punched his younger self hard in the face, causing him to collapse.

Melody also seemed to be having issues with Miles suggestion of reanimation.

"You c...an n...o...t d...o.." Suddenly she went quiet and her face became even more black. "As you wish Father," she spoke.

"Good girl," said Miles, putting a caring arm round his daughter. "A shame we can't get rid of your brother's rebellions streak the same way. But that would make his body unfit for Inhabitation. Hmm, maybe I'm being a bit hasty her Melody. Perhaps we should return to to our time and bring your mother here, so she can Inhabit her younger self as well. It would give the two of us a new lease of life."


Anna clung on tightly to Locke.


Ziona handed the fake gem to Kayl, then smirked at Lucifer. "Funny, I know I didn't call you Lance." She then fired up her teleporter, taking her and the rest who wanted to go to Haven's infirmary.


Melody looked up from her book as the group arrive.

"Wow, that's quite a crowd!"

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"Perhaps it would've been better to teleport us somewhere with more space. But at least we're here now"

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Luose flew towards Anna ready to snatch her and take her as bait but sparkpunched her helmet right off of her but stopped) no, no freaking way. Lu..Lu...Lucy.(a hand goes straight threw Spark's chest. His face filled with blood dripping down his mouth) I....I.. Can..t believe it.

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Zamy gritted her teeth and slowly moved her hand away from her baton. She wouldn't solve anything blindly charging at them with such an inadequate tool for the job.

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"She did call me that."

"Yeah, but let's go." Kayl said, walking.

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The younger Miles was picking himself back up, his face around his left eye starting to darken and swell when the punch had landed.

"Now hold still boy," spoke older Miles as he loomed over. "I'd prefer the body was not damaged any further."


"SPARK!" cried Anna in shock.


"I thought it was best to get Berry seen to as quickly as possible," explained Ziona as she pulled out her radio. "Well, I better make Glen happy. Hello. Zamy? How's out little guest doing?"

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"Guest? This guest is not who I think it is right? Because he's back in the zone jail, right?"

(ooc: He hasnt been told yet)

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