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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'd be more worried about Ziona thinking you're lonely and trying to play matchmaker," said Miles. "But I'm sure there must be someone here who'd put you out of your misery if it came to that!"


"Most justice systems are. But I'm still lost. So I'll go with whatever you suggest."

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What's this strange, EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE NOW!(he yells so loud so everyone can here him)

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"I like Berry's plan, but where will she stay when she is banished, us actually. I'm gonna be with her." Kayl said,

"What about me?" Max asked.

"Who cares?" Kayl said.

Lucifer looked around

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Zamy shuddered. "That'd be a horribly awkward situation. And I suppose Shadow could do it if I asked. I do have his shoes after all."

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(ooc: Define 'here' Spark! :P And if you're meaning Haven. considering two of it's inhabitants are hospitalized and one is in prison, this isn't gonna go well...)

"I can't believe he gave you a set. Keeping up with the girls I suppose?"


"What's he shouting about Daddy?" wondered Anna.


"Now stop looking like you're planning a run for it Lettuce," said Ziona putting a hand firmly on Lucifer's shoulder. "As for where you'll stay, I'm sure Locke would be happy to arrange something for you lot."

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"But...thanks...so much." Berry smiled.

Kayl and max were laughing at lettuce

"Why would I run away, I'm great full to be honest.... Lettuce?"

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"By the looks of it he'd never worn them, and it was a temporary thing in case I needed to chase you or Robotnik. Though they are quite comfortable."

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"I'm not sure they'd have helped you if I flew away," said Miles, "but I'm surprised they're comfortable. Didn't take Shadow as one for comfort."


"Lettuce?" asked Ziona confused. "You want a Lettuce? Whatever for?"

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"True. I think it's more a matter of size. I was expecting they wouldn't fit me."

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"Maybe the inside adapts to the feet?" suggested Miles. "Memory foam or the like?"


"Okay, well if you really want one Laryngitis, I'll pick you up one with that fake gem."

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"Oh crud." Lucifer said, hiding his face in shame, "are you purposely doing that?"

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"Doing what?" asked Ziona with a sweet smile.

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"I reckon I just got lucky with the size, it was developed over 50 years ago."

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"Pretty advanced tech for 50 years ago," said Miles.


"I better get that fake gem. I'll be back in a second," said Ziona as the powered up her teleporter.

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"I agree. Especially as it's essentially a scaled down version of the kind of technology that got the Space Colony Ark up into space."

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"That is very impressive. Almost too impressive," pondered Miles.


Ziona teleported away, leaving everyone else behind for the moment.

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"Humans are an incredibly ingenious species when it comes to things like that."

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"In this Zone maybe," said Miles. "That trait is a bit more rare on Moebius."

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Me(its just Layose's top soldier)

(Spark jumps back into the ice rink this time prepared for the silk ice) guys get down now.

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