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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I know, this gem created so much trouble, the idea of giving it back to those disturbs me." Kayl said.

"This caused some trouble." Berry sighed.

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"We better keep it safe then!" said Ziona. "And once you two are safe you can tell us exactly what's happening here. So far we've only gotten parts of the tale"

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"Wait... how will we prove Lucian stole the Chaos emerald?" Berry asked.

"Ch- what?" Kayl asked.

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"Get him to confess?" suggested Ziona.

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"Will you confess." Kayl said bluntly to Lucifer.

"As if they won't ask the gem back." Lucifer replied, rather mockingly.

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"I wonder if we can rustle up a fake?" pondered Ziona.

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"Am I not in enough trouble, even after those names?" Lucifer beamed at Ziona.

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"Names? What are you talking about Lily? Anyway, that look of your might have work if I hadn't had my fill of it earlier."

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"I couldn't speak for them, though I have a feeling the Prime version of myself wouldn't harm you. The Moebian would crush you in an instant, as I'm sure you guessed."

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"I've met both, and I'm sure they would both crush me. Except Rosy would crush anyone, more or less.." said Miles

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"Trust me on the first part too. I don't she'll forgive after I trapped Sonic on Moebius."

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Miles smiled. "I guess I just have a knack for making friends."

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"To be fair you wouldn't be alone in that regard. Most Moebians aren't exactly upstanding citizens."

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"They were. Until the world stagnated," said Miles.

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Miles shrugged. "I don't really know. Scourge and Alicia kept saying the world stagnated in peace time. Whether it was really the case of not..."

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"He'll stop eventually , don't worry." said Locke."For now, you are all that matter to me."


Glen simply listened to the conversation.


"Alright then, you can surprise me all you want !"

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"I would take their word with a grain of salt. The only person I know of she didn't manipulate and lie to was here just a few minutes ago, and Scourge is, well, Scourge."

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"Great," said Skye putting an arm around Tikal. "Let's get to our little work-in-progress hut. I've something to show you."


"I just never stopped to think about it before," confessed Miles.


"I... Oh thank you Daddy!" said Anna.

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"I don't blame you. With everything you had going on, it's not exactly imperative information."

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"I suppose not. It might have been true, but it's not like they made it better."

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"Understatement of the century. But it's not like there were or indeed are any suitable rulers."

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"Huh. I'm starting to understand why my uncle was so fanatical about getting a king in place."

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