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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Technically you started it Eliza. You kept using Lucian and Lucifer interchangeably! :P I wasn't sure which one to use, so... )

"Not another one," murmured Ziona as she looked at Berry, think about what had happened with Miles. "I can take her to the infirmary at Haven if the rest of you want to deal with L..." Ziona stopped speaking before she said the name.

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Berry looked worried, "no need to take tension, I'm immune to most of their...weird things."

Kayl added in, "Lemonlake, call him that now."

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"Not like he had many choices to calm her down."Said red.


"Nothing Ziona, nothing."


"We could always give it a try , who know ?"

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"You mean he was bribing me to keep quiet, eh?" asked Melody. "Well he better follow through not. It wouldn't be nice of him to get a cripple's hopes up!"


"I.. I would love that, but won't it be too... dangerous?" asked Anna.


"I didn't mean to scare you. It's just been a strange morning," said Ziona. "Lemonlake? Sounds like a holiday destination." She turned to Glen. "Uh, if you're sure."

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"I'll love to see his disgusting face in prison on holidays." Kayl smiled.

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I'm going back to Haven I need to get back to Skye just in case if Layose sent assassins. see yah (he said before dropping lucifer) CHOAS CONTROLl!

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"Wait, you could take Berry... oh he's gone!" said Ziona.

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"He tends to be. Right, so we're taking Berry to the Haven infirmary and Leapfrog to your police. What about the Ch... Gem?"

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Berry and Kayl exchanged smiles, to prevent embarrassment for Ziona.

Max looked at Lucifer, "Let me take him, since I'm a civilian, I'll need someone to carry this Leapfrog. You ladies go."

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"That odd Echidna seemed to enjoy trying to do it," said Miles.


"Okay. You two ready to go?" Ziona asked Berry and Kayl

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"I did notice," said Miles. "Makes me wonder why your partner is so sweet on him."

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"I honestly don't know. And if he tries to defend that tyrannical organisation he was in one more time, I might just start swinging."

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"Nice to see you get on so well with your teammates," commented Miles.

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"Ah, you've not quite bonded and got all close and happy with the rest of them then."

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"No I haven't. I suppose that makes me the odd one out in this ensemble. Well, one of the odd ones."

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"The odd one out in an odd ensemble?" suggested Miles. "So does that make you the normal one?"

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"I'm pretty sure he was serious about the whole thing."Said red.


Glen stayed silent.


"You cannot know if you don'f try."

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Melody smiled at Red. Skye reached out and gave her hand a squeeze. "See, you've something to look forward to when you get better, so hurry up!"

"You're telling ME to hurry up?" asked Melody with a grin.


"You should put that on a namebadge," suggested Miles.


"Let's give it a go then!" said Anna.

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