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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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I'm not that powerful nor am I impressive. So where do we take this guy?

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"I said maybe, I'm not sure which time you are from." Berry said to ziona, then she turned to spark, "well, fire coming out from hands is impressive. Miss ziona, what shall we do with him?"

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"I know. I heard about it," said Miles.


"You're either from the future, or Mobius had so other alien visitors," said Ziona. "But we can worry about that later. Well Kayl, you're the one who said we needed Larry, what do we do? I've got some cuffs here in the meantime."

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"Ohk- hahahahaha" berry said, falling after hearing larry

"Lets get this Larry to berry's kingdom and return."

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"Right. Now hold out your hands Lucus," said Ziona as she put the cuffs on Lucian.

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Miles didn't reply. He looked at Zamy appraisingly, trying to work out if she could make good on her boast.


Ziona glanced at Berry looking concerned. "Uh, I didn't do it again, did I?"

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"I'll get Lemontree's name right eventually, don't worry," replied Ziona, her tone making it unclear is the latest slip-up was genuine or not.

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"Oh God, I love these names, never say his name right." Kayl laughed.

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"Uh, I think if I try to get it wrong, I might start only saying it correctly," said Ziona.

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"Maybe." Kayl and Berry told together.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Ziona raised an eyebrow. "It's kinda creepy when you two do that!"

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"If you got a good swing in first, you might just be correct," summarized Miles.

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"But I would not favor your chances should you miss," Miles concluded.

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"I wonder what she'd make of him? Though I suppose she'd consider him another leech." Miles tone began to hold a note of anger. Not from the idea of Hope R insulting Scourge, but from the idea she'd likely lump him and Mina together.

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Red said nothing.


Glen just facepalmed.


"I'm glad to see you happy, anna ."

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Skye didn't reply either, but he laid his hand on-top of the one Tikal held on his arm.

"Y'know Skye, you don't HAVE to hang around and wait on me hand on foot if you want to do something else," said Melody. "After-all, I've got my books to keep me going."

"You... books???" asked Skye incredulously.

"Yeah. I've gotta study to be a Guardian. Dad brought these for me."

"He actually agreed to train you?"


"I'd like to think so, bit I'd rather not try to get into her head!" said Miles


"Then we're both happy," said Anna as she skated to the side of the rink for a rest. She looked out over the rink with a slightly far-away look. "It's a shame I'm too big now to ride on your shoulders. I used to do that."


"W-what?" asked Ziona to Glen.

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Kayl looked around, "think we should head to Berry's place's police station. This junk is getting annoying," she beamed to Larr- err... Lucian... NO SORRY, Lucifer. (what have you done, skye)

Max finally spoke a word, "I think Berry need medical attention, she was injected with weird stuff."

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