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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Miles sniggered. "How could he make that mistake when you don't have a cherry on top of your head?"

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"I don't know. And it's not even like I'd fit the colour palette anyway, my uniform isn't baige or anything."

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"Maybe he was colour blind except for pink?" suggested Miles

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"I can imagine. Being chased by someone who wants to eat you," replied Miles

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"Otherwise you might have ended up on a plate. So is he in jail now?" asked Miles

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Yes he is. He's in solitary confinement, for the safety of everyone at Zone Jail."

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"Otherwise he'd go on an eating spree? Hmm... I wonder what he'd have mistaken Scourge for? Lettuce maybe?" Miles pondered.

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Zamy laughed. "I'm not sure about that. I don't think he ever met any of the prisoners."

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"Just as well. A whole rash of new prisoner nicknames would have spread like wildfire otherwise!"

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"Either that or riots by misunderstanding prisoners expecting more grub!"

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"I almost started one in my escape attempt," Miles admitted.

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"Don't feel too bad about yourself Skye."Said Red.


Glen was running around, shooting guards on his way, and making sure to avoid eye contact with spark. He eventually found zionna."here you are."He called her.


Locke kept on sliding with her.

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"It's hard not to," confessed Skye.


"I... guess so," said Miles slowly.


"This is wonderful Daddy," squeaked Anna happily.


"Here we are," agreed Ziona. "Have we got everything now?"

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"He isn't a part of your past anymore, nor will be in the immediate future... Just let it go now."Said red.


"All i got is you. Along with a squirrel . What about you?"


"I didn't know you'd like that so much. It's good to learn more about you."Said locke.

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"I'll.. I'll try Mom..." promised Skye


"It's not just the ice-skating, it's spending time with my Daddy," said Anna.


"A squirrel and a shiny rock!" smiled Ziona.

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"I have nothing but I don't think I need anything"

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Berry answered ziona's question, "I don't know very well, since you don't know your timeline and... But it seems around 500 years. You mean they are fought for here also, oh no... KAYL!" Berry shouted when she saw here.

Kayl jumped happily too, throwing lucifer to spark, "oh great Aurora! It's so glad to see you safe dear Berry!" She said as she hugged Berry.

"Let's get out of here, now."

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(Spark picked up lucifer and dragged him along snipping the guards with his hand pointed like a gun shooting small blasts of fire at them.) well I'm ready to go (he said walking past everyone)

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"You're quite powerful and impressive, Mr Spark." Berry complimented, smiling.

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"Around 500 years," Ziona muttered. "This shouldn't be here. There shouldn't be any blue Chaos Emerald on Mobius at this point in time."

(ooc: Have I encountered a plot point or a continuity snarl?)

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