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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You are still on my shoulders. the moment is still not broken."


"that's...Amazing !!!! how were you able to do so much in so little time?"


"I know you like me the way I am anyways."

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Skye smiled. "I could be flippant and answer magic, but that would sum it up. A few little helpers and it's amazing what you can get done in a short time."


"Maybe you could push him with your feet then," laughed Anna.


"Always Glen, always."

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"That must be why I love you so much...."


"No chance. i'm here for you and you only Anna."


Tikal lightly chuckled.

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"And I... I got these for you as well," said Skye, pointing towards the presents and blushing slightly.


"Don't let Melody and Skye hear you say that," laughed Anna. "And especially not Mom!"


Ziona smiled. "Hold that thought Glen. Alas we're on the job right now!"

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"Perhaps it was. But it's not like I had any other option, seeing as my partner is somewhere else."

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"I'm feeling kinda dizzy." Berry said.

Kayl looked at lucifer, "okay, ,eats get a fake gem and snap out of this place fast, once they execute lucifer there won't be a problem."

Berry looked down, "do you think we should leave him in this trouble?"

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"Your partner is away with her partner, eh?" smirked Miles.


"I'm not wanting this to lead to an execution," said Ziona.

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"This asshat spoiled my vacation . He can dies for all I care." Stated Glen.


"Don't worry about them. There is still enough room on my shoulders."Joked Locke.


"For me ? You shouldn't have skye..."It was tikal's turn to blush.

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"They're... they're only small things," said Skye handing them to Tikal.


"You might want to install a few chairs up here," joked Anna.


"Glen, calm down, please," begged Ziona.

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"He almost got you killed . I'm going to have difficulties forgiving him."


"Well then...." Tikal set off to open the presents .


"No, they'll be fine lile this."

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Ima go eat ah tree(spark said with a deranged voice then slowly crawled down the hall)

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The first present was simple, a large box of chocolates. The second was a book.

"It the first one in a series I thought you'd like. We can read it together, and if you like it we can get the rest."

The final, and smallest present, was a beautiful looking necklace. "I...uh... t-thought the stone m-matched your e-eyes," said Skye.


"If you're sure Daddy," said Anna smiling. She glanced at Spark. "What an odd guy."


"I don't even have a scratch Glen," pointed out Zonia.

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"He certainly tried to stop my execution." Berry said, rather sarcastically

"Not to forget he let me go so I can call for back-up, you seemed to have something on your mind, eh?"

"My father made me do all this, he is now no more, I don't really care, honestly." Lucifer commented.

Berry looked at him with sympathy, "I think execution will be too much..."

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"Yes. It's rather irritating I must say. Thankfully I won't be having any such complications. I'm here as a professional," stated Zamy.

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"It's not my world Zionna, I have no right to judge what's happenning. But I'll say one thing : he is not going to live with us." Said Glen.


"Try not to worry about him."Said locke."He'll survive."


"Awww skye...."Tikal started to blush even harder.

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"I don't think he will be living with us, Glen but I don't think he's at the point where he deserves to be executed. There are people who deserve it more..."

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Kayl and Berry looked at each other.

"There is a law if any valuable thing is stolen by a duo, one has to be banished and one sufferers mild punishment." Berry looked down, "I can take the blame too and..."

"What?" Max said, losing temper.

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Skye was blushing too. "Do y-you... Do you w-want me to h-help put it on?" he offered.


Miles couldn't help it and grinned. "You've jinxed it now. Now it's inevitable you'll meet someone who'll sweep you off your feet," he joked.


"I hope so Daddy," said Anna.


"Hmm, when I get the fake gem, I could pick up a small one use teleporter that Lawnmower can hide, then use to get out of his cell before being execute," offered Ziona

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"I would say 'if it does happen, shoot me', but that might be a little difficult," joked Zamy.

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"Berry, let's be real, do you think you'll live there after they don't even trust you. This will also save lucifer's life." Then she turned to Ziona, "don't ya think this will increase further fight?"

Lucifer looked at all of them, wondering if he deserves such concern.

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"You might need to ask someone else to comply with that. I'm not sure I could," laughed Miles.


Ziona shrugged. "It might. But it's either that or give yourselves up. Besides, they'll have their gem, so they should be actively hunting for you anymore."

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"Berry can take the blame and be banished and live with y'all." Kayl said

"Not them, I'll be a burden, I can live somewhere els-" Berry said

"Plus, they'll don't stop searching for people." Lucifer added.

"What is going on?" Max said, annoyed.

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Ziona looked at Max. "To be honest, I'm wondering the same thing. I've no idea how your justice system works."

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