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PS4 or Xbox One. Which did you buy? (or did you buy a Wii U)

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We all know that there's another topic about this debate, but that one was talking about the networks. I saw a video online saying that most of the launch titles for both suck, (check the reviews) which made me glad that I got a Wii U (I'm having a lot of fun with Super Mario 3D World). I heard that the other two consoles had problems playing games in full HD. But anyway, which console did you buy? I'd really like to see your opinions. (at least SM3DW ran in 1080p)

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I would so choose the Xbox One. I love playing Minecraft and I heard that the Xbox One version had bigger maps and other cool stuff. Plus I wonder what the games look like too. It sounds so awesome!!

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Fear the gaben....


But if the Ps4 actually get a ps2 emulator in software.... I guess I might actually try my luck with them.

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I got a Wii U, so i could get both versions of SLW, plus, i can get both versions of SSB4 :D

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I don't know why you would want Sonic Lost World? (Admitedly, I pre-ordered it but I didn't know how bad it was untill it was too late, I really anticipated that SLW would be one of the system sellers) But I got one for SM3DWand For SSB4, WITH FRIGGIN' MEGA MAN! But of course, I got the 3DS version. But I'm glad I got a WIi U.

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I'll be getting a PS4 whenever Kingdom Hearts 3 or Final Fantasy XV come out (and i'm sure as heck done with waiting for Last Guardian...*sniff*)...I hope there's a price drop by that point XD.

I did however buy a WiiU, what with Bayonetta 2, X, Donkey Kong, Wonderful 101, Mario 3D world, etc etc. I ended up getting one at boxing day.

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is a bloody GREAT game :D!!!

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I plan on getting a PS4 at some point after the second hardware revision. I'm not too keen on the XBox One and I just don't trust Microsoft all that much anymore, so I don't plan on getting one at the moment. I got a WiiU last year with LoZ Wind Waker and Monster Hunter 3U and I've been enjoying it.

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PS4 - Just say'n! Love the graphics and games! <3

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PS4 is generally preferred over people. But I won't blame anyone who chooses X-box one.

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I'd really want to buy PS4... but it's so expensive!! it's 400 € here! Dx so either my Christmas present: lots of money or PS4... (I mainly want it because Kingdom Hearts 3!!!! must get or I will die!!!)

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  On 12/1/2014 at 2:56 PM, Shinomi-chan said:

I'd really want to buy PS4... but it's so expensive!! it's 400 € here! Dx so either my Christmas present: lots of money or PS4... (I mainly want it because Kingdom Hearts 3!!!! must get or I will die!!!)

Basically my point, anyone who wants a console is cuz of the games in eet in the long run... I mean, I wouldn't call someone lame if they like Assassins Creed (Unity) a lot and they bet X box one cuz of it. It's not like it's TRASH.

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Or be like me and buy all of them! At least, that's what I did with most generations (e.g. Playstation 3 and Xbox 360). I already own a Wii U, though I'm not planning to get any of the others soon. Need a price drop, because there really isn't anything outstanding that I want. Besides, Tales of Zesteria will be on the PS3 anyways so I'm fine.

Seriously though, the moment a new generation Tales game will be announced, I will seriously wager if I get one or not. But until then, I'm settled.

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I'm typically a PC gamer ((who owns a Wii U and a 3DS :B )) but now that LBP3 is out, I might have to get my paws on a PS4. Not enough XBone exclusives that appeal to me.

Edited by tekkire

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I'm a big Nintendo gamer, but usually end up getting all the systems eventually. I enjoy collecting and have about every system since the Atari.

I love my Wii U and my 3DS is always in my pocket though!

Oh and I game on the PC some too. Not the best PC, but it can run most of today's games without too much trouble.

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I am a bit of a PC gamer (though my PCs a bit outdated), but I got a Wii U because it has more games at the moment that interest me rather than than PS4 or Xbox One (though Sunset Overdrive does look pretty cool & Bloodborne looks awesome), alongside the fact that it's cheaper overall.

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I finally got my very own Playstation 4 console!!! xD As a birthday present from my parents! Though I yet have to figure out few things can't wait to test it!

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I'm holding off from buying a new home console for a while, so I haven't gotten an XBox One, PS4 or Wii U yet, for the reason that none of the consoles really have given me reason to get them.

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I'm holding off on a PS4 as well, at least until I see some more games on it that I like. I have no intentions on getting an Xbox One whatsoever.


Wii U however? My brother gave one to me on Christmas. Along with Super Smash Bros., Super Mario 3D World, and Hyrule Warriors, and I LOVE every second of playing those games. ^_^

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I recently got a Wii U once I saw it had (and would have) games I wanted to play on it.  Boy, did it have a poor release though.  My game selection might be different from Jest's, but I echo his sentiments.


Neither the PS4 or xbox have any games that catch my eye, and those that do tend to end up on the PC anyway.

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I still have my 360, so I would have to choose the Xbox one.

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PS4, I am aiming for Dragon Quest Heroes and the future Jikkyō Powerful Pro titles. Japanese-only games seems not very common within Microsoft's consoles, so I have never bothered with XBox. I never like playing Western RPG and realistic FPS anyway.

Edited by arekpowalan

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