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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"We'll make sure of it."Added locke.


"Depend, what do we have?


"All we can do once again is waiting..."

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"Uh, quite a lot of choice," said Skye as he started rummaging through the cupboards. "Erm, Tikal... About what was said in the infirmary..."


"Did I miss anything?" asked Anna as she entered the infirmary.


Ziona carefully slipped her hand round Miles neck and sealed the clasp, but the fox didn't stir. Ziona then gave him a slight poke, but there was still no response. Starting to feel a little worried, she picked up his arm and felt for a pulse.

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"Yes, I think so," said Ziona standing up. "He's just dead to the world right now. Your trip outside must have been exhausting for him in his current state. Did you notice anything that could hint at what that horrible looking injection did to him?" asked Ziona as she left the cell.

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"The first probably led to the second. It might be something to do with them, or they might just be weak like it appeared his legs were," said Ziona.

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"Think that injection did something to his tails?" asked glen.




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Skye shuffled his feet awkwardly. "So, uh, yeah, I like experimenting with magic, and given transformation rituals are kinda a specialty of mine, yes, I like doing that too.... You must think I'm really weird..."


"It might have done. Or it just might have left him so weak that he can't move any of his limbs properly. I guess we won't know unless he's given a medical examination," said Ziona

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"No, not really but I can hope for it" Dylan then turned to Anna

"Yeah, Skye became embarrassed by what we were talking about and left. Tikal went with him. He seemed to feel we were judging him"

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"Yup..." stated glen."Let's hope we didn't make things worse for him..."


"Skye, I have been living in a giant emerald of pure energy for a thousand years. Weird is not part of my vocabulary."

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"I'm sure he'll get one when he gets to Jail, which reminds me: he menyioned he has an uncle who is something of an... I can't believe I'm saying this, evil wizard, who's obsessed with some destiny or other deterministic crap. We might want to remove him before even contemplating putting Miles in some sort of program."

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"Evil wizard? The only known wizards in our files goes by the name of Merlin. But he is said to have disappeared recently." spoke Glen."and we do have althair... but coming from the guardian's Lineage, he doesn't seem akin to do this kind of things."

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"Given they're his uncle there's no way they'd be related to any echidna. And while your version might have disappeared recently, that doesn't mean the one on Moebius has. Though luckily I do have an idea on how to get rid of him."

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"Well, last we knew, our Merlin seemed to have contact with the walker themselve.... Let's hope Miles's uncle doesn't have ascended that high."

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Skye laughed. "That's good to know, but you still seemed... uncomfortable about the whole thing," said Skye.


"What on Moebius were you talking about?" asked Anna, causing melody to grin.


"Just don't mention any of that destiny rubbish to some of our co-workers Zamy. Some of them believe in that stuff so much they might try and see it fulfilled themselves! And I doubt, if it is a Moebius version, that his is that powerful. Assuming there are even walkers on Moebius."

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"I'll keep that in mind. Once these two are processed I'll see what I can do about this 'wizard'."

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Hmmm, is this the kitchen? Ow will hello anybody home(he asks while walking in

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Skye jumped. "Oh, Hi Spark. Why is everyone scaring me today?"


"The Zone-Cops should really from a dedicated Anti-Magic unit," said Ziona.

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"We should, but that means money, time and manpower which our superiors aren't likely to give."

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"I never was , skye. I was just asking myself why everyone looked so upset about it."


"If we can't even trust your own allies..." said Glen, rolling his eyes.

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"I think most people were laughing at it. You sounded upset," said Skye


"Even moreso with the post-war rebuilding and still trying to finish No-Zone Jail from Scourges escape," replied Ziona to Zamy. "And we can trust them most of the time Glen. it's just that some of them can be a little... superstitious when it comes to destiny and that kinda malarkey. Especially the Captain."

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"I really feel safe knowing that the fate of the multiverse is protected by such professionals."


"I was upset about their reactions,not you."

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"It's fine Ziona, we just won't tell them about it. Shall I make the call then?"

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