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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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My house. Myself. I'd prefer to go alone

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"No you're not. Er, Commander this is Skye. I'm just helping him adjust to life in this Zone," said Shadow "Ah I see. I was worried for a second you had a son. Pleasure to meet you, Skye. Well now that's cleared up, I should get back to my office. Do enjoy the rest of your week." Tower then walked off again. "That was a close one," said Shadow.

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"No you won't. You are not going there alone. Or else I know you are going to do something stupid." Said Locke."So I'm coming with you."

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Nope, not this time. This is something I'm doing myself

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"H-he thought I w-was you s-son?" Skye repeated, his face twisted as he tried to hold in his laughter.


"I understand. But at least take a panic button with you in case the worst happened." Ziona sighed. "Here I am, dispensing tactical advice in pyjama's. Not very dignified."

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Fine. But I don't think I'll be using it. It's not like I'll be saying "look at me! Catch me and then kill me!"

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"You think you have bad? Look at me. My legs are the only thing you can see, as i'm faceplanted on the floor behind the freaking armchair. I'm not amused." Glen sighed."But Old man is right, You ain't going there alone." Suddenly glen got back on his feet and moved toward Dylan. "They are expecting you. They want you dead. YOU.WON'T. GO.THERE.ALONE."

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I. DON'T. CARE! You aren't convincing me to not go there alone. I'm going alone and no ones stopping me

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"AND I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH THIS HOUSE IS WORTHING FOR YOU. If you want to cry for it, you can do it later, when you'll be done with your thing. Beside, the one going with you can always wait outside." Said Glen.

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Shaking her head, Ziona went back to her room.

"I'll leave the boys to their discussion."

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Sh! You'll wake the others. The house itself isn't worth that much but there is some pretty important stuff. This is my thing and my thing only. So stop worrying about it and give up. I'm not backing down

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"you will be in danger and..." Locke put his hand on glen's shoulder, with a look that meant everything."Fine then."

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Glad we're done with this. Now, where's my teleporter? I just need that and im ready to go

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"It's in haven." Said Locke, you can have someone take you there, but then, it's on your own."

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Shadow looked very embaressed. "Well you see with the colours, and my unknown private life, that conclusion probably seemed possible, if incredibly unlikely. I don't even personally know any mongooses from this world to start with. And I'm not the type to go gallavanting around and have a child to begin with either."

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(Ooc: I'm laughing at the idea of shadow getting all the ladies in a club .)

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""Um, g-given your a H-hedgehog, and I-I'm a F-fox, w-wouldn't p-people assume t-that i-if I was y-your k-kid, t-the m-mother would b-be a Fox, n-not a Mongoose?"

(ooc: Oh my god, just thought while writing that: If it comes out that Skye is Tails' future kid, given Skye's current colouration, people might assume Tails does end up with Fiona in the future, not Mina! :blink: )

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(But that would count Melody out of the way . Unless .... Oh dear , anti Miles must be quite the womaniser .)

Locke took Glen alone in another Room. "Listen He won't go there alone . Spectre will be there the whole time . " Said Locke.

"And how? He is not exactly the kind of exhidna that can walk around without being seen, especially with that helmet of his ..." Said Glen.

"Spectre is one of the best chaos user of the brotherhood . His control over them does not allow a level of power equalising ixis magic obviously , but he can easily become invisible and teleport himself out of the way . He did it more than once when Haven and echidnapolis were under attack." Said Locke

"Well , If you trust him..."

"Glen , he is familly . Of course I trust Spectre.Especially with a matter as important as Dylan." Said Lcke."Now let's get back before Dylan get the wrong idea ."

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(ooc: Great)

*Waits for Glen and Locke to rejoin*

Okay, how am I meant to get there? Should I ask Ziona to take me there?

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Locle and glen came back ."How you ask? There are many ways . You can ask for zionna , or having me taking you there. But of course that would mean leaving Zionna and Glen alone . Maybe she should have asked shadow if she could come with him."Said Locke.

"And bringing even more trouble ? I bet many people would ask what the heck the look alike of a dangerous criminal is doing around these parts." Said Glen."But I'm sure Zet must worth it ."

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Crowley suddenly appeared outside his door. "I could take you to Haven if you wished. And I'd be back here in an instant to keep an eye on Glen."

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(Ooc: and everyone forgot about crowley.)

"what are you guys all implying ? I'm not going to do anything at all ! " said Glen.

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"Why are you all thinking that I mighttry to take a peek at Zionna when she'll be taking a shower ? I can wait at the beach for that." Said Glen.

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