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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hey Dylan. I trust you slept well?" said Shadow as Rouge came into the room. "Finally. I thought you'd never get ready."

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Locke eventually got in the main room, were everyone were discussing and enjoying the morning , as best as they could.

"Well, hello everyone."

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"M-morning Dad," greeted Skye as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "I-is it n-normal for e-everyone to be a-awake this early in t-this Zone?"

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I'm not from this zone don't forget. So perhaps this is a multi zone thing, waking up early. Except for the zone cops it seems. Where did you get that giant breakfast Skye? There's nothing like it in the fridge

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Skye looked confused. "W-why would there b-be a c-cooked breakfast i-in the f-fridge? I just o-ordered r-room service."

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I meant... never mind. It looks nice. Or at least I expect it looked nice before a lot of it was eaten

*Sits down*

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"It w-was, thanks. There's p-plenty of toast l-left if you want s-some."

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Nah, I'll get my own later. But thanks

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"It's not normal for anyone to wake up this early Skye. But I guess things are different while in vacation....." Said Locke.

"And I'm Ok with that. That just mean more day time for us.We'll still have time for oversleep, don't worry." Said Glen.

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Sleeping until now is a goodnights sleep in my book

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Dr.Finitevus finally catches up with the mysterious individual.

"I have a few questions for you,answer and you'll walk away in one piece."

"That's funny,let me show you my sense of humor." replies the mysterious stranger

The individual starts to attack.

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"8 to 10 hours of sleeps are good in my books too." Said Glen.

"Skye, how are you today? Appart from "hungry" of course." Said locke.

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Skye put down his coffee cup.

"A l-lot b-better thanks D-dad. And I d-don't know w-why I feel, er, f-felt so hungry. L-like I h-hadn't eaten in w-weeks. Oh, Dad, i-is it ok i-if I g-go to GUN with Shadow. I w-want to meet h-his f-friend there."

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"Hum..." Locke though." As long as you don't leave Shadow's side, that should be alright."

Locked then turned toward Shadow. "Until you two come back, Skye will be under your responsability. Is this ok shadow?"

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(ooc: Will this be the first time Skye and Melody have been separated since they joined up again?)

I hope you enjoy your time there

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"Yay! T-thank's Dad. Thank's U-uncle Shadow."

(ooc: It's only for a short while. What could possibly go wrong? P.s. Night everyone.)

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"my pleasure, skye."

(ooc: don't even think about it . and goodnight ^^)

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(ooc: Lots. Heh heh heh. Goodnight

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(ooc: Lots can go wrong. *Laughs creepily*. Goodnight. That's what I said)

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(Ooc: With what skye has in for us after these vacations , I'd like to stay as light hearted as possible ... seriously , I wonder how I'm going to pull most of the stunt he might throw at us)

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Skye put down the now empty coffee cup and pushed tyhe tray away. "That's m-me done now U-uncle Shadow. I'm r-ready to g-go."

(ooc: Why Locke, you make it sound like I have some evil scheme in mind.

And Shadow, I think we need to set up a situation for Skye to say 'uncle shadow' on front of Tower! :P )

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(ooc: what you told me is still in my archive . and when it will happen , Thing might change . a bit .not that much .)

"Well have a nice trip Skye, and don't forget to behave ." Locke said .

"I'm betting my non existant baseball cap that the zone cops are going to be mad if they get to learn that Skye got away for a few hours." Said Glen."

(Ooc: and red and Melody are still sleeping . that's adorable .)

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