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Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

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Starting off with the elephant in the room: the fact that apparently the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is canon now... Just think about that for a second.


THIS is Canon now...




And I don't think Flynn actually saw the episode either. Watch that first link, watch how the situation with Breezie ends. ...Guess she got over that, huh?


In regards to Breezie, I'll admit it: I was absolutely annoyed and flustered by Mammoth Mogul no longer being in charge of Casino Night Zone. Which made Breezie being so, rub me the wrong way. I was basically like "Who's this ***** who thinks she can take Mogul's place?" ...Then I saw her conversation with Eggman and in an instant, as she talked and the very instant she put the EGG EMPEROR on an unofficial hold to take care of business, ...I took back everything negative that I was going to say about her. In the blink of an eye, she went from being one of the possible entries on the characters I despise list, to quite possibly one of my favorite characters in this comic series. An intelligent business woman who does whatever it takes to get the money flowing, reminds me of my Brother in that regard, in a good way of course.


Then we have Honey the Cat. I admit, I kinda frowned at her having a more fashion-oriented typical girl personality. But on the other hand, This WAS how Honey was meant to be. Before she was a cat, she was an actual human character in the game that inspired Sonic the Fighter, Fighting Vipers. That Honey, like this one was focused on fashion and what have you. ...Kudos to Flynn for doing his homework on that one.


Now in Princess Sally's plan of the day: Unlike the other times where Sally's plans were basically face-palm inducing, this one...I would actually agree with under normal circumstances. However, the circumstances at hand is far from normal. With that said, I'm on Rotor's side for this one. Reputation is nice and all, but it doesn't mean anything if the world is destroyed as a result from it. When you have an emerald that can help save the world from doom, you can't leave that to chance of anyone else getting.


It's nice to see Team Hooligan back and ready for action, and I love that they're bringing Knuckles into this along with Chip and Espio. ...Hey wait a minute...











and possibly Metal Sonic?




...Oh my... O_O


But yeah, I'm really liking this so far overall. I'm really looking forward to these 4.



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Well, first in response to Jest...


Just cause Breezie is around, that doesn't necessarily mean AoStH is canon.  After-all, Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts were around pre-reboot, and it wasn't canon then!


And my own thoughts:



Considering nothing really happens in this issue, it's just introductions and setup, it's actually a great issue IMO.


Good to see the SSSSSS back in action... if you can call it that.  And nice that in the flashback, Sonic actually seems to be rather worried by the situation, just not letting Coconuts see it.  And the Description Box giving up and just going S6 was a nice gag.


Sally's plan.... well, Jest has already pointed out the flaws.  Though, had her previous plans not been so horrible, I think we'd have let this one go.  But, the smart decision would have been "Let's try and win it fair and square, BUT have a heist/snatch and grab plan ready in case something funny happens."  And I've gotta say, with Rotor acting as the pragmatic voice of reason, I might just start liking him as a character.


And of course, the big thing was the introduction of the new cast-members.


Again, Jest as already sung her prizes, and she is looking good.  No word yet whether she's a robot or not, but the conversation with Eggman did seem to hint at it.  Gotta wonder about her long term planning though.  Sure, Eggman is weak now, but if he manages to solidify his empire after the crisis...well...   Still, just talking down Eggman is pretty awesome, and Coconuts did look like he was enjoying cutting him off.


CNZ itself... I know they tried to make it look like the games, but on a comic it looks to.... busy.  Not from a crowd meaning, but form a drawing perspective.  It draws your eyes away from the actually actions in the panels.


And speaking of busy designs, Honey.  Okay, her original design was busy, but in combination with the CNZ background it really looks to much.  Elsewhere, I don't think it would be as bad.  Half to say, wasn't expecting her to be a fashion designer, but I'll roll with it.  Given her reaction to hearing the FF's need the emerald to save the world, I'd expect that even if the FF refused to help her advertise, she'd still give them it.  Unless she has some other plan in mind, and is now feeling torn.  And of the subject of using the FF to advertise... this might be an attempt to introduce some re-redesigns to the comic.  A way to try them out without annoying readers and finding out which are popular are not.


And Honey's comment to Tails about accessorizing... might we see him sporting a look like his Boom version?

*sudden shocked look*


Might this happen?:

Sonic: "I dunno!  All this tape all over the place?"

Honey: The Sports Tape look is in.  And it goes well with the scarf!"



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I've been waiting for this moment since I first heard about it... HONEY IS BACK!!! XD I've never actually played the game where she was in.. But I saw some pictures of her and screenshots from the actual game and she seemed so cool. I wish she'll be as cool in the comic world too (great that they already gave her a job too) and as for Breezie.. I don't know much about her other than what the comic just explained.. But I hope she'll be cool villain instead of those others who usually just end up destroying and ruining their own plans and bases.. (totally not referring to Scourge or "original" Eggman) So... I'm waiting for awesome story, cool new characters and of course action scenes~

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My review!


This comic! :o

I liked!


So let's get into details now, shall we. We start off with a flash back to early Sonic years, when he was short and fat and he didn't have green... oh wait... he does have green eyes. Why does he have green eyes? Has he always had green eyes now? Huh...


Anyways, so flashback to early Sonic years and he's fighting the redesigned coconuts. Sonic looks worried (at least to me). Maybe because Coconuts is actually a bigger threat than the terrible twosome which is Scratch and Grounder. Anyways, Sonic defeats Coconuts and heads over to “rescue” Breezie who are being held by Scratch and Grounder (at this point, I’d like to say even if they gave a redesign to everyone, the SSSSS squad are still the same. That pun from Scratch was the clincher for me). Sonic however, makes short work of those two robots and runs off to face Robotnik carrying Breezie. BACK TO THE PRESENT


The freedom fighters didn’t know about the past between those because Sonic is still a proud hedgehog and doesn’t want to share the times he was played as a “chump”. Doesn’t stop Amy being jealous though. Anyways… so we see Breezie is now a business woman (and woman of the year). She’s really made a name for herself it seems. And the media are on her side. Sorry Rotor, but I wouldn’t go for storming her place. Especially with all those badniks around. Right. I can see this is going to be long so I’m going to skip all the rubbish stuff and go straight to Breezie and… WHAT IS UP WITH YOUR FACE EGGMAN?


Seriously… if looks could kill… And what happened to Eggman’s eyes? Are they not black anymore? Is he… NORMAL? O_O So… yeah… Eggman is not used to not having his way by wither threatening, bribing or invading. None of which faze, in fact, she openly defies Eggman and ignores what he is saying… this is why Breezie has to be one of the most epic characters in the reboot at the moment. Okay… I’ll move onto to Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts and the mysterious person who joined the tournament….


I don’t like Scratch’s redesign… to me he just looks… old… And as for Grounder, I don’t know what’s happened to him. He looked like he has died on the job but no one has realised yet. Coconuts looks the cleanest of the three, but as the personal butler to Breezie, one would expect him to be. Guess this means he got his promotion that he was looking for this time… if being a butler means no cleaning toilets… hmm… And what of the mysterious new competitor who will give a better show? Who is this mysterious competitor and why is he so mysterious? Stay tuned to find out…


So Eggman has been hung up on… and of course he’s not happy about it. So who are you gonna call? The hooligans of course who… are doing something for free? O_o Did they mess up their job that badly? At least they’re still getting Eggman to pay for something. And so we move on to metal Sonic. Who is alive and assaulting that priest guy in Aptos. Poor guy. I don’t remember him knowing anything important when playing Sonic Unleashed. Bad metal Sonic! So… Eggman is calling him. Wants him to go to the tornament I’m guessing because Eggman is too lazy to do it himself. Anyway… Metal Sonic actually seems displeased to be leaving Mr Aptos Priest there. This one looks as though it COULD betray Eggman (Heroes arc! Heroes arc! Show us Metal Madness!) But it’s too early to judge. Especially considering he is likely to get destroyed before the tournament ends because battle with Sonic

Let’s now fast forward too… oh… the next page. <_< So Team Fighters arrive at the casino and are greeted by Breeze… two of them are at least. Tails is too busy looking weird and demanding his car is not scratched… Pretty sure he isn’t evemn allowed to drive it yet. And pretty sure he’d be able to make a better car by then. Dammit Tails stop having car vanity problems. And who is that creepy thing in the bottom right of the panel? It looks EVIIIILLLLLLLLLLL! *Ahem* He’s probably not important and just some random background character (who I shall name Rudolph because he has a shiny red nose and looks like he is pointing to it) the artist drew… but still THOSE TEETH! Let us move on from Rudolph now. I am done


Sonic is polite to Breezie… Tails and Amy are being focused ninjas. I guess given the place is run by old Badniks and robots they have all defeated during their time. Even Sonic seems to be a little worried. Right… Breezie. Breezie makes some rules. Sonic adds one (which I am ashamed to admit… I forgot his reasoning behind it until just now. :( ). Breezie doesn’t like. Sonic threatens. Breezie gives a face that comes only slightly under Eggman’s “if looks could kill” face and she agrees! (Darn. I wanted to see the werehog fight in the tournament). Oh well NEXT PAGE


… Darnit Tails! That’s what I said! And Amy! What kind of face is that? No! Nonono! You are not trying to top Breezie and Eggman! That face is just weird! You look like a monkey! Now… Enter Honey! And she’s dressed as Amy but with more accessories. Because Amy is wearing her line of clothes. Because she’s a fashion model. Okay. Please can we not have two Amys? I don’t want that. And if we do get two Amys, can they both face off each other in the ring to decide which is the best Amy? Probably won’t happen but I tried!


So yeah, Honey is a fashion designer who is… eager to please Amy by the looks of things. And Amy, are you PROMISING that Sally will help advertise those clothes? Um… not sure how Sally would react to that… O_o. Especially if she has to wear them. And whoever the other princess is too (do we know who she is? Am I just being thick?). So Honey is competing but she agrees to give the emerald over if she wins at a cost… the freedom fighters will promote her next line… O_O


Honey for the win guys! The freedom fighters shall accessorise! (Seriously though, I want Honey to win now just to see what the freedom fighters would be forced to wear. But of course since I’m pretty sure the freedom fighters won’t be going about wearing weird fashion stuff in future issues, I don’t see this happen *sad face*).


Now… ENTER HOOLIGANS! And… exit hooligans… Why is everyone doing such weird faces here? Bean I can understand but Nack… I’m not sure if I’m fond of this artwork. Right then… Baldy McNosehair is canon to Archie now. Because Bean is awesome. Yes Bean is always awesome so stop yelling at him Nack! You’re attracting attention to yourself and hats won’t help you now!


Oh! And here we have Espio! Yay! Of course he’d be here because Sonic Fighters! And we prove Espio is a gambler. THIS is why Vector always needs money. Because Espio goes out and gambles it all away. Darnit Espio! But yeah… Espio has added on someone else to the list! And it’s… Chip? O_O Chip is the mysteriously mysterious person? Uh……………… Is that wise? He’s Light Gaia, sure… but he’s kinda got amnesia! I guess we’ll see Chip win… wait… oh it’s just Knuckles. Sonic will kick his butt because Sonic always wins these things. Why? BECAUSE HE’S SONIC!


Overall, I really like this issue. It was a fun read and it actually surprised me. So yeah! Keep this up! Only flaw I see is the artwork is… odd… I like how Metal Sonic looks. And while I do like to poke fun at weirdly drawn Sonic faces, I’m not sure everyone would be so fond of them. So yeah… better art plz


Oh and before I go, I need to counter something



Starting off with the elephant in the room: the fact that apparently the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is canon now... Just think about that for a second.


THIS is Canon now...



AoSTH probably isn't canon. AoSTH must never be canon!


Sonic would die from Amy's hammers


This one especially! If Amy found out Sonic was married to Robotnik (and possibly still is)... need I say it?

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Dylan.. LOVE your review! :D So you named him Rudolph eh? xD cool... Also yeah... what's up with Sonic's eyes?? Weren't they originally brown??

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The problem with Sonic's eyes is a way of getting around Sega's newest set of rules.  You see, Sega said they don't want to see their characters age and that seems to include no classic versions of their characters, so to get around this problem they wrote the flashback as a vague "some time ago" and gave Sonic classic design green eyes and show buckles.  All in the pursuit of dodging one of many obstacles Sega throws at them nowadays, such as the One Metal Sonic mandate and the No Eggman Nega mandate.  Hope this will help ease confusion from now on.

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The problem with Sonic's eyes is a way of getting around Sega's newest set of rules.  You see, Sega said they don't want to see their characters age and that seems to include no classic versions of their characters, so to get around this problem they wrote the flashback as a vague "some time ago" and gave Sonic classic design green eyes and show buckles.  All in the pursuit of dodging one of many obstacles Sega throws at them nowadays, such as the One Metal Sonic mandate and the No Eggman Nega mandate.  Hope this will help ease confusion from now on.



No classic versions? But... Sonic Generations! He had black eyes in that! Does that not count now?

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But his eyes are supposed to be brown when it's about Classic Sonic Dx

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I guess Generations counts as an exception, but even then that was nearly four years ago.  This new rule came into play around the time the reboot came into effect.

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It because Sega had forbid Archie from using their classic design so get uses to see rage classic sonic fanboys and green eye classic sonic.

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The problem with Sonic's eyes is a way of getting around Sega's newest set of rules.  You see, Sega said they don't want to see their characters age and that seems to include no classic versions of their characters, so to get around this problem they wrote the flashback as a vague "some time ago" and gave Sonic classic design green eyes and show buckles.  All in the pursuit of dodging one of many obstacles Sega throws at them nowadays, such as the One Metal Sonic mandate and the No Eggman Nega mandate.  Hope this will help ease confusion from now on.


Everyone keeps talking about these rules from SEGA and such, but is there actually a source?

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If you look on Ian Flynn's personal forum, Bumbleking, you'll find all the confirmation you want.  He's pretty much confirmed and also explained what I said.

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Well I just believe if my friends say it's true... I heard from Dylan and I believe him.. Though it's sad... So many good things lost... Characters and moments..

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I read 269 and what I got to said it's very boring so breezie was just working for eggman not a robot made by eggman and after seeing that backstory I really hate breezie now.
Still don't like classic sonic with green eyes.
I guess what I trying to say is I'm starting to get bored with comics I guess.

Edited by Blue Comet

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I love how they turned they turn Honey go the issue 269 really !

I can't wait to see more of it now =D

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Honey's moves in the new comic were just pure awesome! Though poor Tails.. And Knuckles and Chip getting the Master Emerald piece back was so classy xD

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I read 269 and what I got to said it's very boring so breezie was just working for eggman not a robot made by eggman and after seeing that backstory I really hate breezie now.



Actually I can understand her. She said the he was comming up from the poor, Eggman raised her up and showed her the business and she built up the world she has now with her own power. I think her arrogance comes with beeing unreachable for other mobian creatures because she is ashamed of her life before. So she is not just an overflown character with no backgroundstory who is just bi*ching around on others.


This comic was a little bit boring, but I am so exited about the new comic. Can't wait to see the following actions on that cliffhanger. Praise yourself Sonic, Metal Sonic is comming!

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The ALL-NEW Sonic/Mega Man Crossover sequel explodes onto the shelves with "Worlds Unite" Part Three: It’s a cascade of cross-dimensional chaos! On Sonic’s World, the Freedom Fighters are battling with the terrifying arsenal of M’egga Man! On Mega Man’s World, the Robot Masters can’t keep up with the super speedy Sonic Man! Who can possibly save our heroes? The answer is sure to surprise you! After the history-making "WORLDS COLLIDE" crossover event, Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man unite once more—and this time Sonic Boom and Mega Man X are joining the fray! Featuring cover art from the legendary Patrick "SPAZ" Spaziante, villain variant by T.Rex and part 3 of the epic 12-part connecting variant cover series by artist Ben Bates!


Sonic Man in the cover! O_O And what's up with Megaman? I wish for more knowledge!


Oh and by the looks of things, They've kinda split it so it's normal Sonic and original Megaman together and Boom Sonic and Megaman X together and they join each other here. Might be wrong but that's what it looks like





I read 269 and what I got to said it's very boring

I enjoyed that issue. It's probably one of my favourites so far... <_<


And I like Breezie. I don't care she's not a robot. In fact I kinda prefer her not as a robot and I like her whole personality here better


Oh and the fight between Ban and Espio... that was beautiful! :D

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I loved the issue as well.

Bark vs Knuckles was my favorite fight.

I also enjoyed the Espio vs Bean fight.

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Good thing Knuckles won the fight against Bark.. But then again was there any doubt?

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There wasn't any doubt to any of the outcomes.  The fights were pretty predictable.  But really fun.

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Right with ya Skye :D But Honey looked so cute!! And Chip! :3 and Breezie.. I see potential villain..

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Me too Shadow is not amused xD

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Oh! I forgot! Did anyone else notice this guy in the comic?




Because I'm looking at him and I'm reminded of



Wes Weasley! Anyone else think the other guy is a redesign of him?

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