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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"If you need to talk or explain to him, do it here. It'll be easier on you," said Zamy.

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"Besides," added Miles, "all this talking off going into your head-space is just you avoiding the issue."

"N-no it's n-not," Skye tried to deny.

"You hold things against me that pale compared to what you've done. You forgive Anna and are able to live alongside her. Why?"

"Because... It's different for Anna than it is for you..."

"Why?" Miles asked again.

"She... she reminds me more of my sister than of my Mother," Skye admitted. Miles looked thoughtful for a moment.

"And something similar apply to me. You hate me, because I remind you of yourself Skye." It was a statement, not a question.

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"I'm sure he won't mind a picture of two. just don't make it a wallpaper ..."


"Any good ideas?"


"I'm sticking as close As I can to you, Zionna. at least, as legally close as possible."

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"I'll, uh, need to think about that...." said Melody.


"I won't, but I think I'll stick with regular size," said Anna.


"Don't worry Glen. I haven't taken out a restraining order on you!"

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"Then as decently as possible."joked Glen.


"Or a body pillow."Joked Locke. he secretly hoped that Anna wouldn't try and have body a body pillow of crowley... then again, his daughter's happyness before everything else.


"Now you got the time to think. Isn't that better than crying?"

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Skye was once again left speechless. He backed up until he was against the cell bars.


"It would be if I had been crying," said Melody.


"A... what?" asked Anna confused.

(ooc: No.)


"That's better. There are kids about after all!" joked Ziona.

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Kayl tried her best not to disturb Glen and Ziona's personal space, "oh wait." She said pointing to a rather lavish house, "there, the good thing is that they don't know you all, so you have this advantage." She looked again, "and I can tell you what NOT to do this time- but I assume you all go without me, where to start."

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"Wait... your not coming with us?"

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"Won't be safe to. But you guys need to know the dangers in there... we need a way..."

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To get inside safely undetected knocking out guards and still have the caution just in case if the people that are in their are civilians.

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"As far as I can think, I believe there would be no civilians there, but still be cautious. We need a mode of communication between us, cause there is no way I can go inside..."

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Dylan turned to Ziona

"Do have any more radios on you?"

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"Just one more needed," Kayl said, "I have this device I used to talk to Berry which can connect. I don't intent to take it off."

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"I think he hates you because you remind him of his abusive father..."


"Indeed. After all, I don't remember seeing you crying at all. You are a strong girl"


"I'm a respectable man after all." said Glen.

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"Do you know any way by which we can connect in Lucifer's... den... cause I can't go."

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"Well, I'll stay here since they know me, you guys have an advantage. But you should be told of all the dangers inside and other things. Lucifer isn't a good guy to deal with. How do I stay in contact with you. Oh, we're running out of time."


"Uh" Berry said softly, slowly gaining consciousness.

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"N-no Tikal, he's right," admitted Skye quietly, "or rather, you're both right." Skye looked at Miles expecting him to be smug at Skye's confession. Instead, he almost looked disappointed.


"Thank's Mom," said Melody. Unable to reach Red, she mimed a air hug.


When Locke didn't reply, Anna kept thinking about her room. "Can we get a carpet with a fallen leaf pattern, to keep up the autumn theme?"


"I've a spare radio here," said Ziona, then she put a kind hand on Kayl's shoulder. "Now, calm down, take a few deep breath, and tell us everything you can about what we can expect in that house. And don't worry, we are going to save your friend."

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"Hopefully... I have a bad feeling, Berry might be in trouble, bu-"

"okay, girl, calm dowm."

"Not much security inside, they have their guard down since Berry is in trouble right now, but let's not underestimate. One of you wear this radio and tell me the progress, I have been to the tip of the house, so I know the way. But what should we do with Lucian when we catch him?"


Max noticed Berry, "You alright."

Berry looked with tired eyes at Max, "hopefully this will end soon..."

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Kayl made a face since the least known person asked for it, "Fine, have it, listen to me at all times and provide me with all information I want, okay?"

"now, for a small plan, we go in, we get the gem, we get Lucian and come out. Settled?"

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"Ranged hug Melody." said Red as she mimicked a hug as well.


"Of course, no body pillow, a leaf pattern carpet, yes..... Go on dear."


Tikal sadly looked at Skye.


"That sound nasty."

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"Fine then, discuss something among yourself and tell me. It's a simple plan guys..."

(ooc: off for now, make a plan!)

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