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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye paused. He didn't care what happened to himself, but after what he'd done to Melody he didn't want anyone else to suffer the consequences.

"You wouldn't be blamed if you were incapacitated first, right?" asked Skye, still staring at Miles. Inside the cell, the fox was being to stir again.


"I know Mom. You're doing a great job," said Melody.


"I can think of several other negative words for it, but cheating didn't come to mind. But if you say so," replied Anna.


"Glen, please. Everyone's just gotten angry here. You need to calm down."

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"Of course I would be. That'd be letting my guard down. I'd have still failed, and the fact Ziona went off as well would get her reprimamded along with me."

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Skye shook his head. "No, NO! You're lying. You're trying to trick me. Trying to stop me doing what I have to."

Miles sleepy came round and glanced towards the cell doors. Seeing Skye he sat bolt upright and began shuffling backwards along the floor.

"I knew you cops couldn't be trusted," Miles exclaimed in panic. "You were planning to use him to kill me."

Skye snarled and tried to leap through the cell door bars, only...


Skye had wedged himself stuck between two bars.

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Whah, Skye (spark slides threw the doorway of the cell block.) hold on you got stuck between two bars that hilarious!(spark falls to the ground laughing at Skye because he got stuck between two bars.

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"Skye ! Calm down, please !"Miles suffered enough..."


Glen was slowly calming down, still looking angry.


"Thank you melody."


"None the less, let's let things happen as they should."

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"Oh please. If I wanted you dead Miles I'd have shot you and claimed you tried to escape," said Zamy as she went over to Skye. "Doing what you have to do? You're both the same, too incompetent to even finish your own goals. You've hurt just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman you keep missing the target," she said to him before stepping away. "You leave me with little choice now. It's clear you are unfit for a rehabilitative program. Perhaps jail will serve you better Skye," she said, only half bluffing.

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Kayl looked around from the kitchen door thinking, 'how the hell will THESE help Berry.' She sighed, entered in and said, "guys, the portal is ready. I have no problems with anyone coming and helping. But fighting would lead to nothing but Berry getting executed and Lucian winning. Is that what you'll want. I don't wanna know what happened while we were away. Really. But, right now there is an innocent who needs help." While saying, Kayl though, 'when did I become so... Wise?'

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(ooc: Given the distance between the cells and the kitchen I'm a little surprised Spark is there.)

"I'm not the same," protested Skye as he tried to wriggle free but couldn't. At the other end of the cell Miles had back up almost against the wall.

"You... you can't take me out of the p-program," stammered Skye when Zamy finished. He would have turned to face her but the bars made that impossible. "But...I... He... How can you say he's suffered Tikal? HE hasn't... suffered... at... all...." Skye's worlds trailed off as he noticed something off with Miles, then the detached tail still lying on the cell floor.


"No problem Mom. I've gotta cheer you up too!" said Melody.


"Okay Daddy," replied Anna


"C'mon Glen, we've got to help her," said Ziona.

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"Thanks for being with me there," Kayl then looked around at spark, "who is that yellow guy?"

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"Okay... so is Spark coming or not?"

(ooc: So has Spark left the kitchen or not?)

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"Yeah, his name is Spark. And you must be Kayl"

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"I'm Dylan and which fight do you mean"

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Skye looked between the severed tail and Miles, his mind flashing back to what Dream Scourge had done to him. For the first time, rather than seeing Miles as his father, he simple saw a scared looking boy. Skye shut his eyes and shook his head, sure it was a trick.

"Please don't take me out Zamy. I don't want you to suffer. I didn't want anyone to suffer," said Skye. He opened his eyes again, but Miles still looked scared.


"If you mean the argument?" said Ziona with a sigh. "Glen doesn't like Spark because Spark, not knowing his own strength, killed some of Glen's former compatriots. But as Glen used to work for the DEL... the argument got slightly tense."

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(Spark came walking back and said) I'm ready to go.

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"Glad to see you've started to talk sense, though it's a shame you lacked the forethought to see you couldn't fit through the bars."


Shadow had completed his examination of the cabin and found no evidence of a struggle or break in. His best guess is that whoever was here previously had simply got lost in the snow, making this whole exercise seemingly a waste of time. He set up a small laptop on the desk, hoping he'd be able to reach HQ and inform them of his findings.

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"So Spark's back and this portal we need to use is ready. Shall we go then?"

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"I used to be able to fit through that size of gap......" said Skye sounding embarrassed. "I guess hardly eating made me a bit thinner."


"I'm ready to go," said Ziona

(ooc: I'm going away soon and might not be back till very late, except for possibly a same point early evening. Just assume Ziona tags along with Glen.)

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(ooc: I've still got like 30 minutes! :P )

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"That is true. Now I just need to get you out without wrenching your arm out of its socket," said Zamy.

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Miles nervously came closer to the door.

"He's further though on this side. It might be easier if I pulled. Besides, I want to talk to you Skye," said Miles

"You... what?" Skye asked surprised.

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"If you're sure Miles. Just don't try and kill each other or I'll have to come in swinging."

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