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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Kayl didn't listen well, "We need to help them, fast. They used something on Berry and she fainted, if she doesn't wakes up on time, she'll be executed and." Kayl sighed and fell down.

"What is this place?"

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"But we have less time..." Kayl said hopelessly, "where are we...and where are rest...of the people."

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You don't understand the factor that everyone here doesn't fight Layose is way stronger in the real world then in my head and two the ones who can fight wont do any damage to him in his true form. If you guys plan on fighting him your going to have to get used to intensive transformations which means your going to have to get used to a certain animal and have complete control of it. And I'm going to have to train you guys if you want to help!

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"I think you underestimate us a little Spark. We've already been through plenty and I'm sure we can take care of this guy without the risk of going animal. I've already had that experience. It's not pleasant and I would prefer not to go through it all again"

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Dylan I know you guys are strong but I've fought him my hole life the only way I survive is turning into different transformations I'm being hunted predator vs prey I'm sure I know what I'm talking about and it's easy to find out what animal your destined to master.

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"No offense Spark," said Skye, "but if you've been fighting him your whole life this way and it's still a stalemate, maybe a different approach is called for?"


"I-I w-wan't crying," said Melody, wiping at her face. "I don't w-want people to w-worry about me."


"Yeah... I suppose I do need to get some 'stuff' to fill it..." said Anna looking around.


"We can ask for help, but we've had a... busy morning here, and some casualties. So we might be limited in who can come," said Ziona.



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"They will be executed! This is not a joke, we have to do something, now, firstly, find the gem." She said, stressed, then calmed herself, "We have a quickly go to Lucifer and get the gem from him..."

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It's been a stalemate because I was protecting someone the whole time and now I know how to defeat him I have to control my emotions to go into my full transformation it's easier for every other person to control one transformation but I have two because I have more then one mastered animal. If I use both at the sometime I can beat him. Oh and you can't control two animal transformations because every person is destined to have one exempt me!

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"Look, Spark. We have a range of people with different abilities here. I'm sure they can use it effectively against this Layose. They also can come up with different ideas about how to defeat him which maybe you haven't tried. Surely we should try to use their abilities, which we don't know if they work rather than go for the same thing you've tried and not gotten anywhere with?"

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Skye made a face. "Uh, destiny. I hate that thing..."


"Okay, we'll see who can go, but it might just be me and Glen," said Ziona.

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"Well, okay, but let's stay cautious. This... oh... I can't believe a week ago I was planning to have fun today..." Kayl complained.

"Okay, we'll take off in half an hour, I have to prepare this portal. And, we have only 24 hours till Berry get's executed."

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"In twenty four hours this lot could bring a world to it's knees," muttered Ziona. She hurried off, checking the kitchen.

"What is going on here?" she asked, somewhat confused.

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"A conversation regarding destiny apparently. And this evil guy called Layose may decide to attack us"

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Ziona cupped her head in her hands. "I need a drink," she muttered. Then she rose her head. "Right, well Kayl came back, and apparently her friend Berry is in danger of being executed somewhere. Anyone up for a daring rescue?"

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"I'd be up for it I guess. I'm sire most of us would be. But who's Kayl?"

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"I'll.. sit this one out," said Skye. "You've got good support here, and I should really be taking care of Melody."

"Do you remember Berry, the squirrel who showed up a while ago at the hotel? Kayl is her friend," Ziona explained.

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"Um... No. I might have been out at the time. Though come to think of it, I did see a squirrel at the hotel for a moment before i walked away. It might have been one of them. And Skye, it's your choice in this"

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"We know how strong you are melody..."


"I guess it'll be just the two of us, Zionna."


"We"ll find something to help you decorate it."

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"I'm... I'm not gonna mope about this like Skye would," said Melody determinedly.


"That'd be nice. Some bright colours maybe.... Hmm, is there some way we could find out how Melody would like her room designed without her realising? It'd be a nice surprise for her."


"What do you mean Glen? Spark and Dylan just said they'd come," said Ziona

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"Something tells me we'd be better if they stay...."


"Sometime, it's good to let it out.."


"Let's start with your room first."

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