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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah, yeah- the argument." Kayl opened her eyes wide when she heard the reasons, "not a very good time while we were away, either. I will not be burned by you, right?" she said looking at the guy, "ok, we should take off now" she said pointing at portal.

(occ:who plays lucifer?)

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"I'm not going to try and kill him," said Miles to Zamy, "and if you try anything, well, at least your already in a cell," he said to Skye as he took his arm.

"What do you want to talk about?" asked Skye shortly.

"Something I'm curious about. Why do you hate me?" asked Miles as he pulled Skye free of the bars and into the cell, sending him sprawling on the floor. "Or more accurately, why do you still hate me when it appears you've forgiven Mi... Anna and everyone else involved in your past... Or is it future?"


"Let's go everyone," said Ziona walking towards the portal.

(ooc: I can't, sorry)

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(Me) no thanks

Finally lets roll(says spark as walking towards the portal as well.

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Dylan followed the others

(ooc: Nah. You can play him if you want)

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(occ: Oh Darn, fine then)

Kayl opened a portal which opened up white light, " just one last rule, DON'T FIGHT." She said as she jumped in.

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"What, seriously?" asked Skye as he picked himself up. "That's what you want to ask me? What is it, feeling jealous that I haven't forgiven you?"

"No," Miles replied. "I want to understand you."

"Understand ME?" Skye shouted back.

"Why so surprised? Zamy already pointed out how similar we are, though in less than flattering terms."

"That's not true," objected Skye.

"I suppose not in a way. I put the lives of two people at risk to try and save Mina. You tried to wipe out an entire zone to save your sister. Sounds to me if there is someone here who should be hated..."


Ziona followed Kayl through the portal.

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"Here we go" Dylan said before going through the portal too

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Spark jumps into the portal with out any hesitation)

(Me) this reminds me of Digimon when they get transported to the digital world in the first and second season

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Glen stayed silent as he followed Zionna.


"Skye..." Muttured sadly tikal.


"Doing my best for my little melody."


"Anything else Anna?"

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Skye mouth flapped open and shut at Miles last point. He turned when he heard Tikal speak his name.

"Wh-what is it?" he asked.


"You're doing great Mom!"


"Hmm," pondered Anna. "Matching bed-sheets I guess. Maybe some nice wooden furniture. Oh, and ask Dylan if he can give me a copy of that photo he took of the family in the restaurant, when they gave me the cake? And, erm, maybe ask if he has a picture of Crowley too..." Anna looked at the ground and shuffled her feet at the final request.

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"Dylan took a lot of photo. i suggest you dedicate an entire wall for it, it'll be worthing it."


"How about we take care of your bedroom once we are done melody? Because now, I doubt we'll be able to go back to the hotel ..."


"Enough has been done from both party. Don't you all think it's time to stop the cycle of hatred?"

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"I do," said Miles, cause Skye shocked expression to become even more extreme.

"I can't just let it go. You have no idea what you've put me through," said Skye.

"Exactly. I don't know. I CAN'T know," pointed out Miles.

"Maybe... maybe you could..." said Skye, causing Miles to raise an eyebrow.

"I'm not going to have you beaming memories into my head," Miles objected.

"Actually, I was thinking maybe you should have a little trip inside mine, like I did with Spark this morning. I've someone chained up in there you might be interested in meeting."


"That would be nice... Except, well, amn't I gonna be stuck here for a few days?"


"Wouldn't a whole wall be rather excessive?" asked Anna blushing. "But maybe a whole wall for lots of photographs."

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Kayl looked at all, " So, I guess we all are up." Then she turned to look around, "Lucian's hideout must be here somewhere."

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"Oh no, the last thing we need is someone screwing around in either of your heads and pitentially bringing something back out."

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"Don't worry, my mind is more stable than it was. Or you could come with us to make sure nothing goes wrong," said Skye. Miles wore an expression somewhere between amusement, curiosity, and horror.


"Any clue where to start looking?" asked Ziona.

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"Fine. But... you do hold my place here in your hands... so I can't do anything unless you say so..." said Skye to Zamy.

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"East" Kayl said, "Let's head east, cautious and fast. Lucifer is... dangerous."

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"Your the one who knows where he's going. So we'll follow you"

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Ill follow but ill be ahead scouting in my liquad form

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Tikal said nothing...


"Just show us the way.." said Glen.


"we'll find something."


"Don't be so sure of that Anna."

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"Spark, I think it would be better if you stayed with us on this one. You don't know your way around"

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Kayl gave a spicy look to Spark, "now listen. I don't know what you are, why you are so very clumsy inspite of your strong powers, but I don't want you to create any kind of fuss. That said, don't use your ANY powers now. We need to be safe. And fast

" Kayl said as she went on.

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"I hope so," replied Melody.


"I still think it'd be to much. And if Crowley finds out he might push away," said Anna.


"For now it's best we follow Kayl's lead and stick together," said Ziona.

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