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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye sat down next to Tikal, looking a bit shaken.


"M-maybe... But I don't want people to worry or fuss over me. And I don't want them to see me upset, because that would upset them," said Melody.


"Okay Daddy, hmm, nice bright colours..."


"What makes you think that?" asked Ziona

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"This yellow fella over there.." said Glen."It'd be better if he stayed out of this one.. especially out of my line of sight..."


"You are saying non sense Melody."


"Go on, I'll make a list."


"Don't worry Skye, It's just a long day..."

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"Too long... and too much has happened. At least they've taken... HIM away now," said Skye slowly.


"Nonsense? What do you mean?" asked Melody.


"Hmm, pink? Nah, too garish? Green... nah, I'd feel sickly. Blue? Nooo... nonono! I know what I want! Let's give it a Autumnal forest colour. Oranges and yellows and reds!" said Anna excitedly.


"Oh boy..." breathed Ziona. "Spark, do you promise not to go around killing people this time, even if the do stand in our way?"

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I promise I won't kill anybody and also about that everything here is different then my world so I didn't know that people here couldn't handle fire like on my world.

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Tikal said Nothing about that, still trying to comfort Skye.




"We love you melody. Even if you didn't want us to, we'd be upset about you."

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Skye's head snapped up at Glen's shout. "Different Zone Glen. In his Zone people are fire proof."


"But I don't want you to be more upset by thinking that I'm upset," replied Melody


"Don't you like the idea?" asked Anna

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"Give him a break Glen, and stop acting like those soldiers were poor, innocent bystanders. They were part of the DEL, and chances are had a hand in that werehog scheme," said a holographic projection of Zamy which had just found the group.

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Geez I'll set this one out then.(Spark walks away back to the kitchen.

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"Spark, no. Your help would be great. Glen has just been a little on edge lately. And seeing some other DEL soldiers dead didn't really help. But you are powerful and you could really help us"

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"well, if they were, ZAMY, how about me ?" started Glen."I could easily be a part of it as well. I could easily just be sent here to spy you all . my love for Zionna could be a lie just for me to gain that extra second I need to shoot her when she start doubting about me....My friendly demanour, the time I spent getting friends... All of this could easily be nothing but a bunch of lies ready to jump on you all like a bunch of hungry wolve."


"I'm your mother Melody, It's normal to be Upset."


"I'm just taking notes, little moongoose number two."

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"I think the DEL has better things to do than spying on us," muttered Skye.

"Glen, you're getting too worked up again," said Ziona, trying to calm him down.


"But I don't want you to be," said Melody.


"Mongoose number two? Shouldn't I be number one because I'm older?" asked Anna with faux hurt voice and a wide grin.

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Alright I'll help but I need a basic routine of the place Barry is stuck in I guaranty it could be a quick operation.

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"Actually, it's Berry and we're all going. So the rest of us will take you there"

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"You cannot tell me what to do Melody. it's my job to do the contrary."


"How would you react if someone spat not on you, but the uniform of someone who not only worked but died alongside you?"asked Glen."If she find herself clever to bring back every fact, she might as well bring them all."


"You came later, you can't do much about it. Unless you and melody suddenly decided to switch bodies."

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"LOOK GLEN! IF YOU ARE SO UPSET ABOUT THEM DYING, THEN WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK AND JOIN THEM AGAIN? WOULD THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY?" Dylan was so annoyed with Glen at this point that he actually meant it

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Skye got up from the table and left to the infirmary.

Ziona stood in the middle, unsure what to say.


Melody smiled. "I know Mom. But as longs as I'm not spoiling anyone's happiness more than is reasonable."


Anna laughed. "Oh no, we won't be doing that... though...actually.... Would that... help her learn to walk faster once she's been heal? Being in a body almost like her's that can still walk and run... and it might be nice for her to have some freedom..." Anna didn't sound as if she was thrilled with the idea, but if it would help her sister...

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Listen Glen we can sidle this another time if y.ou were thinking strait you would notice that were losing time to save Berry.(said Spark with a adjatated look.

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"Sure , Good idea ! I could do that, and I would be shot right as I step in a base !!! " said Glen."Don't you realise THAT I CANNNOT COME BACK ? EVEN IF I WANTED TO. THERE IS NOTHING FOR ME THERE. I'M NOTHING BUT A MAN LIVING ON BORROWED TIME!!!THE ONLY THING I HAVE LEFT... the only thing I actually have is here Dylan...It's Zionna. Don't take that away from me as well..." Glen sounded more distraught than angry.


"You aren't spoiling anyone's happiness."


"I was joking Anna. you are not going to do this."

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On the way to the infirmary Skye paused, confused as to why Zamy was using a holo-projection. Curious, he set up his wrist computer to trace the signal, and was surprised to find it leading to the cell, where he headed.

"Zamy, what are you doing down he?" he asked as he arrived in the cell block.


"Thank's Mom. That's good to know."


"Okay Dad. I don't mind, but Melody might..." said Anna


"Please. Glen, Dylan. This is not the time to argue," pleaded Ziona, looking upset.

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Zamy turned to Skye, the action mimiced by her hologram before she switched it off.

"Skye? What are you doing here? I'm guarding a prisoner until they're fit for transport," she said.

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"I was just wondering why you were using a hologram. It seemed a little odd" said Skye pleasantly, then his smiled wavered slightly as he processed what Zamy said.

"We've still got a prisoner here? Who?" he glanced towards the cells. "...............HIM?"

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Zamy sighed. "Yes. He's not fit for processing yet. Robotnik's injection had some... interesting effects. But don't worry he'll be out of here before you know it."

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"I think I'll get him outta her even faster than that," said Skye as he made his well to the cell door. "And I'll show him some 'interesting' effects."

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Zamy put her hand on Skye's shoulder to stop him. "If I let you go in there and attack him, not only will you get hauled to Zone Jail, but I'll lose my job as well. Please, don't do this."

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Glen was still disraught by the situation, not sure if he really wanted to calm down.


"No Anna, We don't do this, that's cheating."


"I'm doing my best to cheer you up."

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