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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Shadow spotted a pack of werehogs coming towards them. He lead the others to a maintenance shaft and opened the door. "Red, climb up there. Crowley, go with her and keep her safe. I'm gonna deal with these. Don't worry, I'll be fine". When they were in he shut the door and carefully proceeded back down the corridor. "Ok Shadow, use your head and you'll be fine." he muttered to himself.

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"Humpf. This shadow,A real Gentleman. It's almost hurting. Do I look that harmless to you Crowley?"

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*You may look harmless my dear, but therein lies the beauty of it. That unexpected edge made you one of the best. It seems your looks even made Shadow forget you were an assassin once.*

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"Or maybe something else... I heard of someone. A bat I think. Just like me. Rouge was her name. Maybe...maybe he does have a likeness for her, and reflect it on me...."

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Melody screeched to a halt beside Dylan. "Heya. We need to borrow one of your fake Emerald's to power the Syphon... or was it the teleporter? Anyway, can we borrow one to save the worlds?"

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"What a nice girl, a bit on the hyper active side, but nothing too wrong I guess."

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"Sure. Over there are 3 emeralds. Leave the middle one because that's a real emerald from this zone and I'm currently using it to power my teleporter. I would not be talking to you if I wasn't using it. One either side there are two others. The one on the right is from the Sol zone and was given by Blaze, the one on the left is from the prime zone. I would suggest taking that one, but either one will do"

(ooc: I just realised I was still in werehog form. I completely forgot about it for a while there)

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Shadow ran over to the unconscious legionnaire and picked up the wrench. He then steadied his rifle on a crate and threw the wrench at the opposite wall. A werehog rushed over and was promptly shot down. Shadow then moved into a nearby airduct to avoid the pack, his plan being to pick them off one at a time, and then get out of sight. He counted 4 werehogs. "This shouldn't take long", he thought.

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(ooc: that make the situation even more awesome. I was about to use a werehog as a wrench. Now that's manliness!)

Red was more on the thinking side, now that she had to stay on point....

"It's funny Crowley.I wonder when was.... When was the last time we actually had the possibility to stop running around everyday, sitting down, and being able to talk to each other... It's almost like we have always been on the run, and suddenly, someone come and help us out. I still can't believe our luck... Do you think, we could actually have another chance at life, rather than a shot?"

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* I honestly can't remember myself. It was so long ago. And I think you're right. As soon as we're done with this, we'll finally have a chance to live our lives how we want. Or at least, you will. I'm afraid I'm ill suited to anything but being an assassin.*

Shadow decided to throw caution to the wind and opened up on the pack. He took out 2 but the others scattered. It seemed his gamble had paid off, but a quick magazine check revealed he only had 6 shots left. Not only would he have to hunt down the remaining werehogs, he'd also have to be 100% accurate.

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"Thank's Dylan! At least you won't need to worry about the speech thing when we're done." Melody sprinted off, grabbing the Prime Chaos Emerald on the way.

"Here we are Dad, one Chaos Emerald to save the world with!"

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(ooc: If we were still doing the challenge, you would have just lost it, Skye

And Locke, if you had tried to use a werehog as a wrench, that werehog would have given you a close up inspection for the nearest wall. Especially if you used me)

"No problem, Melody. No problem"

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(ooc: Oh yeah. And with only a week to go too. Huh.)

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(ooc: someone need to draw our adventure in a comic.)

"Thank you big girl. Now, I am almost done."


Red took crowley hand.

"No Crowley, you are wrong. Everyone get a chance at life, no matter how gloomy it was. Try it, at least for me. You know how much that would mean."

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"Thank you Crowley." Red gave him a genuine smile,One of the few she ever gave back in Moebius...

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Shadow found the first werehog rather easily. It was standing over a dead legionnaire, preparing to tuck in. Carefully getting as close as possible, Shadow pulled out his dart gun and shot it in the back. It immediately turned round to swipe him, but staggered and fell down unconscious. "1 more to go, and 6 shots to do it with. Piece of cake." Suddenly the final werehog smashed through the wall and into Shadow. He had fallen for its trap.

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"Hum. I Think it's time for Us to get in action. Shadow's radio seems to have a problem. Care to come with me?" As Red opened the door, making sure nobody was around.

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*If you insist. I'm sure he just dropped it or something. But I'll come with you seeing as you're going.* Meanwhile, Shadow was pinned to the ground by the werehog, desperately trying to reach either of his guns with one hand while keeping the werehog's jaws at bay with the other.

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"Beside, I hate waiting in dark and gloomy place, even if it's with you." Red and crowley followed Shadow's last position, and found some of the sleeping werehogs, along with some downed Guards....

"Dont...don't go....there...it's..dangerous..."

Red turned toward the talking guard. "Are you alright?"

"no..obviously... there is..are...way too many of these things around...How did they got in here? Are you..the ones responsible of this.... doesn't....matter..."

Red understood something. "You mean, you didn't know.? They were already there. They were being experimented on."

"What?" The guard looked shocked."We..were supposed to protect this place. It was supposed to be a simple coumpound...."

Red looked sad"It seems that the DEL is even lying to their own men... Shame."

She couldn't just bring herself to leave such a poor soul alone.

"Crowley, go help Shadow. I'll take care of him. Ok?"

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*Very well. Keep an ear out for trouble. I'll be quick.* Crowley ran down the corridor and came across Shadow, who promptly shouted "Shoot it!". Crowley then picked up the dart gun and shot the werehog, which collapsed on top of Shadow. "Get off me you freak" he said as he pushed it off, panting. "Thanks for the save Crowley. Where's Red?" *She's tending to a guard. Turns out they didn't even know what was going on here.* "Ah hell what have I done? ", he replied as he got up and collected his gear, looking at the bodies of guards strewn across the room. *You didn't know that Shadow, and besides, it had to be done or the whole world would have been doomed.* Crowley then lead Shadow back to Red.

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"There you are. Why the grim face Shadow ? Tell me you listened to locke when he told you "no killing". "

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"I never directly killed anyone here. The werehogs, well let's just say they didn't have such restraint. From the looks of it most of the guards will live. The hogs battered them but because of the constant firefights they never had a chance to feed or get their claws out, most of the injuries look like blunt force trauma. It seems some of the last guys, however, weren't so lucky. How's he doing?", he asked as he pointed at the guard.

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"Oh goody. I'm pretty sure he'll be fine."

The guard answer with a painful groan. "Who are you really people? I mean, there is nothing of value there... well, there wasn't, until you got me thinking... Now , I'll have to be on the run... Would you happen to know a nice place where I could hang out for a while?"

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"Nope. Nowhere safe around here til dawn. And even then I can't imagine your superiors just letting you walk out of here."

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