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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Miles laughed. "Carrying a balloon all the time might make you lose the 'normal' title! Unless you suddenly became a decade younger!"


"Right, hold on girls. Glen, you coming as well?" asked Ziona

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"A monthly 'I'm normal' party?" suggested Miles

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Tikal chuckled lightly


Locke kneeled down"go on then."


Glen was looking on the side.

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Skye smiled. "It good to see you so upbeat," he said happily.

"Thank's Skye.. And don't you worry or brood about anything, okay," said Melody as he she gave him a hug, her emphasis on 'anything' making clear she meant her current predicament. "Now, take your girlfriend and go and have some fun. Just 'cause I'm cooped up here you shouldn't be."


Anna moved over to Locke and carefully tried to climb onto his back.


"Glen? Are you wanting to come back to Haven?" asked Ziona again.

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"I'll head there now. Thank you for the information," said Crowley.

"No problem. Good luck with it," replied Zamy as Crowley teleported out of the room.

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"I'd forgotten he was there!" admitted Miles.

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"Oh! We did kind of go of topic, didn't we?" said Miles

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"Just a little."


On Moebius, Crowley appeared in front of an imposing castle. It seemed Alicia had moved in early. Navigating his way through a maze of corridors, he found his present self leaning against a door.

"Another imposter this week? It's worse than I thought," he said, not moving an inch.

"Not quite. Put bluntly I'm a future version of yourself Shadow. And I'm here to enlist your help on an.... errand."

The present Crowley thought for a moment. It wouldn't have been the strangest thing to happen. "What is the job, and what is the payment?"

"The job is to kill a wizard, the payment is up to you."

"Very well. I shall hold you to that," replied the present one before they left for the region Zamy and Miles showed them.


Shadow finished reading the journal and brought out a map. The previous occupants were researching something just north of the cabin, further up the mountain. Reluctantly, he left the warmth of the inside and raced towards the research site.

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"I guess I'm just trying to keep my mind off... stuff."

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"It's been an... unexpected week," said Miles

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Miles gave a forced laugh. "So I imagine."

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"For you, maybe," said Miles

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"Well from the looks of things it might be for you too. You aren't likely to go to jail."

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"That doesn't mean it's going to be easy," pointed out Miles.

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"Okay, as long as you two also have a way of getting back," said Ziona.

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"I know, but I still need to come to terms with... loose a key part of me," said Miles as he glanced at the tail still lying on the ground. "And you're still planing on fitting me with that magic draining amulet, aren't you?"

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