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  1. So we know the title (Sonic Prime), we know it's supposed to be released this year, 2022 (if it's not delayed or downright CANCELLED, since Netflix isn't going through its best moment), and now we also know how the main character will look (and sound, new voice actor apparently):    Aaaaaand we've known the synopsis from quite some time: "Sonic will be thrusted into a high-speed adventure, through the strange and mysterious Shatterverse. It's up to Sonic to save the universe and along the way experience moments of self-discovery and redemption."   Sonic Prime is a thing that exists. Now we know it does. It's real. What do you think?
  2. Oh, Twitter, what a place... A social network that has made Sonic more relevant due to memes, interaction with fans and, in general, a great community managing team that has reshaped the hedgehog's identity between general audiences and fans alike. But not every single relevant tweet has come from the Sonic official account.  Oh, no, this time, it's a streaming service account the one that has made the Sonic fanbase go wild: Yes, NETFLIX no less tweeted this a few days back... and deleted it shortly after. "A new 3D animated series from Sega, WildBrain (the studio behind the latest incarnation of Carmen Sandiego, Max Steel or Megaman: Fully Charged) and Man of Action Entertainment (creators of Ben 10, Generator Rex, some Marvel animated shows and... also Megaman: Fully Charged?)". That's all the info we have so far. So, dare to speculate? What do you think this show will be like in terms of tone, aesthetic or plot? What would you like to see? Game adaptations? A brand new story? Short episodes focused on comedy? A parody? A children's reinterpretation? A movie tie-in? Read ya!
  3. What is Your Favorite Game?

    My Favorite game is sonic and samurai showdown. I like Sonic games. As I was in 1990's Sonic was most popular game  AND What is your Favorite game?   ________________________ https://tattoodesigns123.org/samurai-tattoos/
  4. Babylons: Book 1

    Authors note: Allen is not my character, she is a character made by Gloria (Rondineviola). I have gotten her permission to use her character in this story.   The south Pacific holds something that not many people know about. Something that’s not on any map made at the time and something that very few know about. It’s not a sea creature, or a giant underwater portal, but an island. Kokko island finds itself being nothing more than a speak in the large South Pacific Ocean. The island had a main land, and then some off shore places. The main land held things like mountains and caves, even a river while the off shore area held little to nothing exciting. As stated before, not many people knew about this island, and the few that did keep it a secret. The island to them was like the ultimate resort, nobody knew about it, and for the most part it was free to go there. Of the few people who knew about this island was a side kick of a blue hedgehog, Tails the fox. As fun as it was to tag along with Sonic, Tails thought it would be best to take a break. Sonic did seem somewhat annoyed that the four year old tagged along with him, and kept following him everywhere he went. With his plan Tails flew back to the island he was very fond of… Up on Polly Mountain, there was a group of birds that lived there. Polly mountain was a popular place for these birds, as they felt it was a nice area where they could land and relax before taking off to wherever else they wanted to go, or simply stay. After all, the island was in the perfect spot, it was always warm and barely any storm clouds came near the area. While most came in groups, one came alone…this one being a bird named Allen. Dispute the name, Allen was a female, at the same age of Tails Allen really didn’t know much about her past, let alone how she got on the island. All that was known about Allen to the other birds was that she didn’t exactly have a clean slate. Things would go missing in the birds pockets, food would be there one second, and then gone the next. Any kid that messed with her would also get a rude awakening as well. Her days may have been full of goofing off and stealing things, but little did she know she was going to be a part of an adventure in the future…   Tails didn’t really travel far on Kokko Island. Besides the bullies and people who would call him a freak over his two tails, he had everything he needed in the house he made for himself. It wasn’t big and it wasn’t much, but it would be wear Tails would build inventions and work on things. It was a hobby of his. Tails pulled up a chair and began working on his robot dog he nicknamed t-pup. “Who needs friends when I can make one?” he said to himself. Meanwhile up Polly mountain, Allen’s days of stealing things were about to finally catch up to her. While lying against a tree, she heard footsteps approaching her.  In front of her stood 3 very unhappy birds. Allen only opened one eye to look at them, before closing them again. “How may I help you boys?” she said in a snarky tone. “Yeah, we’d like our stuff back…” one of the birds, an eagle, said while stepping closer to Allen. Allen responded back with a short “ha”. “What makes you goons think that I would give you guys you’re stuff back…let alone the fact that I have it?” The eagle picked up Allen by the collar and pulled her close to his face. “Whoa, whoa, whoa now buddy, you wouldn’t hit a girl would you?” “Funny, seeing as you have a boy’s name…” said one of the other birds, a blue hawk. “Now, now, we can settle things peacefully…” Allen said, before poking the eagle in the eye and running off. “Yo ed! You ok?” the pigeon bird said. “What the hell do you think? GET HER!” Allen ran as fast as her little legs could carry her as she heard the footsteps of the birds behind her. It didn’t help that these boys were older than her. Allen found herself rolling down the hill before landing near a house. Not wasting any time, Allen quickly got into the house. Dispute Tails being in the house at the moment, he was asleep, curled up on a ball on the couch, exhausted from all the work he did working on inventions. It did drain a lot out of him. “Where’d she go?” Ed asked. “I don’t know, you think she might have gone into that house?” the pigeon responded. “Probably…I don’t even know who the hell would live down here…” “What if it’s some creepy old dude?” “Shut it Pete.” The two looked around the house, before hearing something off in the distance. “That must be her…” The trio left, going off into the direction that the sound came from, completely ignoring and not even looking further into the open window that Allen got into. Allen whipped the sweat from her forehead and decided to take a look around the house. “I mind as well call this place home…no way are those 3 goanna let me back up to Polly Mountain in piece…” While exploring the house however, Allen found out that she wasn’t the only one here. Allen almost jumped and let out a scream as she saw Tails on the couch, curled up sleeping. Looking longer caused her panic to turn into awe as she approached the sleeping fox. She couldn’t help but find it cute how Tails was curled up in a ball sleeping. He looked so peaceful. Allen carefully started petting the fox, almost as if he was a dog or cat. Tails seemed to not mind at all, smiling in his sleep as he was getting pet. “This fox kid is cute…really cute…” she thought to herself. After petting Tails for a while, Allen looked outside of the house. The area around it wasn’t that bad, a bit better than the rocky hills of Polly Mountain. “Sorry Polly Mountain, but I think I’ll be sticking to this place from now on…” Allen said to herself.   Tails awoke from his slumber before the sun rose. He looked around to find that it was a sort of dark blue outside. “Mmmmh, man…working really drains me…” he said to himself. He got up and stretched before going outside to catch some fresh air, and splash some water on his face. On his way out, he spotted Allen, who was up against a tree asleep. Tails went over to tap Allen on the shoulder. “hmm…” “Hey…you ok?” Allen opened her eyes and almost jumped as she saw who stood before her. “OH…oh…uh…hi…” she said awkwardly. “Ummm…hey, what’s your name?” Tails asked. “Allen…” “Allen? Isn’t that a boy’s name?” “So? You have a problem with that!” Allen said, jumping to her feet and getting in Tails face. “Oh…no, no, I like it.” Tails said. Allen blushed a bit at the statement. “Um…well, thanks…” she said. “You’re welcome…” “Uh…by the way, do you mind if I stay here? I’m sort of in some hot water at my home.” “Where is your home?” “Just up the mountain. I live around Polly Mountain. How I got there I don’t know, I just know that I’ve been there since and have…well, sort of gotten myself into some trouble.” “What kind of trouble?” Tails said, cocking his head to the side a bit. “Nothing really bad…just…stole some stuff…” Tails gave a bit of a disapproving look at Allen. Before things could get awkward, Allen quickly changed the topic. “Have you been here your whole life?” “Well yeah, sort of…this is sort of a vacation spot for me. I arrived here after helping my pal Sonic defeat this evil guy named Doctor Robotnik.” “Really?” Tails nodded. “Lucky fox, he’s gone on an awesome adventure beating up some guy with his friend and I was stuck here doing nothing but steal from the other idiots on this island.” Allen thought to herself. “Anyway…I was goanna go near the stream and wash my face off, you want to come with me?” “Sure…” And with that, the two new friends made their way to the lake, both feeling a bit more positive after meeting one another. On board a giant ship, sat the Grand battle Kukku. The bird sat at his chair thinking to himself. He was deep in thought, with himself. “What seems to be the problem?” one of the battle Kukku birds asked. “The problem is trying to find the chaos emeralds!” the grand said, slamming his fist down. “These things are something I desire greatly! Imagine how much more powerful we would be if we were able to get all of them!” “I think I know where there’s at least one of them…” The grand turned around to face Dr. Fukurokov. Grand wasn’t exactly pleased to see the mad scientist. He was just that, mad, and the Grand didn’t have time for the scientist crazy idea’s. “What now…” Grand battle kukku said in an annoyed voice. “I believe I found one of the 7 chaos emeralds. It’s on an island, a small little island known as Cocoa Island. I’ve done my research of locations of the emerald, and this place is where it should be. I’m almost certain!” “Alright…we’ll go there…but I’m warning you right now if we don’t find anything…you’re done for.” The grand said, pulling the doctor closer as he did. “Understood?” “Yes sir…” “Good…” The grand battle kukku ordered the ship to fly towards the island. Dispute her attitude at times, Tails and Allen seemed to get along really well. Tails and her would explore the other parts of the island, while trying to avoid the bullies. Allen would head up to Polly Mountain only with Tails as his sort of protective person, although most of the time it doesn’t work out for her. Things were going smoothly until Tails saw a giant ship coming towards the island. This caught him and Allen off guard. “What the heck?” Allen said. “That’s one big ship…” The two watched as the ship landed near the island, just off the coast of it. “I got a bad feeling about that ship…” Tails said. Tails feeling was right. As soon as the ship landed, the Kukku army got out and started charging towards the island. “I want that island searched inside and out! I don’t care what you have to do or what you have to destroy! Find me the chaos emerald that’s allegedly on this island!” Grand battle Kukku gave a cold glance back at the scientist as he said allegedly.  Dr. Fukurokov gave a nervous smile as he saw the Grand Battle Kukku look at him. The Kukku army birds swam towards the island, and once on it, started throwing bombs everywhere. “What the heck was that?” Allen said, looking around panicking. “I don’t know, sounded like an explosion!” The army continued to throw bombs, looking all around at the holes they made to see if there were any chaos emeralds underneath. “You guys find anything?” one of the birds said. “Nope…” “Keep looking!” Tails started flying up to the sky before Allen stopped him. “Tails what are you doing?” “I’m going to check out whatever that noise is!” “What? Are you crazy?” “I’m sorry Allen, but I need to protect this island. It’s like a second home to me.” With that, Tails flew off, leaving Allen looking up at him worried. “That fool!” she said to herself, before chasing after him. Tails saw from above the birds that were throwing bombs all around the island, followed up by them searching the ground. “What the heck are they doing?” Tails said to himself. He continued to follow the birds around until they reached near the lake. “You think one of the chaos emeralds would be in the lake?” one of the birds asked. “Well, there’s only one way to find out…” “Oh no…” Tails thought to himself. Before one of the birds could drop the bomb, Tails quickly swooped down and grabbed it, before dropping it down on the army birds, sending them flying. “What the hell!” said one of the battle kukku birds. “Who the heck do you think you are throwing that bomb at us!” “My name is Miles Tails Prowler, and I’m not going to let you destroy my island…” “We’ll just see about that!” One of the birds grabbed a bomb and tried throwing it at Tails, only for Tails to catch it and throw it back at him, causing him to jump out of the way, almost being hit by the bomb. Allen watched on threw some bushes, impressed that the two tailed fox (about her age), was standing up to the army of birds. “Wow…” was all she could say. Tails flew away causing the birds to chase after him. “Get back here you little brat! Nobody bombs us and gets away with it!”   One of the army birds slowly got up in a cave, holding his head. “Erm…damn that stupid fox. The Grand Kukku is going to kill us if we continue to get are butts kicked by that little twat!” The bird looked around, trying to figure out where he was when he saw something shinning nearby. Grabbing his attention, the bird quickly ran towards it. “Please be what I think you are…please be what I think you are…” the bird said running over to it quickly. He quickly grabbed it and indeed, it was what he thought it was: a chaos emerald. “Yes…Yes!” he shouted, echoing in the cave. The bird quickly stumbled out of the cave and looked around. “Finally…a chance for me to gain some recognition and fame from the other bird brains!” Just as he was about to take off, Speedy flew down and grabbed the emerald. “Hey!” the bird shouted up. “I found it first!” Speedy just stuck his tongue out and flew off back to the ship.   Allen ran around the island looking for Tails. She looked up in the sky and around her. “Tails! Tails where are you!” She shouted, looking around quiet franticly. She finally saw him up on a tree. “Come on you freak! Come down and face us!” “Make me!” Tails said, crossing his arms, sitting on top of the tree. Just as one of the birds was going to throw a bomb up, the sound of a plan from up above could be heard. Tails looked up and saw the giant Battle Kukku ship. “What the…” “It’s the ship, looks like we gotta get back!” said one of the birds. Before flying up the bird threw the bomb at Tails, just in time as it caused him to fall down from the tree. “TAILS!” Allen ran towards where Tails was, but before she could get there, the gust of wind knocked her back into the ocean. “Help!” she shouted as she tried to stay above the water. Every time she popped up she would see the ship take off and the island get further and further away. The tide was too strong… “Leave it to my son to find the chaos emerald while all you idiots goof around!” the battle kukku shouted at his army. “But-“ spoke up the army bird who originally found it. “NO BUTS! As disappointed in you guys as I am, I am glad to have this emerald…” he said, putting it in his hand and looking at it with a wide smile. “I can feel the power from the emerald in my hand…”             
  5. Archie Sonic Online

    Hello everyone!  You can call me SonicWindAttack, and as my first post here I wanted to share a huge project that I've been a part of for a while.  That project is Archie Sonic Online, a fan-driven continuation of the old universe of the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics, aka the Pre-Super Genesis Wave timeline.  Since I remember this website used to share the Archie Sonic comics online for free, I thought this might be a good place to spread the word about it.  We're a non-profit group dedicated to continuing the story of Archie Sonic before the 2013 reboot, by making an independent comic series not associated with Archie Comics, SEGA, Sonic Team, or any of the used element's creators.  Our current plan is to wrap up the storylines involving Mecha Sally and King Naugus, then continue with our own original story ideas from that point onward.  We currently have 4 separate comics in production: 1. Mobius Legends, a collection of non-canon test stories in order to train the writers and artists for the real deal. 2. Sonic the Hedgehog Online, our continuation of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" comic series, starting from issue 248 onward.  We'll be picking up from the end of #247, minus the Genesis Wave, and continue the story from there. 3. Sonic Universe Online, our continuation of the "Sonic Universe" comic series, starting from issue 50 onward (the original Sonic Universe #50 involving Shard and Metal Sonic will be retconned for our version of the story).  We will start off with a conclusion to the "Sonic Underground" series as was the original intention for the official comic, then start a new arc starring Bunnie D'Coolette and work from there. 4. Knuckles: Endangered Species, a rewrite of the original "Endangered Species" arc in the official Sonic comics.  Due to legal issues, the original arc was forced to be heavily edited, much to the dismay of many fans.  So we are going to be making our own version, replacing issues 244-246 of the official comic (#243 will not be rewritten as it was not heavily affected by the aforementioned legal issues) for our project.  We plan to include all of the characters that were forced to be written out of the original arc, and deliver a much more satisfying conclusion to the story.  This may or may not lead to more Knuckles miniseries in the future, nothing is set in stone yet. In order to accomplish these daunting tasks, we have assembled a team of talented writers and artists to work on these stories.  They will be made like an official comic, with our scripts first being written and edited, then penciled, inked, colored and lettered.  This is obviously a time-consuming process, but it is our hope that it will be worth the wait.  As one of the writers for the project, I can safely say we have some very cool stuff planned, and am looking forward to showing it off to the public.  It should be stressed that this project is not being made out of spite for the reboot of the official comic, we just want to be able to continue a story that we feel wasn't given a proper conclusion.  We currently have two issues of Mobius Legends finished, with a third one soon on the way, and we're also fairly close to finishing StHO #248.  You can check out everything we have over at our website, http://archiesoniconline.com/.  I'll wrap this up with a sneak peek of the cover for 248: Thanks for listening, and happy reading!
  6. What if the comics continued?

    While I'm not the biggest fan of the reboot, I do like the concept of the new world that was made. Don't get me wrong, I miss the old Archie characters, but sometimes more is less. With that said, what are some things that you would have liked to see if the comic still continued.  Right off the bat I feel having the comic go to 1 story per issue instead of 2 would have drawn me back in, as having 2 stories felt distracting and like too much was going on. Story wise I would like to see Tails and Sonar (the green fox) interact with each other. Shipping aside I feel the two would just have good "work together" chemistry, and I'd like to see her be a part of Tails sky force team.
  7. What makes Sonic 'Sonic'

    Inspired by Frostryu's topic on Antoine, today I would to talk about Sonic, particularly, how he is being considered "The Hero of Mobius" in Sonic Archie comics. We know a hero is a person who achieves great things. In case of Sonic, he is one of the few mobians who have special talents powerful enough to wipe the floor with Dr. Robotnik's army and to fight Robotnik himself one-on-one, even killing him off at one point. However, in the comic book world, classical heroes like Superman and Batman need to showcase other dominant traits other than "beating up bad guys" to make them legitimate heroes. For examples, Superman is known mostly his idealism, compassion and down-to-earth personality and Batman is known for his intelligence, determination and his overwhelming desire for justice. Sonic Archie has over 280 issues, and like Superman and Batman, I believe there's a reason behind this success aside from Sonic being a mascot character.  What I would like to ask you is simple: describe how you feel about Sonic of the Archie comics. Discuss how Sonic in your opinion has proven himself as a good or bad protagonist, what we like or dislike about him, and ultimately what makes him a unique hero. In addition, if you write or draw him, in what angle you would like to express or explore him. Here's my opinion for the starter:
  8. Although the fans of Shard the Metal Sonic may be very vocal, there aren't nearly as many as I would hope, so fanart of Shard is pretty scarce. I decided to dedicate my time playing Minecraft to Shard, but there were no good Shard skins. So, I made my own. It's not perfect, especially in the shading department, but I figured I'd share it here anyways. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/shard-the-metal-sonic-3877283/
  9. Sonic the hedgehog timeline (comic)

    So i am trying to figure out the timeline and the order of reading the comics since alot of them mostly the early issues have come back out in a release. While I havent followed in a few years i have gotten back into wanting to read the series. I know theres some isse with having to get some other issues that are yet to be released, but what is the exact timeline of events that happens?    It seems now with the special im reading theres now a pre something timeline a future timeline and the sonic universe timeline in the far far future. It isnt making much sense but the only one I can tell that is in its own is the sonic boom timeline. Any help regarding this and where some of the new characters like nicole came from? Thanks. 
  10. What do you guys think has been some of the best we've seen of Sonic this year, along with some of the worst? For me, the best news includes Sonic 2017 and mania.   The worst comes from things mostly because of the fan base, the bad side at least. I don't mean to harp on them all the time, but when a fan base makes fun of a cancer survivor and causes drama every other week, you will have problems...
  11. Lady Alison (OC)

        [BIO]   "Lady Alison is the "fraternal" twin sister of Queen Aleena of the kingdom of Mobodoon.   Alison is (in many ways) the polar opposite of her sister in personality, behavior and beliefs.   unlike Aleena, who treats everyone, from Nobility to Peasantry, as equals.   Alison is a more traditional royal in that society demands "Separation of Classes".   due to the fact that Alison and Aleena had conflicting social views,   the two sisters often didn't get along too well, and began to drift apart as the years went by.   when their parents, King Maverick and Queen Sophia, died prematurely from a sudden illness.   one of the sisters were chosen as a successor to the throne of Mobodoon.   despite being the same age (Seventeen), Aleena was chosen as the new queen over Alison   as Aleena was technically older than Alison by only "five Minutes".   Needless to say, Alison wasn't too pleased that her was to be queen, and not her.   a displeasure that only worsened when Aleena decided to make some "changes" to the kingdom   (banning the use of money in favor of a barter system, making all people equal, ect.)   disgusted that her own sister was throwing away years of tradition, Alison left the kingdom   (vowing to return to "clean up her sister's mess" once Aleena's reign as queen failed.)   Alison made a new residence in Soleanna, the only known human monarchy on Mobius.   and, during that time was quite surprised when Aleena's reign lasted at least a decade   until the Robotnik War started, and Queen Aleena and her family became wanted fugitives.   By the end of the Robotnik War (and, the beginning of the new "Eggman War")   Alison decided to reunite with her sister upon learning she had married a human, and had a child with him as well.  When she arrived, Alison became infatuated with her sisters husband.   finding Alan Zander to be the personification of a "Shining Knight"   It wasn't long until Alison became envious of her sister.  jealous that SHE had the perfect husband, and a child who was famed for being the first "Mobilander" Consumed by the "green eyed monster", Alison hatched a scheme claim Alan for herself. Pretending to want to spend more time with her sister and niece, Alison took Aleena and Tiana on a picnic out in the Green Hills on the outskirts of the city. Alison then used a portable trans-dimensional device to send them both to The Void, and, hired some Dingo Mercenaries to make It look as if she was ambushed. Alan was devastated upon hearing of the "tragic deaths" of his wife and daughter. and, despite feeling mildly guilty herself..Alison continued with her deception, taking advantage of Alan's broken heart, and manipulating the man into falling in love with her. in a few months, Alison finally had what she wanted. Alan had married her, she had become Queen, and her pregnancy promised a new "hope" for Mobian/Human peace. Unfortunately, Alison's scheme unraveled when Aleena and Tiana miraculously returned, and revealed her deception to a very shocked Alan. trapped, Alison confessed her crime, and true intentions. but, she was remarkably forgiven for her transgression..and, offered a second chance. Alan re-married Aleena..and, Alison was invited to live with them. Alison's daughter was born, and raised (for the time being) to believe that Aleena was her mother. despite her crime, Aleena gave her sister permission to re-marry Alan should anything ACTUALLY happen to her.'  ***  This is my newest idea for my Sonic Fanon that I feel will be successful.  the creation/introduction of Queen Aleena's Sister.  Firstly, I can't take full credit for the design of the character.  a majority of it is based on a prototype character design for Queen Aleena herself  back when the show Sonic Underground was still in development: http://drawloverlala.deviantart.com/art/Proto-Aleena-447331434  I made some alterations here and there.  But, at heart, the character's look is completely drawn from source material.  In terms of personality, Aleena and Alison are meant to be perfect opposites royally.  with Aleena being an "Idealistic Queen", and Alison as a more "Realistic" one.  Alison is in no way a bad person..she just has very dated beliefs in how a Queen/Princess SHOULD behave.  and, one that quite obviously conflicts with Aleena's more Fair and Modern beliefs.  Ironically, the only canon character who is similar enough to her is Sonia Hedgehog (Sonic's Siser)  who due to her aristocratic upbringing, can sometimes come off as "stuck-up" and "snooty"  yet, she isn't a horrible person, either.  based on the theory that Aleena may not be a full bred hedgehog (she has no quills)  I made Alison's mixed species more apparent that Aleena presumably is.  I classify Alison's species as a "Hedgemouse" (Half Hedgehog, Half Mouse)  
  12. Removed Characters?

    So I've heard that after the reboot happened, many characters were cut/killed off due to copyright issues with one of the writers. They all seem to be comic exclusives though, like Scourge or Fiona. Are there any of the older comic characters left, or do the newer comics just have the SEGA and SatAm cast?
  13. I have a question

    So I've been reading the Archie Sonic comics lately (currently finished issue 76), and to be honest, they just don't really interest me. I understand that it's basically a comic book version of Sonic SatAM with it's darker tone and drama, but I just can't really get into it (not saying it should be super wacky and filled with cringe-worthy puns like back when the comic first started, but still).  However, I've seen bits and pieces from some of the newer comics (specifically the ones that take place after the reboot), and they seem more up my ally from what I've seen so far. They seem to be a perfect blend of comedy and action, and I appreciate the little references to the SEGA games. I'm intrigued to quit reading the older comics and begin reading the new ones, but at the same time I wanna see how things unfold in the Sonic-verse. So I don't know, should I keep reading, or no?
  14. I am sure plenty of people are talking about this subject. but I feel I must be one of them. So, anyway. "Sonic Mania", and the mysterious "Project Sonic 2017." Firstly. Great to see Sega producing new Sonic games that are more original and NOT a cheap tie-in to the Sonic Boom cartoon (Sega's equivalent to a "Videogame based on a Superhero Movie" gimmick.) and it certain brings something for everyone to enjoy.. Sonic Mania appears to be yet another nostalgia trip like 'Sonic 4' was with the return to Sega Genesis styled side scroll, from A-to-B, Sprite gaming. the trailers alone makes it difficult for me to tell if 'Mania' is a remake of prior classics, or something entirely new (they claim it is new, with some old levels being remade. So I guess it's a bit of both.) But I think what everyone is really talking about isn't Sonic Mania. but more of Project Sonic 2017. the NOT sequel to Sonic Generations, which again has Modern and Classic Sonic teaming up. Now, apart from the trailer being "theatrical" (I hesitate to use the word "Epic", so to not seem predictable) what people are really talking about was the tagline at the end: "Join the Resistance", which is starting quite the buzz. Mainly, people are under the impression that this new game may either be based on or at least have elements from the Archie Sonic comic book series in it. Wishful thinking, I know. but could this really be fact? I mean. I am all for a videogame adaptation of the comic series (which to be honest, has more story and drama than the prior games had) but, the question is that: are we (the fans) reading TOO MUCH into this one line of text? I mean, the game won't even be due out until 2017. and, even then, the release date is sketchy. being given the placeholder of "Holiday 2017" (heck, they haven't even chosen a proper title yet!) Still..It's a fun thought. be great to have Sally, or Bunnie as a playable character for once. but regardless on whether this will be the case, the game looks promising. I mean. I am certain it won't be a repeat of Sonic '06. (whose only problem was being a rushed title that was released incomplete.) I am confident that by Christmas of next year (I am assuming) will give Sega plenty of time to work on the game. (at the very least, far longer than they are working on Sonic Mania. which has a Spring 2017 release date.)  
  15. The Future of Archie Sonic at Risk?!

    I feel confident to write this thought and opinion without much problems. Mainly, I can't help but feel concerned over the future of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series. This is a legitimate feeling. as lately, I have noted that the Revamped Archie Sonic series has mainly been focused on adaptions of Sonic games (quite literally opening with 'Sonic Unleashed') this is understandable. as after "The Incident" that led to the New 52/Flashpoint reboot in the first place. Archie had to play things safe, and focus on official Sega properties given the loss of 90% of their original content. My main concern is AFTER then run out of existing material to adapt to..what's going to happen next?? I know they are trying their hardest to salvage the comic series. but, is the series really dying off? Is it only a matter of time before they'll HAVE to end the comic? I dunno. I'm just thinking out loud, and expressing my worries over the comic's future.
  16. My First Post!

    Aye, this is my first time creating a post on here! Glad to see you all, and I hope you're having a wonderful time! I probably won't start doing more posts till maybe tomorrow. I have to say, i enjoy this site a lot! Especially since it lets us read the comics without wasting a darn cent! I'm pretty sure I'll like being on here and hopefully meet some nice peeps! Anyway, adiós
  17. Archie and Friends: A Halloween Tale

    I've seen that this very obscure comic is not on the site even though it's somewhat of a sabrina and Sonic the hedgehog crossover. I have scans to that short comic so, anyone object in posting that in the Specials section or something?
  18. Alright, here's the other brand new game revealed at Sonic's 25th Anniversary Party. There's no official name yet, so for now it's being referred to as 'Project 2017' (Now known as Sonic Forces): There's really not much at all revealed in the trailer (and rightfully so, since it's over a year away). All we know so far is that: - Giant, seemingly-mass-produced Death Egg Robots are destroying a city. - Sonic isn't happy, and is ready to challenge whoever's responsible (most likely Eggman). - Yes, Classic Sonic is returning to aid his present-self for this new fight. - Something about a Resistance...? That tagline's gotta mean something, right? - It's scheduled to release in the Holiday season of 2017. - No, this ISN'T Generations 2! Takeshi Iizuka deconfirmed this before the trailer was even shown. (With the recent gameplay reveal, though... it totally is!) I don't really have much to say about this game currently, since there's so little information on it right now. But what about your thoughts?
  19. Figured I'd make some new topics for the upcoming Sonic games revealed recently, starting with a brand new Classic Sonic experience: Sonic Mania is a new classic-based game, notably developed by Christian 'Taxman' Whitehead (who also worked on the re-releases for Sonic 1, 2 & CD). The game will feature levels both old (including Green Hill Zone and more from the original Sonic trilogy) and new, such as the featured Studiopolis Zone. There are a couple new abilities for Sonic, like the Drop Dash. Not only that, but both Tails AND Knuckles are gonna be playable too! It's currently estimated to have a longer overall gameplay length than Generations had, and is scheduled to release sometime in the Spring Summer of 2017 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. There's no word of a Wii-U or NX version yet, however. Never mind, it will also be coming to the Nintendo Switch at the same time. This certainly looks to be an incredibly fun adventure, and I'm definitely gonna be getting it around the time it's released. But what are your thoughts?
  20. Your opinions on the new comics

    So far, I think these new comics are really interesting. They really had done a great job of following the Sonic Unleashed story. Sure they changed it up a bit, but things can be changed. Besides, there's more characters.   What do you guys think of them?
  21. Scourge of Speed

    [Scourge of Speed, Part I] It was nightfall in Central City, the capital of the United Federation. a storm had descended upon the metropolis, bombarded the many human citizens with heavy, frozen rain. as the citizens went about their business..the rainfall suddenly slowed, and briefly paused. Suddenly, twin streaks of light blurred down the highway. scaring some people. one was blue, and the other was green. the streaks sped down the city streets, effortlessly zig-zagging around cars and people. the blue and green streaks soon began to bash into each other, creating shockwaves in their wake. the green streak then broke away to another street..leaving the blue streak speeding alone. the blue streak finally stopped at an empty four-way street..revealing itself to be a hedgehog. a Mobian hedgehog wearing red-and-white sneakers, matching shorts and white gloves. his emerald green eyes darted around as he looked in all directions. "now, where'd he go-GAAH!!" a green blur suddenly hit Sonic from behind, knocking him down. as he looked up, he saw a green hedgehog clad in black leather and red sunglasses approach him. the hedgehog looked ALOT like him. "gotcha, blue." said Scourge. Sonic grumbled as he rose up, facing his evil twin. "What are you DOING here, Scourge!!?" demanded Sonic, angrily. Scourge smirked smugly as he pushed up on his sunglasses. "oh, not much. terrorizing people, spreading Chaos and Mayhem. leaving YOU to eat my dust..the usual." Sonic gritted his teeth, growling low. Scourge then snickered as he continued to speak. "Well, Actually..I *do* have something important to do: Reclaiming some "lost property." "Lost Property?!" said Sonic, puzzled (and, mildly annoyed.) "My girlfriend. You know' Fiona." Sonic scowled darkly at Scourge. "oh, COME ON. Don't be like that." began Scourge. "She double-crossed you, and your stupid friends. you have no reason to do her any favors." "It's true, she did betray us." said Sonic, solemnly. "she betrayed me..and, my best bud. (looks at Scourge) but, just because I don't like her..It doesn't mean I won't protect her from you." Scourge made a *gagging* gesture. "Your self-righteous nobility is revolting, you know that? Good god, your about to turn me GREENER than usual, here!" Sonic lunged after Scourge, attempting to punch him. but, Scourge simply side-stepped at super speed, evading the attack. he then swung kicked Sonic in the back of the head. Sonic fell to the ground again. he groaned, feeling dizzy from his mild concussion. Scourge just smirked as he looked down at his counterpart. finding his weak and vulnerable state amusing. "I could do this all day, you know." began Scourge, as he pressed his boot against Sonic's back. "Nothing makes me feel better than tearing your ego down, and proving how better I am than you.  BUT, I am feeling generous..for ONCE. So, just tell me where Fiona is. and, I *MIGHT* leave you alone." Sonic groaned as he tried to rise up. "n-nnn-Never." Scourge grinned evilly. "Have It YOUR way." Scourge grabbed the back of Sonic's head, and rose him up. as he readied to bash the blue hedgehog's head into the concrete pavement..the falling rain suddenly slowed. Scourge paused, and looked around as the hundreds of raindrop suddenly froze in mid-air. "what in th-ERRK!!" Scourge was suddenly struck in the head by what felt like a punch from Sgt. Simian. he was knocked backwards, and skidded along the pavement. the green hedgehog looked, and saw what looked like a red lightning bolt departing. Sonic also looked..and, saw Scourge's red sunglasses laying on the ground near him. one of the lens was broken, the other showed visible cracks. As Scourge rose back up, the red lightning bolt returned. It passed Scourge several times, inflicting blow-after-blow upon him with each pass. the last pass flung him away again. knocking him flat on his back. Angry, Scourge quickly got up, and saw the red lightning bolt speed off, then suddenly stop. he stared at what appeared to be a red humanoid with glowing red eyes. neither Scourge, nor Sonic could properly make him out. as his body appeared to be blurry. but, ONE thing was apparent: Whoever It was, It was a speedster..and, It was HUMAN. "who..WHAT *ARE* YOU!!?" exclaimed Scourge, enraged. the red figure remained silent. which gave Sonic, and even Scourge the creeps. "How are you able move that fast?!" demanded Scourge, again. "and, WHY are you attacking me!!? Don't tell me your another one of Sonic's do-gooder friends." the red figure finally spoke..but, In a distorted, almost demonic sounding voice. (("IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW THAT..YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO CATCH ME.")) Scourge glared at his mysterious attacker, shocked and appalled at this "challenge." "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!?" the figure responded by speeding off down the street in a red lightning streak. Scourge immediately gave chase, trailing a bright green energy trail behind him. Once both were gone, Sonic attempted to stand up..but stumbled back down. It was at that moment a yellow lightning bolt sped over to him. Sonic looked up, and saw a human with spiky blonde hair and, dressed in a golden yellow suit and wearing goggles. "b-billy.." mumbled Sonic, still feeling fatigued. Billy lifted his goggles up over his forehead. then, knelt down and helped his mobian friend up onto his feet. "sss-S-Scourge. I was..fighting him, but then something. something FAST, came and-" "yeah." said Billy. "I know." Sonic looked up at Billy. "Do you know what that thing was?" Billy sighed as he frowned, looking down. [Freedom HQ, Station Square] [An Hour Ago..] an automatic door slid opened, and in walked three people. two human males, and one mobian female. "So, what's the situation, Sally?" said Alan Zander. "Scourge, the Evil Sonic, is on a rampage." explained the Mobian Princess. "That sounds like just another Tuesday." replied Alan. "Not this time." said Sally. "We have reason to believe that Scourge has a specific goal in mind." "I trust you have an idea on what that goal is." "yes." said Billy. "Fiona Fox." Alan stopped short at this, and looked at the two. he then walked over to a computer console, and brought up some files on the HD display. the large screen showed images of a female mobian fox. and, varied data regarding said mobian. "Fiona Fox. Mercenary, Thief, Terrorist." began Alan, professionally. "served under the Destructix, and Suppression Squad. currently serving probation under Prowler's watch." "We believe Scourge has come back for her." said Sally. "Does Fiona know?" asked Alan. "No. In fact, when I mentioned Scourge's name, she seemed close to a panic attack." said Sally. "Why's that?, I thought they were "close." "WERE" is the keyword, sir." said Billy. "Based on Fiona's testimony following her *surrender*, Scourge was abusive, controlling and more of an Extremist, than a typical punk." Alan brought up another data file on the computer. "Considering his recent reported activity that has left FIVE towns in ruins, and numerous people dead, injured or missing..I can't really blame her for being scared." Sally grumbled. "look..I am going to be frank, here. I *DON'T* trust Fiona. and, I NEVER approved of the decision to give her community service, instead of life imprisonment. but..as much as I hate her for what she's done, even I shudder to think of what Scourge will do to her if he ever finds her." "I'm more worried about my Step-Son, Sally." said Alan. "now, Where is Sonic??" "Last I heard, he's been hot on Scourge's trail since he passed through Westopolis." said Billy. "Where are they now?!" said Alan, looking at Billy. "Our High Velocity scanners detected two targets headed in the direction of Station Square. BOTH moving well over Mach 1." Alan nodded. "Meaning if Sonic and Scourge aren't here by now..they will be soon." Alan looked at Billy and Sally. "This has to stop. NOW. and, if Scourge really is behaving more aggressive than usual..I don't think Sonic can handle this alone, this time." Billy sighed, looking down. he then stepped up. "I'll go. I'll back Sonic up-" "Billy, NO!" exclaimed Sally, grabbing his hand. "You're still recovering from your recent encounter with Zero. You are in NO Shape to take on that monster!!" "But, Sally!, I-" "I have to agree with the Princess on this one, William." said Alan. "In your current state, Scourge would kill you. you need to be in your PRIME to even have a chance at beating him." Billy looked at his leader. "Then, what do you propose we do!? there are no other Speedsters around that can help us!" "What about Mina?, she's ALSO a speedster." said Sally. "She is also still learning to use her speed. a Trainee, she wouldn't last five seconds." said Alan. "What other choice do we have!?" said Sally, mildly frustrated. Billy was about to say something..when he suddenly paused. tapping his chin, he pondered over something..then, finally spoke up. "actually..Now that I think about It, there is ONE other Speedster that we could turn to." Alan looked at Billy..who gave him a look. "No." "but, Sir-" "NO. It is out of the question!" said Alan, sternly. "I am NOT letting that Monster go free." "He may be our best hope at beating Scourge." retorted Billy. Sally looked at both men, a puzzled look on her face. "who are you talking abou-" "He Is ten times WORSE than Scourge is." argued Alan. "EXACTLY." said Billy. "meaning if anyone can finally put a stop to Scourge's rampage..It's HIM." Alan turned, and faced Billy. "Have you forgotten what happened the LAST TIME he ran free in Station Square!?" said Alan, looking Billy straight in the eye. "Half the city was wrecked, and YOU ended up on life support, DESPITE your hyper-metabolism.  It was AGONY to capture him, and we were lucky to figure out how to CONTAIN him!" "I haven't forgotten anything, sir." said Billy, sternly. "But we're in a desperate situation..we don't have any choice." "EXCUSE Me!!" exclaimed Sally, annoyed. "Could someone PLEASE explain to me what this is all about!?" Both Alan and Billy looked at each other..then, Alan exhaled sharply. "follow me." As Alan walked off, Billy and Sally followed him as instructed. *billy. what are we-* *It's better to show you, than tell you, hon.* Alan and Billy led Sally through a door, and down a long corridor. they soon reached a doorway, and began to walk down a long stairway. when they finally reached the end..they were met up with large security door. "this..this Person you were talking about." began Sally. "He must really be dangerous." Alan glanced at the mobian chipmunk..then, looked away. "you have no idea, Ms. Acorn. but, your about to." as Alan approached the door, Billy did the same. they stood at each side of the door, facing identical consoles. "Ready, Billy?" asked Alan. Billy nodded. "Ready." "Then, on three." began Alan. "One..two..THREE!" Alan and Billy pressed the red buttons in front of them simultaneously. a beeping sound was heard, followed by the door opening with a hissing sound. as the three stepped inside a large chamber..Sally stopped short, and gasped at what she saw. In the center of the room were four metallic arches generating a force field. and, within the dome..was a standing humanoid figure in a red suit whose body looked blurry. Sally has seen something like this before. as a speedster, her husband' Billy, had demonstrated the same "blurred image" ability. but, what REALLY shocked the mobian princess, was how remarkably similar that this figure looked to her husband. In fact, they were almost EXACTLY alike. "b-Billy.." mumbled Sally, still in shock. Billy looked at his wife. "w-Why does the p-person in there look like you??" Before Billy could answer, Alan spoke: "His name is Will. Will Gilvenzan. and, he comes from the same place as Scourge." "Moebius?!" said Sally, looking at Alan. "yes. he is the "Evil Billy." replied Alan. "He appeared around the same time Scourge first started heckling you.  he went STRAIGHT after Billy, with the doubtless intention on killing him.  their fight resulted in 60% of the city being severely damaged, with hundreds of people either dead, or injured." "by the ancient walkers.." muttered Sally, awestruck. "It was a struggle for Billy to even keep up, much less land a hit." continued Alan. "By the time we were finally able to subdue him, Billy was in a state of near death.  even WITH his accelerated healing, we had to put him on life support. took him over TWO WEEKS to recover." Alan finally turned, and faced Billy again. "He almost KILLED you, Billy. and, *YOU* want me to set him loose!?" Billy was silent, bearing an unreadable expression. Finally, he responded to his leader in a stern, calm tone. "If you have a better idea, I am all ears. but, right now..That "Monster" is our best hope at stopping Scourge." "And, what makes you think he'll even cooperate?!" retorted Alan. "Buns Rabbot and Doctor Kintobor aside, the inhabitant of Moebius that we've met thus far HAVEN'T been famous for their Trustworthiness." "Billy." spoke up Sally, who looked at her. "Alan DOES have a point. If this "Will" is worse than Scourge is, we may literally be trading one evil for another." "I can understand that." said Billy. "But, this is the one time I think we CAN trust a Suppression Squadron." "and, why do you think that?" asked Alan. Billy looked back at Alan. "Because..when I fought him seven years ago, he told me How he got his speed, and WHY." Alan crossed his arms. "Alright..I'll humor you: WHY?" "I got my speed because Brass wanted Sonic dead,  and Sobolov used me as a test subject so they could find a way to kill him." began Billy. "Yes, we already know that." "Well, WILL told me *between beatings* that HE forced a scientist in his world to give him super speed.  because he was jealous of Scourge, and wanted to be better than him..at "Everything." Alan raised an eyebrow at this. "Are you saying that Will..your Evil Self, has a personal grudge against Sonic's evil self?!" Billy nodded "Yes." Alan exhaled at this. "wow. That Mirror Universe never ceases to amaze me. You love Sonic like a Brother, and Will apparently hates Scourge's guts." Alan looked at Billy. "So, if Will really does hate Scourge..why did he come after you??" Billy exhaled. "he said..I was the Warm-Up. Practice for the "Main Event." Alan crossed his arms, and exhaled sharply. "It seems almost too good to be true." "It's the Truth, sir." said Billy. "Oh, I believe you, Billy..but, I still don't like the odds." continued Alan. "Even if he DOES go after Scourge, what will stop him from going after YOU, again!?" Billy exhaled sharply. "nothing. But, if we don't do this..Sonic may die, and THEN we'll all be in serious trouble." Alan groaned at this. *yeah..and, Aleena and Bernie will never let me hear the end of It.* Sally walked forward, gazing at the machine that kept her husband's evil counterpart contained. "What is this thing, anyway?!" Alan walked near Sally. "I forget what Professor Thornedyke called It. But, It's suppose to negate speed. trapping anyone in a super slowed state, akin to suspended animation." "How did he even manage to construct something like this at the time of Will's attack??" asked Sally. "Well, I will admit that we lifted the original designs from Sobolov's private notes." said Alan. "He altered the design so it's be more "humane", and less..LETHAL." Sally looked at the machine again. "So, This was going to be used on Billy." "AND, Sonic, eventually." added Alan. Sally looked long and hard at the still blurred visage of Will. while he resembled her dear husband, she had to admit..he made her blood run cold. the red he wore made him look as if he was covered in blood. and, his red goggles only made his eyes seem demonic. Sally grimaced, and swallowed hard. "sally." Sally looked as both Alan and Billy looked at her. "You are the only neutral party here. It's up to you to decide on what we do." Sally looked at Alan..then, Billy. then, WILL..then, Alan again. finally, she sighed sharply. and, spoke up: "Nobody knows just how dangerous these people are more than me..I agree, this Will DOES seem worse than Scourge is. but, that's just It: Will is WORSE than Scourge. He could very well be our damnation, than our "savior." (sighs) but..Billy is right' We are desperate, and don't have the luxury to overlook ANY chance that we might have." Sally looked at Billy. "I don't like this..but, if this is the only way. Then, you have my support, hon." Billy looked at Alan..who, exhaled stressfully. "this is such a mistake." "I'm not arguing that, but-" "I know' We have no choice." said Alan. "I just hope the rest of the world will see It that way." Alan then stood aside. and, gestured his hand over to the control console of the containment unit. "We had this programmed so that only YOU could switch It On and Off, Billy. If you are sure about this..Go for It." Billy looked at his wife..who gave him a warm, but concerned expression. he finally breathed out, and approached the dome where his evil counterpart was being held. he took a moment to look within the dome..and, stared at the blurred visage of his other self. he froze fearfully as memories of his first encounter with him flashed within his mind. "Billy." Billy looked back at Sally..who looked at him warmly. "(whispering) it's okay." Billy smiled weakly. he then huffed as he returned to the console. with his hand shaking, he reluctantly placed his palm upon a glass plate. the place flash as It scanned Billy. "DNA SEQUENCE CONFIRMED: GILVENZAN, WILLIAM NORAN." spoke an electronic voice. "POWER DOWN SEQUENCE ENGAGING." With a hum, the pulsing energy dissipated..and, Will finally collapsed onto the ground. Alan, Billy and Sally all kept their eyes on the now unfrozen, but still contained prisoner as he struggled to get up. as Will stood in a kneeling position, Sally noted that Will had reddish-orange hair, instead of blonde. and, as he lifted his goggles up, she also saw he had Green eyes, instead of blue. Will looked upon his audience..and, grinned. "My letter from the governor finally come in??" said Will, with sarcasm. Sally felt chills run down her spine. despite looking, and sounding like her husband. the way he spoke made her feel..uncomfortable. like being in the same room as a serial killer. Alan walked up, looking at Will. "Will. we are prepared to make you a deal for your freed-" "Yes, I know." began Will, cutting Alan off. "Pineapple Head" is giving you trouble, and you want ME to take him down a notch." Alan looked surprised. "How do you know tha-" "Because while I may have LOOKED frozen in that stupid machine of yours..  I was fully AWARE of everything that was happening!!" "oh." "SEVEN YEARS..in a super slowed state." continued Will, as he stood up onto his feet. "If I wasn't ALREADY a "dangerous psychotic", I would have gone INSANE from the boredom!!" Alan sighed. "Will. We are aware of your apparent hatred for Scourge. Help us stop him, and we'll set you free." Will crossed his arms..and, chuckled. "So, you're asking me to do something that I was already planning on doing, anyway. HAH!, It's like a cop asking a convicted thief to rob a bank!" "It DOES seem rather redundant whenever you think about It." said Sally. It was then that Will looked straight at Sally. "Sally Acorn, right?" Sally cringed. not liking that the "Evil Billy" was focused on her. "I see that my Counterpart's doing well for himself if he bagged a sweet prize like you." Sally grew pale. "h-How did you-" "Your wearing a wedding band, your staying close to Billy.  AND..I heard you address him as "hon" earlier." said Will. "I'm Psychotic..NOT Stupid." Will then looked over at Billy. "Kudos to YOU, Bill. I must admit, I also found Alicia Acorn kinda hot. especially when she cracked that bullwhip of hers-" "CAN we stay on track, here!?" said Alan, getting impatient. Will looked at Alan. "You need me to fight Scourge. THAT, I get. but, I want a bit MORE than that." Alan eyed the red-haired man. "Like what?!" "You let me out, I beat Scourge to a pulp..THEN, what??  Once I've done my part, you send my twin to put me back my Slo-Mo Cell." Alan scowled, growling low in his throat. "what do you want??" Will smiled wide as he approached the force field dome. "I think you already know." Alan growled again. "you want us to destroy this containment unit." "You'll re-build It..Eventually." began Will, as he walked away. his hands behind his back. "By then, I'll be LONG GONE." "and, free to do God knows what." said Alan, disdain in his voice. Will grinned as he glanced back at Alan. "then, have fun trying to beat Scourge on your own.  Because UNLESS my "Absolute" freedom is guaranteed..I'm not doing anything." "You really expect us to believe that you'll pass up the chance to fight Scourge!?" began Billy, walking up. "You told me yourself how much you hated him, how much you wanted to BEAT him!" "Yeah, I did." began Will, approaching his counterpart. "and, I was more than happy to do just that the very moment I first got my speed.  BUT, I was willing to wait first. Test out my new powers on you..THEN, go after my true enemy." Will then struck the force-field dome with his arm, making It pulse. "then, you stuck me In this thing for seven years..which to ME, felt like SEVENTY.  so, believe me when I say this: If I've waited THIS long to get what I want..I can wait a bit longer." Billy grimaced as Will smirked, turned around, and walked away again. he looked at Alan..who sighed sharply. "Alright, FINE. (grumbles) you've got a deal.." Will smirked as he turned around, and looked at his audience of three. "then, what are you waiting for? Let me out, so I can kick Scourge's spiny green ass." Alan sighed as he nodded to Billy. Billy reluctantly approached the console again, and placed him palm upon It. (("DNA SEQUENCE CONFIRMED: GILVENZAN, WILLIAM NORAN.")) began the computer voice. (("FORCE-FIELD DEACTIVATING.)) the energy dome finally dissipated..and, the second after, Will sped out in a trail of red lightning. ..and, pinned Billy to a wall. "HEY!!" "GOOD LORD!!" "WHAT ARE YOU-!?" "apologies, Billy." began Will. "but, you and I STILL have unfinished business." Billy glared at him. "b-but, we had a Deal!!" "and, I will keep It." said Will. "but, *NOBODY* said I had to fight Scourge "right now." Sally glared at Will in disgust. "why you sneaky, two-faced-" "and, Besides.." continued Will, ignoring Sally. "I need a little "warm-up" before I combat Scourge. (looks at Billy, and smiles) and, since you gave me such a good workout last time, I see no reason why that should change." Billy scowled at Will, his eyes flashing yellow. Will just grinned, his own eyes flashing red. Billy then shoved at Will, knocking him back with his speed enhanced blow. With his goggles now on, Billy then charged in a trail of yellow lightning, and rapidly punched at Will. Will took some punches, but then caught the last, and threw a single hard punch at Billy, knocking him backwards. Will then put his goggles on. the two continued to fight. their images blurred, and moving like yellow-and-red lightning bolts. Will then suddenly grabbed Billy, spun him around super fast, and threw his body into the containment unit console. destroying It. as Billy groaned in pain, Will smiled sinisterly and sped over to the containment unit itself. he circled in a streak of red lightning, destroying the entire machine in a matter of seconds. Once done, Will sped over to Alan and Sally. he bore a smug look on his face as he began tossing a part in his hand. (("SORRY. IT'S NOT THAT I DON'T TRUST YOU")) began Will, his voice distorted. ((IT'S..WELL, ACTUALLY, YEAH!' I DON'T TRUST YOU.")) Suddenly, Will was tackled by a yellow bolt. Billy grabbed Will, throttling him angrily. (("STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!")) said Billy, his own voice distorted. (("RELAX..")) said Will. (("I'M NOT GOING TO HURT THEM. ONLY YOU, AND SCOURGE ARE IN MY SIGHTS RIGHT NOW.")) Will then brushed Billy off, and attacked him again. he threw a punched, then seemed to disappear, and RE-appear behind Billy. striking him in the back. Billy then began to rapidly twirl around in place, countering Will's repeat attack. Billy then charged after Will, who did the same. as the two speedsters collided, a shockwave knocked Alan and Sally back. as they moved at super speed, attacking each other, yellow-and-red lightning bolts began to circle the room like a cyclone. Alan and Sally stood close at the center. watching as multi-colored electricity sparked around them. Sally tried to look, and see ANY of them. but, they were moving so fast, they resembled living lightning bolts instead of living people. Suddenly, the red bolt shot out of the room. the yellow bolt followed. "COME ON!" said Alan, as he and Sally ran out the room. the two ran as fast as they could up the long corridor. but, even at THEIR top speed, they knew It'd be far too late. And, when the blaring alarm sounded..they knew this was true. "dammit!, I knew this would happen!!" cursed Alan. "Don't be so hard on yourself. We were desperate!" said Sally. "and, In our desperation, we've open the flood gates to an ever GREATER devastation!!" Once the two reached the nexus of Freedom HQ, they found the room in ruins. the same yellow-and-red lightning bolts were circling the room, damaging parts of It with each pass. random people were ducking for cover, trying to avoiding the sparking electricity. from Billy and Will's perspective..the surrounding world was moving in super slow-motion. they ran along the walls, and tackled each other. each trying to overpower the other. the two finally accelerated at such a tremendous speed, that they both shot through the ceiling like bullets through glass. outside, above ground. they BURST straight through the roof of a manor estate. twirling like a multi-colored vortex as they shot into the sky high above. at the height of their momentum, the two stayed suspended in the air. Finally..they plummeted down in a free fall. unable to use their legs, both Billy and Will quickly spun both arms around rapidly. generating twin wind funnels, that began to slow their descents. once they were low enough to the ground, they both dropped. upon landing, Will performed a flying kick at Billy, knocking him down. (("WELL, BILL. IT'S BEEN REAL. BUT, I'VE GOT TO GO KNOW.")) began Will. (("I'VE GOT A HEDGEHOG TO KILL.")) with that, Will sped off into the city in a red lightning bolt. scowling, Billy chased after him at equal speed. [To be Continued..]
  22. Revised Chaos Emeralds

      I'm sure this has been done hundreds of times by many others.. So, here is MY little forray into the whole 'Draw-The-Chaos-Emeralds' thing.  HOWEVER, I am anything but Predictable. So, these ones are different.  While FIVE of the emeralds are canon, the last two are of my own creation.  for personal reasons, I exchanged the Light Blue and Grey emeralds for Orange and Pink ones.  Call me Crazy, but I thing the Seven Chaos Emeralds would look better  with ACTUAL colors, and not repeating the same one twice.  (Ironically, they now look like the Lantern Rings of the Emotion Spectrum    from DC's Green Lantern series. Don't know if that is a Good or Bad thing.)  So, anyways..Here are MY Seven Chaos Emeralds.ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 
  23. Mega drive comic series?

    Do you guys think that Sonic mega-drive is going to get a spin off comic? I know they said there's a good chance if there are enough pre-orders, and personally I'm hoping we get it. Nothing wrong with a little vintage Sonic and begin honest here Tails looks super kawaii
  24. Bye bye archives?

    Though it's not set in stone, one of the users on ASO is friends with Jon Gray on facebook, and he said the following.   "I got to work w/ so many wonderful ppl during my time on Sonic the Hedgehog and w/ so many wonderful talents including drawing my own stuff. It's a shame that I'll probably never see my Sonic artwork from Sonic collected anywhere, but that's not really my fault soooooo~~~❤️❤️❤️"   While it's not conformed, it is looking a bit black for sonic archives. Legal trouble from the infamous lawsuit may be the cause of this, and it could be that Archie is doing this to avoid any more legal lawsuits. what do you guys think?
  25. Evil Nicole?

    now before anyone says it no I'm not talking about an Iron nicole, I'm talking about Nicole going bad or doing something that would be deemed bad in a story arch that would get her in hot water. What would you guys think if we had something like that in the comics?
