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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Huh... Oh sorry, receiving information about the battle form Kayl." Berry said to melody.

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"I just had a freak violate the privacy of my mind. So no I'm not," replied Zamy before the older Miles unleashed the shockwave, which sent her skidding along the ground towards the arriving Zone Cops.

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You bastard (Spark said vanishing)

(Me) does young miles still have his second tail that spark maid

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(ooc: He doesn't anymore Spark. Miles turned that tail into the bind that held Miles... Uh, young Miles turned that tail into the bind that held old Miles)

"Sorry Tikal. I know it would never happen. I just imagined what it would be like if you did." He took a deep breath. "But I'm not going to worry. I'm just going to enjoy myself, because now this morning is over the rest of the day will be quiet."


"You can do that? Neat!" commented Melody to Berry. "Uh, how's it going? Is everyone alright? What's happening?"


Before being hit by the shockwave, after hearing Zamy's response, Anna chocked down a joke about hearing Zamy confess her love for her, guessing it really wouldn't help the situation.

The younger Miles was slightly hurt at Zamy's response. Partially he felt bad for her, which was a feeling he hadn't needed to deal with before. And partially he himself was hurt because, in a way, that freak was him. Even as his older self was preparing to possess him, the young cub put his mind to stopping the maniac.

The older Miles started to spin round, infuriated by Dylan's comments. "I have NOT..." he began, but that was when Locke brought his pistol to bare. As he'd half turned, the blow caught him on the face rather than the back of the head. Miles screamed in agony, clutching at his now useless eye, dropping his younger self.

"How dare you," he moaned. Channeling power, he caused several sharp pillars of stone to erupt from the ground, possibly implanting those around, which then exploded into shrapnel.

Then he noticed a strange numbness in his feet. Looking down, he gave a start as the flesh of his feet had turned to solid stone. The older Miles looked around to see his younger self smirking at him, to far out of reach to be possessed.

"A simple little curse," grinned the younger Miles. "Accelerating the effects of drawing too much power from the ground. Not that you were far off that stage anyway. You might want to stop flinging spells around."


From where she was propped against a tree, Melody could see the melee happening. 'What are they doing to Father?' she wondered slightly horrified. 'Am I next? Are they saving me up for that... or worse?'

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"It kinda hurts to do so, though." Berry said, "well, your elder self and the elder self of your dad don't seem to be on the best position. It's kinda confusing and stupid, Kayl says."

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Dylan started coming closer to Miles smirking

"Not so tough without your spells are you weakling? You know what? I've changed my mind, you DID look better in pink" he then picked up a rock and then rushed over in an attempt to smash it into his face

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"Confusing I understand," said Melody, "But why is it stupid? Is it raining exploding chickens or something?"


The older Miles tried to back away, but unable to move his feet he fell back instead. In desperation he cast a spell to make the rock explode in Dylan's hand, but the numb feeling spread up his legs, and now he was trapped on the ground, unable to stand.

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"Well, no" Berry giggled, "maybe it's just the situation, so messed up."

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Zhadow reached Zamy just after the medic, who proceeded to check her for any injuries. The medic confirmed that physically she wasn't in too bad of a condition.

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"Messed up?" asked Melody, sounding worried. "You mean beyond there being an older me and my Father fighting his younger self?"


The aforementioned younger Miles now turned and scurried away from his half petrified older self, worried in case he tried something desperate. He saw the Zone Cops check on Zamy and headed over.

"Zamy? I'm... I'm s-s-s-sorry," he said, face downcast.

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"Maybe not directly, but..." began Miles, then he paused an looked confused. "Wait, why am I trying to take the blame for this?" he muttered to himself.

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The rock exploding surprised him more than it injured him

"Now your for it you jerk" he said throwing a punch at Miles

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"But I could be," said Miles, scared at the thought. "I-I... I tried to help. Isn't that what.... friends... do?" asked Miles uncertainly in a quiet voice.

(occ: Zamy's answer to that question might shape the cubs life from this point onwards. After all, so far he's only had one true friend, Mina, and he's learned from this that even they turn on each other.)


Unable to risk anymore magic, Miles tried to raise an arm to bloke the punch. But with his damage eye he was unable to gauge it's position, and the blow struck Miles full force.

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Spark reapered behind the older Miles) your gonna pay for looking into my mind (Spark held up his fist it lit on fire shot like a rocket aiming for between Miles legs)

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"You're not even putting up a fight, weakling! You planning on changing into a girl again?" Dylan aimed another punch

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The young Miles smiled back. It wasn't his usual smirk or lopsided, manipulative grin, but a genuine happy smile. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he offered.


(ooc: Given where Spark is aiming there is possibly tactical value in turning into a girl!)

Miles reeled in pain from the blows from Dylan and Spark. So much pain he could hardly think straight. Though the haze of pain he noticed the stone on his legs was cracking. Even if he could undo the petrification, the damage may prevent him from walking again.

"Darn you all. I'm taking you with me!" he barked. His left hand covered the band around his right arm, and the was a charge of magic, then a whine and space and time began to distort, radiating out from the band.

"Join me in oblivion!"

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Dylan stopped his attack

"Oh no" he said before turning around and shouting "Everyone out! He's going to kill us all!" He then tried to kick him as hard as he could, hoping that maybe it would disrupt his magic and stop him "Your NOT going to do this. Your NOT going to kill yourself to stop us. We decide what's going to happen to you"

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"Not at the moment thanks," replied Zamy before seeing the elder Miles' last ditch attack. She grabbed Zhadow's sidearm and fired a laser at older Miles' arms.

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(Spark set everyone ablaze except the older Miles, ready to get everybody out of here just in case if Dylan and Zamy fail to stop him.)

(me) I heard it hurts girls more to be hit there then guys but I'm not sure if that's true

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(ooc: So.... Both Zamy and Dylan have disrupted Miles actions, and Spark is throwing a lot of raw power about. Hmmmmmmmm....

I think that will be enough to stop Miles from triggering armageddon. But then he should also suffer some consequences for warping space/time/reality around him. I think I'll leave it up to you lot to decide what those consequences should be for him.)

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(me) hmm... I say he should lose his eye sight completely any body think that would be enough or to much?

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"You bastard !" Glen grabbed the fox ."Think you can take us all with you ? I have a better idea ....." The fox in hand , he simply walks away."We can't send you in jail, you'd go away . We can't beat you down , that'd be too kind. So what do we have left ? " he pulls out his gun and point it at miles."i'm doing you a favor fella . But don't get me wrong. It's just what happen when the cross the line."

(I'm not going to shoot yet . But i do not enjoy torture . It just makes dylan goig

Down on miles's level.)


Tikal said nothing and carressed Skye's fur.


"It seems that the fight is reachg it's conclusion."stated red.

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