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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Zamy shifted the layout of the maze in the hopes of delaying Miles a little longer.

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"Kind of?" Skye repeated, not sure what she was implying.


"Why did she head up there in the first place?" Ziona wondered.

(ooc: Well Locke, you're the one who got all the relationships with my characters!)


Melody realised someone was speaking to her. But she couldn't respond at all. Inside her head she began scream, her heart beating even faster.


"Should have expected that," muttered Miles as the maze shifted. He completely the new memory in Zamy's mind. For now it was small, but as he moved through the maze, Miles would be able to make larger and stronger memories.

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As the new memory formed Zamy thought it over. "How could they... wait that seems new... nice try," she thought. She was sceptical of this one, but knew it'd get harder to tell fact from fiction.

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"That was just a taste," warned Miles as he moved in deeper, gaining more access. He went over the chinks in the first memory, seeing where to clues to it's faults lay, so the next memory would be harder to resist..

'If you're such a good person,' thought Miles, 'let's see how you react to being bad.' He conjured one of his own memories of tormenting a Moebian town in his much younger days with the anti-freedom fighters up to use as a base. Miles began to alerting it, changing the location, inserting Zamy instead of him, and some of her friends in place his companions, making sure, now he had deeper access to Zamy's memories, that they were acting as close to character as he could make them. And most importantly, made sure Zamy in the memory was enjoying what she was doing.

"This is for accusing me of wanting to prance in a dress," hissed Miles has his fired the fake memory into Zamy's mind.

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Zamy clutched her head, shocked and confused. "Was I really like that?" she asked herself.

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"He seems a lot more like the Miles I remember than you ever were. It's difficult to explain, but basically, we were in Skye's head. He was there and he did something to me which I don't want to talk about and has been fixed now anyway. He was still defeated there but it wasn't the real Miles. More a copy of this Miles. But now's not the time for talking about what happened then. We need to focus on now"

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"Look, give me your radio, I'm going to talk with her." Glen tooks Zionna"s Radio."Hey, pinky, can you read me ? or are you somehow lost in your own mind ?"


"Hey girl calm down! " at this rate , who know what could happen."Ok , I beat you, but that's not the end of the world . at least you are still alive ..."


"I like this idea, but not as much as I like you."

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"Mina..." Berry flinched, "she.., uh... Yeah, I'd like to know."

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Alright Dylan grab on to my feat and ill get us up there. (He said flapping his wings downwards to get to him.)

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Skye smiled. "But I thought I was part of that idea."


"What was that flinch for?" asked Melody. "Hmm, lets see. Where to begin...? If you want everything explained it's gonna be a looong story!" Melody warned


Miles shook his head. "How did I end up like that? Trying to possess Skye. Trying to possess ME!" He turned to Anna. "Now I understand how you felt when you glanced your future. But if he's trying to possess people..." Miles paused as his eyes widened, then his face took on a disgusted look. "Eww, he's trying to possess Zamy!"


'Alive', thought Melody in her head. 'You call this 'alive'??' A few tears began to trickle from her eyes.

(ooc: Melody basically has 'Locked In' syndrome. Her brain is active, but she has no control over her body, so to the outside it appears as if she's in a coma or braindead.)


Miles smiled as Zamy reacted to the memory, her confusion allowing him to start moving deeper. Using his own memories as a base seemed to make them harder to distinguish from real memories. 'Destroying your image of yourself as a 'good person' seems to be working well,' he thought to himself, as he formed another fake memory for his evil deeds, twisting it to be Zamy's. As it was ready he heard, through Zamy, Glen's radio call.

'We can't have your friends interfering in our little battle' he mused to himself. He drew out another of his memories, the worst torment he could remember enduring at the hands of others. Changing the victim from himself to Zamy, he then altered it so the tormentors were her friends and allies on the battlefield. And as Glen was the one talking to her, he was the foremost tormentor. Now he was deeper into her mind, Miles made sure the barbs being flung in the memory came from Zamy's own insecurities.

Miles fired off the two memories into Zamy's mind, then paused to let them sink in.

"If you keep resisting me, I will destroy the person you are and replace her with someone else," Miles warned. The he smirked. "Maybe I already have," he added, trying to play to paranoia. "But I will make you a deal. Surrender now, and once I have my younger self I will return your body to your control. And I won't try something like giving you control when you're in a fatal situation," he promised.

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"Things have changed for you, your a better person how... I hope. You're looking at what you could be, so just make sure you don't turn into him"

Dylan then grabbed Spark's feet

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Alright up we go (he said flapping his wings upwards.) I would insist holding tight. (He said going faster and faster

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Zamy grimaced when the memory formed, trying to come to terms with it. Then she realised something. "One major fault there. I know for a fact I only met that guy a few days ago. So how was it getting the snot beaten out of you? I bet you enjoyed it. After all you always were Mina's lapdog. And I have no reason to trust you. You're hardly a man of honour."

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"I'm not planning on letting go Spark. Just keep flying"

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Alright, alright. Hey I'm gonna cover you guys in my flames so if he tries to get in your bodies I can stop him also it'll bust your guys strength and speed drastically so Anna, Dylan think of your favorite animal and Miles I've gotta gift for you.

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Red cursed in her breath."Curse me and my big heart . it's a miracle i'm still alive today with it around." She then picked up The now comatose Melody."Let's get you out of here first. Then I'll think of something..."

(ooc: the normal rouge being selfish and arrogant , it's only normal Red is almost the contrary. notice the almost.)


"I think I'd rather have the real thing than an idea, skye."


"the whole situation is going bonker. can't anyone just scramble his powers so I can shoot him a new one ?" asked Glen in the radio.

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(ooc: Apologies here, but I've gone an over-planned this little memory/mind battle a wee bit. Sorry to ask this, but would it be okay if the Cavalry doesn't reach Zamy/Miles until I've done three posts, including this one, so two more? Thanks.)

"Are you asking me to go with it?" asked Skye.


"A gift?" yelled Miles. "The only gift right now is to get me as far away from Him as possible. I'm the one he's after, and I don't trust your little anti-possession field."

Miles let go of Spark and started falling, causing Anna to scream his name. As he fell, Miles remember something; he'd couldn't fly anymore.


"These things are never that easy," muttered Ziona. "At least all his craziness has gone." She slumped down slightly.


Melody was surprised to hear Red. 'Is she actually trying to save me?' she wondered to herself.


"I DIDN'T ENJOY IT! I..." Miles was furious with himself. Not just for his outburst, but for making such an obvious mistake, and for underestimating Zamy's resolve. He had thought she'd be too far gone to notice.

'I'll need to be more subtle', he thought to himself, then spoke up. "Yes, you have no reason to trust me. But then, I'm not after your body, but my younger self's. If you don't want me to take over yours, why not grab him yourself? What not give him up?"

Miles inserted the next memories, or rather, a series of subtle, small memories. Snippets of a lonely childhood twisted to suit Zamy. And others based on the so-called friends he had on Moebius, showing that no matter what they said, they only ever cared about themselves, replacing Miles 'friends' with ones Zamy had had throughout her life. This time, Miles made sure to insert the memories where they would be less anachronistic. If Miles could weaken Zamy's belief in trust and friendship, Miles suspected she'd be more willing to hand his younger self over.

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"Because I have professional integrity, not to mention a sense of morality," replied Zamy before the memories hit. She let them sink in, though definitely not out of choice.

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"Indeed?" asked Miles. 'We'll need to change that then,' he thought to himself.

This time he hit Zamy with a massive barrage of edited memories. Of her enjoying horrible, terrible things. Being selfish for her own ends. The edits weren't quite as fine tuned as the others. Given time, Miles suspected that Zamy would be able to distinguish them from her real memories. But Miles knew she didn't have the time. And the sheer number would mean at least some would stick deeply.

"Give him up, save yourself," said Miles.

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What a idiot well here is your present (he said covering miles in flames giving him the coating of a two tailed fox) there you go two tails now fly.

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Zamy struggled to deal with the incoming memories. For every one she proved false another one appeared: she needed a new strategy. Taking a deep breath she focused entirely on her mind. She knew Miles would take control of her body, but it wouldn't be complete, and she could focus on getting him out of her head.

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(ooc: Younger Miles wasn't being that much of an idiot. He's a scared little boy who in a moment of panic forgot he couldn't do something that he'd been able to do for all of his life! ;)

And I think the cavalry is free to arrive now! )

The young Miles gave a little scream as the flames covered him, then realized they weren't burning him. Hear what Spark's said he began spinning his tails around, laughing with a slightly hysterical edge as he began hovering.


Inside Zamy's head, Miles sighed.

"You keep insisting on suffering while the solution is out there just waiting to be grabbed? Very well." Miles knew he could now take control of Zamy's body relativity easily. But unless she surrendered, the struggle would continue. Unless he had to, it would be easier to vanquish Zamy first,

Miles began reshaping another memory, taking his time with this one. It was a lesson his uncle had taught him. Both Miles and Sonic, long before his day's as Scourge, had been there. His Uncle had promise Miles a reward if he let Sonic suffer. Miles, only around 8 at the time, had refused. His uncle had made the same offer to Sonic, only reversed, and Sonic didn't hesitate. Miles suffered and Sonic was rewarded. Miles knew this lesson and stuck with him and shaped him from then on. With luck it would do the same for Zamy.

He replaced himself with Zamy and Sonic with her best friend, and search her memories for a suitable replacement for his Uncle. Miles carefully made sure all the details were correct, so that this time there would be nothing Zamy could use to tell this memory wasn't hers.

"Let me show you where trust and friendship lead," Miles said, implanting the memory as strongly as he could.

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Yah happy! (He said smiling. Stopping in front of Zamy) alright here we are alright so Anna decided on your favorite animal?

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"What the? No that's.... oh, so you know from personal experience do you, hmmm? No wonder you're so bitter. You're Moebius' punching bag, and yet you still think you're above everyone else. You're nothing."

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The younger Miles continued laughing. "I think he's gone a little bit nuts," said Anna, before turning back to Spark. "Favorite animal? Uh... an eagle I guess. Why?"


"I AM above everyone else," shot back Miles. "I may have been the punching bag, but I rose above it. I manipulated the whole planet and more for my own ends!" The and and rage in his voice was impossible to mask, then he paused.

"It appears we have company," he muttered. "I'd hoped to have finished with you by now. I'll need to stop them before they interfere."


In the air Zamy opened her eyes and looked at Spark.

"I.. huh, this is strange. Different sensory input than I'm used to, but still, serviceable. Ah yes, the interruption." While it was Zamy's voice, the tone, inflections, and sadistic smirk made it clear it was Miles in control. Rather ungainly, due to being unused to jet boots, he adjusted his flight to a hover.

"Now then, you should leave now, and leave Zamy and I to our... disagreement. And before you think of trying anything, it will be Zamy who will be harmed, not me. But, all this could be avoided if you hand the young Miles Prower to me," said Miles, smirking.

Anna stared in shock at the possessed Zamy, then broke out into giggles.

"I've never imagines you so girly," she laughed, causing Miles to glare at her.

(ooc: I have no idea what pronouns I'm suppose to be using here....)

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