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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Uh... well, unless you say how much pain Spark's is in... we don't know...)

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Zamy then changed the scene she was imagining to one of Miles and Merlin. Miles was attempting to cast a spell, but was only partially successful each time. And each time he failed, Miles used the correct spell on him, resulting in a painful shock.

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"Ah, there she is," breathed Ziona in relief, guessing at the cause of Miles sudden Non Sequitur. "C'mon Zamy! Keep going. You're wearing him down!" she called.

Miles shook his head, trying to clear out the images of Mina. He looked angrily at Dylan.

"There is no one else for Mina," he hissed. He glanced towards Sparks, trying work out a way of neutralizing him. 'Why couldn't you have been a hydrokinetic instead of an summoner' he thought to Zamy.

Moving suddenly, Miles swooped towards Dylan, swinging the flail in an attempt to smash the Extreme Gear he was riding. As he did so he started to summon a suit of solid armor to surround and trap Spark. Miles hoped the armor would either trap Spark and cut his fire off from oxygen, or at least take time for him to burn through. But as Zamy's summoning skills were more attitude for weapons, the summoning was slower than Miles would have liked, giving Spark a chance to escape.

The Zamy's latest attack hit him. This time it was only a momentary distraction, but it shook Miles in a different way. 'How could she know about HIM?' Miles wondered. 'I made sure to keep him hidden in my thoughts. And there is no possible way my younger self would have mentioned him. Is she deeper in my mind than I thought?" he wondered, beginning to feel afraid.


"I've got an idea," said Miles. "but you'll need to carry me."

"What? Why?" asked Anna.

"Because I'm going to try and manipulate this fire that Spark gave me," Miles explained.

(ooc: Spark, may I have permission for Miles to manipulate the fire boost you gave him with his magic?)

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Spark bent down barely staying in the air) You Bi+ch. (He said lifting his head then dodging the suit of armor but still bending down

(Me) yeah thats possible Skye did it

Edited by Spark Falls

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As soon as the flail was about to strike, Dylan teleported himself and the board behind Miles/Zamy

"Clearly your wrong as she's forgotten all about you" Dylan said. He knew he was lying then. "Don't worry yourself to much Spark. SHE'S weak and she knows it. She cant even move fast enough to get to me in time"

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Zamy continued by thinking about the false memory Miles implanted before about her friend betraying her, and replaced those involved with Miles, anti-Sonic and Merlin. Hopefully it'd strike close to home.

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Miles grinned at the reaction he had on Sparks, but it was a short lived victory as Dylan teleported. He shook his head, not wanting to believe what Dylan said about Mina.

"I'm not weak!" he cried out. 'Maybe I am," flashed across his mind. 'Darn it, this body is making me doubt myself. I need a change of plan. Find out where my younger self is, get close, and jump out before...'

Miles grimaced and buckled as Zamy's image came into his mind. 'How could she... Did I tip my hand to far... Or is she inside MY head?' wondered Miles in a panic.

(ooc: I messed up my pronouns writing this one. A couple of 'she's' slipped in. Obviously even I'm messing with Miles at this stage.)


"I hope you know what you're doing," said Anna as she took ahold of Miles.

"So do I," the young fox replied as he made a whipping gesture with his arm, and the fire surrounding him stretched into a long stand, shooting from his hand to wrap around the possessed Zamy. The older Miles struggled against the bonds, while the other end was still held in the younger Miles hands.

"You little whelp. You'll suffer for this," Miles cried down.

'I hope this works,' thought the younger Miles, trying to send his thoughts through the flame. "Zamy? Can you hear me? If you can, and you concentrate, only you should hear this, not... Him. I've got you body bound, and if you drive him out, I should be able to move the bonds to bind him!'

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"See Miles? Your weak. Your letting your younger self win. And if you weren't weak, you would've defeated us by now. But clearly you haven't you weakling" Dylan moved himself closer to make sure Zamy/Miles would not escape

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Zamy concentrated when she heard young Miles communicating with her. "Got it. I can't wait to get this creep out of my head so he can be stopped once and for all." She then focused on the image of Miles' parents from the photograph. She didn't twist it or anything. It was the same, happy memory.

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I swear your going to be pay for that. (Spark said focusing on holding him/her still just the same as Miles.y)

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"I'm not weak! And you will not make me pay for..."

Miles blinked in surprise at the unexpected image from Zamy. Then the sight of it acted like a catalyst in his brain, revealing other hidden memories.

"Mommy? Daddy?" whispered Miles, then he screamed. "No, that's not possible. How could you know? That can't have happened. You're messing with my mind. Get out!" Zamy's body began to lurch violently as streams of yellow mist began pouring out of her, only to reform into Miles, clutching his head. With a cry of 'Got you' the younger Miles changed the bonds from surrounding Zamy to wrapped around Miles.

"Anna, you might need to catch Zamy if she's worn out from that fight," said Miles.

(ooc: And I'm just gonna close my eyes now. This will probably not be pleasant for Miles.)

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"Finally" Dylan said clenching his fists. He then flew towards Miles and tried to land a hard punch to his face

(ooc: If he lands it, he'll say "told you your weak")

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Zamy gave a groan as she regained control, then started to fall towards the ground. Seeing Miles was now out of here, Zhadow and the remaining uninjured men rushed over to set up a shot.


Shadow found a small room with a computer inside it. He noticed a small light on the monitor so began to boot up the PC.

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With Miles Weakened , Glen feels a foul taste in his mouth . He litteraly flies toward the falling fox , grabbing him by the neck."Hello there , it's the boyfriend of the week. How about we discuss in a calmer place ?"


"There is a lot happenning for and against us, but I'm sitt enjoying being with you."

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"Let go of me," demanded Miles to Glen, only to be cut off as, unable to dodge with the bonds, Dylan's fist hits him square in the face.

"Anna! Zamy's falling!" cried the younger Miles. Anna swooped after the falling Zone cop and Miles reached out to grab her by the arm.

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"I'm not letting go of you. Not before a long time." Sid Glen with a wicked smile."you have so much to pay for, and I have so much hatred to let out...."

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"Against us?" asked Skye, sounding a little worried. "What could be against us?"


'My eye's are feeling dry', Melody thought to herself as she tried to work out where she'd seen the bat before. Then it clicked. 'She's Mother's friend, but much younger. So she's from this time. But what is she doing in the Prime Zone?'


Miles snarled at Glen.

'I need to break out of these bonds' he thought to himself. 'I can't possess anyone until I do.'

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Dylan smiled

"Care to take it in turns Glen. One of us holds while the other gives the beating. Then we swap?"

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"You kidding ? It's been a while since I ever took part of such bloody fun ." Glen went down to the ground , still holding Miles ." And now, let's finish what had been started . On another though, maybe I should let the councilor beat you down actually."


"Nothing skye, It was just a general term."

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Dylan followed

"Come on, Glen. You'll still get your fun but I want in too. I've had dibs on it for ages"

(ooc: The ground!)

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(ooc; what's with the ground.)

"Of course, of course. i'm thinking about it ."

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(ooc: Miles can get energy from there. Oh dear. Looks like the fight might not be over after all)

"I'll let you go first, Glen. As long as I get my share of the fun, I'm happy"

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With an effort, Skye managed to bring his panicked breathing down to a manageable level.


Anna also came in to land, and Miles let Zamy to the ground gently.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

When his feet touched the ground the adult Miles suppressed a grin, and immediately began gathering energy. A moment later a massive shock-wave rippled out of him, causing the binds to snap. The younger gave a cry of pain and surprise as he was holding the other end. Both he and Anna were thrown back, the shock also dispelling the fire around Anna. The adult Miles rushed over and grabbed the younger by the throat.

"Once I have your body this time I can rule without the humiliation. This time my uncle will pay. This time Mina will obey me," claimed the older Miles, his form starting to turn wispy.

"No I won't," spoke up Anna. The older Miles turned to Anna, looking at her with surprise. "Mina?" he asked, his form solidifying. Knowing she now had his distracted, Anna hoped to keep him that way.

"You know, you still sound kinda like Zamy," said Anna, almost laughing at the look of horror on Miles face.

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Dylan started laughing at what Anna said

"Perhaps you spent too long being a girl. Your too used to it"

(ooc: Told you Locke)

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Glen didn't let himself stopped . Using the occasion given to him by Mina , He rushed and attacked him from behind with the butt of his pistol . A hit strong enough to leave a mark in a wall.


"Do not be affraid skye . I will not leave your side."

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