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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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If he possessed me he would have been killed and not by me. (Spark said lifting himself up of the ground.) how did you find out about my sister? (spark asked Miley)

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"Not that I have any secrets I'd keep from you Tikal," said Skye.


"That's great," said Melody, visibly relaxing. "I wonder what they'll do with me? I mean the other me. And are you doing okay Berry?"


Anna sat down heavily. "It's been on heck of a day, hasn't it," she said to Miles, but there was no response. Turning around surprised, she saw that the cub was trailing after Zamy and hadn't heard her.

Miley looked up at Spark, almost not registering what he was saying.

"Your sister... Those thoughts were at the forefront of your mind. You were practically broadcasting them when you entered..." Miley shook as, after pleading with Zamy, the last of her mental strength was crumbling. He mind became flooded with memories of all the people she know telling her how pathetic she was, or expressing similar sentiments.

Miley curled up and began weeping.

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Kayl grabbed Melody, "Berry has to see the authorities now, I'll drop you a safe place, you both can talk later, okay?" She smiled.

"Bye." Berry waved, smiling.

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I didn't mean to make you cry. (Spark said calmly to Miley)

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"Glen, i don't think she's in any state to possess anyone right now even if she did have magic. I mean look at her" Dylan said indicating the now crying Miley. "Pathetic. She couldn't last in any of us"

(ooc: I would ask why Spark is pitying her but I also feel some pity towards her so I won't)

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"Spark, don't make things any worse . How about you go help the others ?" Asked Glen.


Tikal simply smiled.

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Spark walked away towards Zamy.) hey you okay sorry for almost destroying your memory and stuff. (He said looking towards the Sky slightly blushing. Thinking why he had to be shy around girls he doesn't know very well.)

Edited by Spark Falls

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"Now, do you have a weakness to tickling?" asked Skye, as he begun to tickle the back of Tikal's neck.


"Good Luck Berry!" called Melody. "See you when you get back, and I can tell you the story then."


Miley continued sobbing, speaking softly to herself. "Nothing left. No family. No power. No self. All gone."

"You almost destroyed her memory?" exclaimed Miles to Spark in an indignant voice. "How could you?"

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"Sure, would be fun!" Berry said, as Kayl took her away.

"Okay," Kayl said, "who do you prefer to be with," she asked, hastily, "I have to go and take Berry, fast."

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"Easy Miles. It's ok Spark, you were only trying to help me. It might not have worked out as planned, but it was a noble effort," said Zamy.

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Well it wasn't on porpose when I went in to her head to help it was to much for her to handle. (Said still staring towards the sky)

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"Yes Miley. Nothing. But you know what you do get? Life. Living out the rest of your miserable life in the knowledge that you did this to yourself after trying to mess with us. And living in fear about people you know finding out about this. I hope they do, and if I can, i will make sure of it" Dylan said waving his camera. "Good luck out there Miley. I hope you suffer" he then turned around and walked away from her

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"Uh, back to Haven if you can Kayl," said Melody. "It is my home after all."


"Yes Zamy," said Miles when Zamy told him 'easy' He looked at Spark.. "Sorry Spark. Didn't know you were trying to help."

Miley stopped sobbing briefly, and turned her head to look at Dylan. "If you show the pictures to those that know me, in this time, it will be my younger self that suffers."


'What have they done to Father?' Melody wondered, still to far away to see or hear clearly.

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Dylan stopped and gave thought to that a minute

"He has one tail. How can he be mistaken for you? Plus, your in this time now. You get to share the fun"

He then resumed walking away

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"Okay." Kayl said her quickly as she got her back to haven, in her room, "take care," she said, running away.

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"Well I'd say I hope we don't have any more events like this from now on, but that'd be wishful thinking. This place seems to be a magnet for strange occurrences."

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"Thanks Kayl!" shouted Melody as she disappeared. Melody picked up and moved her legs so she was sitting comfortably on the bed, then looked around.

"I could do with personalizing this room a bit more. Especially if I'm stuck here."


Miley stared at Dylan for a second, then curled back up into a tight ball again.

"Maybe it's because there's several people from the future and different Zones congregated in one place?" suggested Miles. "And all that weirdness attracts other weirdness?"

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I'm ready to go back to Haven how about you guys?

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"Uh, wait," said Melody to herself. "Sabre will be wondering where I am. Where's the radio... Uh.... HELLO?" she shouted.


Miles grinned when Zamy agreed with his idea.

"I am," said Anna, waking up to Spark, Miles, Zamy and the rest of the Zone Cops.

"What about her?" asked Ziona, pointing towards the older Melody leaning against a tree. Anna walked over to her, and leaning over, stared at her for a second, then waved her hand on front of Melody face.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" asked Anna.

'Of course I can hear you,' thought Melody. 'But you don't know that. But you seem really familiar. Where have I seen you before? I can't quite...'

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Zamy turned to Zhadow.

"I think I'll need to book an appointment with Zouge at some point to get my head cleared up."


"How likely do you think it is that we'll find this wizard soon?" asked the younger Crowley.

"Doubtful. We're in a wide area that is sparsely populated. The phrase 'needle in a a haystack' springs to mind."


Shadow continued to look through the data, which seemed to consists mainly of tables giving the resutls of some kind of test. He hoped further up there would be some explanation as to what was occurring.

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"I could help," piped up Miles. "I mean... He is sort of me in a way, so I, uh, might know the kind of things he'd do. And if he gave you memories that were ours, I could maybe help identify which are and are not your's" he offered.

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Miles smiled. "Anything I can do to help."

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Dylan went over to the rest of the group

"Well, I'm going back to Haven now. Does anyone need a lift?"

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