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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm not surprised" Sarah said rolling her eyes


"You... think so?"Mark asked surprised

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"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Stacey.


"Yes, I do," nodded Luna.

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"Nothing!" Sarah said


"Oh" Mark said still surprised

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"Well that ain't gonna be easy!" Said Seviper.


"Maybe you should look at the treehouse." Said Fenn 

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Stacey shrugged.


"Is there something wrong with that?" asked Luna.


"What makes you say that?" grinned Ziona.


"No, i mean over there, at the doors to Haven," said Zoe, before turning to look at the treehouse.  "Ohh!  Pretty,"

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"Anyway... it was still probably nothing" Sarah said


"No... I thought the same" Mark said

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"It was something!" said Stacey firmly.


"I guessed!" laughed Luna.

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"I'm not a perfect Pokemon." Said Seviper.


Fenn looks towards Haven 

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"You're perfect to me," said Ziona.


"We should check it out," said Zoe.

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"Then show me what!" Sarah said


Mark smiled

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"Really?" Asked Seviper.


"Yeah. Let's see what it is." Replied Fenn.

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"How can I?" shouted Stacey.

"Sure," said Zoe running to the door.  "Hey, that sounded like Stacey!"


"Now let's find Harmony," said Luna.


"I promise," said Ziona stroking Seviper's head.

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"You think he's in trouble?" Asked Fenn.


"Okie Dokie!" Said Seviper.

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"I don't know!" Sarah said


Mark nodded

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"He might be!" Zoe said worried and ran over.


Ziona laughed.

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Sarah looked up to see Zoe and Fenn. She looked away a little

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"Stacey?  What's going on?  Is... is Sarah attacking you?" asked Zoe.

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Fenn hid behind Zoe.


"If you uncuff me...I'll let you hold my tail." Said Seviper.

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"I wouldn't do that without reason!" Sarah said surprised


(You missed my post)

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"Bullying is a good enough reason for you," said Zoe, stepping to make sure Fenn was protected.  "Anyway, you seen anyone else?  I felt someone use air magic!"


"Hmmm.... okay, deal!" winked Ziona.



Luna stood up and headed to the door.

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Fenn kept quiet.


"You know a good bargain when you see one!" Said Seviper.

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"I wouldn't 'bully' Stacey!" Sarah said huffily, shocked at the idea




(No worries)


Mark stayed close


"Come on!" Dominic said enthusiastically

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"Just everyone else?" challenged Zoe.

"Whoa!  Stop it you two!" interrupted Stacey.  "You said you felt some wind magic?"


"You could say that!" smiled Ziona taking off the handcuffs.


Luna laughed.  "I wonder where Harmony is."

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Sarah turned away arms crossed




"I dunno!" Dominic said

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"Is it s-safe t-to stop hiding n-now?" Asked Fenn a little frighten.


Seviper wrapped around Ziona.

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