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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oooh!  Yes.  Let's go get it!" said Zoe.


"Really?" asked Ziona, getting out her handcuffs.


Stacey's mouth dropped open a bit. "You... do?" 


Luna continued to read.

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"Yeah!" Said Fenn climbing out of the treehouse.


Seviper holds his tail out.

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Zoe followed.


Ziona clicked the handcuffs around Seviper's Tail.

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Fenn ran into haven.


Seviper didn't notice Fenn and Zoe and said "Not so tight I bruise easily!"

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"If I was that bad yes!" Sarah said slightly angry




Mark was once again entranced

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Zoe followed, thinking about the decorating to much to notice her parents.


"Oh, really!  I'll need to be careful with my police brutality," said Ziona, snapping the other handcuff to her wrist.


Stacey stepped back.  "I... I'm sorry."


Luna kept reading till the end of the chapter

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"Please do!" Joked Seviper.


Fenn ran into the game room.

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"Its fine..." Sarah said with a sigh




Both kids kept listening

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"Time to drag you to the cells!" grinned Ziona.


Zoe ran after.


"If... you say so," said Stacey.


"And that's the end for now," said Luna.

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Sarah nodded


"I'm tired" she said




"Awww..." both kids said

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"The glitter!" Said Fenn grabbing it.


"I'm to good looking for jail time!" Said Seviper.

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"I... guess so, yeah," said Stacey.


Luna laughed.  "Sorry.  Maybe you'll get one more chapter before bed," said Luna.


"Yay!  Well have a sparkly treehouse now!" cheered Zoe.


"Maybe we can get you a special cell then!" grinned Ziona.

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"Todays just been long" Sarah said




"I hope so" Dominic said

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"Will I have company!?" Asked Seviper 


"Let's make it shine!" Said Fenn.

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"I... guess it has," said Stacey.


"If you both behave there will be," said Luna.


"Maaaybe!" said Ziona with a smirk as she headed to her room.


"Shine and glitter and sparkle!" said Zoe.

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"I like we're this is going!" Said Seviper.


"Dazzle!" Said Fenn.

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"Oh, do you?" asked Ziona teasingly heading inside.


"Shimmer!" shouted Zoe.

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"I should hope so!" Said Seviper.


"Uh....Razzle Dazzle!" Said Fenn.

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Ziona giggled, pulling Seviper inside and shutting the door.


"That too!" Laughs Zoe.

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"And the amount I tried to get me fire powers working" Sarah said




"Of course we will!" Dominic said


Mark nodded

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"Yeah!  That is strange.  The pool shouldn't take powers away... Though... it can change them..." said Stacey a little quietly.


"Good boys.  Now Dylan, it's time for your training.  What do you want to do Mark?" asked Luna.

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"My powers aren't changed" Sarah said."I'd know!"


"Not training..." Mark said quietly

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"Would you?  How?" asked Skye.  "You were fighting differently without realising!"


"You don't like training?" asked Luna.

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"That's different!" Sarah said




Mark shook his head

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"How?" asked Stacey.


"That's okay," said Luna smiling.  "You don't have to anymore."

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