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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Sarah looked away now upset




"Uh huh!" Dominic said

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"Yippee!" Said Fenn and flew into the treehouse.


"The kids are happy now!" Said Seviper.

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Stacey looked up.  "Sarah?" he asked, surprised.


"That's good," said Luna, aptting Dominic's head.


Zoe looked around in awe.


"Very happy.  You did good," said Ziona.

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"It's so cool!" Said Fenn.


"Yep! But I had a special helper!" Said Seviper.

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"Yes it is!" said Zoe.  She went to the window and shouted 'Thank you' again.

"Aww, but it was almost all you," said Ziona.

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"You're welcome! And yeah I was pretty great!" Said Seviper.

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"What?" Sarah asked




Dominic giggled

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Ziona laughed.  "Yes you were.  But mind that ego!"


"You're... not happy," said Stacey.


"Now, back to our story," said Luna

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"I'm fine" Sarah said


"Th-thank you" Mark said quietly

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"You don't look it," said Stacey.  "You just won't say cause you're afraid it'll make you look weak!"


Luna paused.  "Are you alright Mark," she asked softly.

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"Im not weak!" Sarah said




"Im happy" Mark said smiling

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"I know you're not!" said Stacey.


"You seemed a little nervous though," said Luna

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"Good!" Sarah said huffily




"No... im really happy" Mark said

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"We got our own awesome place!" Said Fenn.


"What if I don't? Are you gonna lock me up, so it stays in check!?" Said Seviper 

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"But you're not happy!" said Stacey.


"Okay.  But you can tell me anything Mark.  Okay?" said Luna.


"And we won;t let the boys in!" winked Zoe.


"would you like that?" teased Zoe.

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"Of course! They'll have to wait outside!" Grinned Fenn.


"I might enjoy it too much!" Said Seviper.

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"Im fine!" Sarah insisted




Mark nodded still smiling

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"Yeah!  It's our private treehouse!" smiled Zoe.


"Oh really?" grinned Ziona, trying hard not to laugh.


"Are.... you sure?" asked Stacey.


"Good boy.  Now, let's get back into the story" said Luna

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Sarah nodded


"i can't wait" Mark said

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"They'll only can come in if they give us cookies!" Said Fenn.


"Take me away!" Said Seviper 

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"Sarah... I..... I... I want you to tell me when things are wrong," said Stacey.


"Then let's begin," said Luna starting to read.


"That sounds like a good idea!" winked Zoe.


"You're under arrest!" grinned Ziona.  "I'd put on handcuff but I'm not sure where to put them."

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Fenn started to giggle.


"Start with my tail!" Said Seviper.

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Zoe giggled to.  "We'll need to decorated it!"


"If you insist!" grinned Ziona.

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"Yeah! With glitter!" Said Fenn.


"I'll try to resist!" Said Seviper.

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"I do! Don't you listen?" Sarah asked




Both kids listen interested

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