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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You're not a Bride's Daughter anymore," said Skye.


"For what?" asked Luna.

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"You don't need to remind me!" Sarah snapped




"For saying" Mark said

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"Yes I do!  Until you accept it!" said Stacey.


"There was nothing wrong with asking," said Luna.

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"Not everyone can pull off my looks!" Said Seviper.


Fenn flapped her wings and sneezed.

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"Well I know!" Sarah shouted




"Sometimes its better not to" Mark said

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"You're unique!" nodded Ziona.


The flying glitter caused Zoe to sneeze too.


"Good!  Remember you're just a normal person here," said Stacey.


"Who told you that?" asked Luna

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"I am but you're my number one!" Said Seviper.


"Oopsie!" Said Fenn realizing what she did.

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"Awwww, thank you!" smiled Ziona.


"It's... okay," said Zoe, sneezing again


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Seviper kissed Ziona.


"But it's my fault!" Said Fenn 

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Ziona kissed back.


"No it's n-no-no-no-not..." Said Zoe, on the verge of a massive sneeze

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"Will I be getting off parole early?" Asked Seviper.


Fenn ducks down.

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"STOP SAYING!" Sarah shouted causing a slight gust accidentally




"Its... more learned..." Mark said pointing at his eye

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"For good behavior, maybe!" winked Ziona.


Zoe gave a massive sneeze, causing the glitter on her to shoot off and cover the outside of the treehouse.  She look up shaking her head a little.  "I thought I felt something..."


Stacey stumbled back a little.  "W-what was that?"


Luna hugged Mark.  "Please don;t let one mean bully stop you," she said.

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"What was what?" Sarah asked huffily




"Still... its kind of true" Mark said

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"Something.... pushed me," said Stacey.


"It's just you need to be careful, not stop," said Luna.  

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"I didn't!" Sarah said




"Oh..." Mark said. "But I was wrong this time too"

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"Then who did?" asked Stacey.


"No you weren't," smiled Luna.

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"I don't know! I didn't feel anything! Are you going to suggest there's a ghost now?" Sarah asked




"Sorry? But... you...." Mark began

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"Haven s-shouldn;t b-be haunted," said Stacey nervously.


"But?" asked Luna.

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"It was probably just the wind or your imagination or something... calm down" Sarah said


Mark mimicked Luna's earlier motion of putting her finger to her lips

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"Wind.... huh.... maybe... Zoe's around," said Stacey.  "It felt sorta like her power..."


Luna laughed.  "Oh that was me just messing around" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Dominic likes to act like he's fully chameleon at times."

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"You think so?" Sarah asked


"Oh!" Mark said."Why?"

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"I've been hit by it a few times," said Stacey.


"Cause of Ninja pride," said Luna.

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"Of course you have" Sarah said


"Aww..." Mark said

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"we train together...." said Stacey.


"Yeah.  It is a little silly," said Luna.

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