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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Sarah was running to their room


Mark nodded and came in shyly

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"I hope so too." Said Fenn.


"Mostly!" Said Seviper.

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Zoe flew after trying to catch up.


Hamrony went over to hug Mark.


"Sarah... seems odd," said Stacey.


"At least you've some modesty!" giggled Ziona.

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Sarah ran into her room and shut the door


Mark hugged back after a moment of surprise

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"What's wrong with her?" Asked Fenn.


"Too much modesty is bad for my health!" Said Seviper.

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Zoe reached the door and tried to open.


Hamrony grinned.  "So... wait... what happened to you?" exclaimed Hamrony, seeing his black eye.


"I... dunno... she seems... sad!" said Stacey.


"Oh, really?" giggled Ziona.

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Sarah was stood against it




"Oh... um... I... talked to Sarah and it didn't go well" Mark said pulling his ear

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"Please.... let me in Sarah," said Zoe.


"Sarah?  But she's as meek as a shy kitten!" said Harmony.


"It's... hard to explain," said Stacey.


"Well you'll need to make sure to use just the right amount of modesty!" said Ziona.

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"We got time!" Said Fenn.


"So 5%?" Asked Seviper.

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"No!" Sarah said




"She changed back" Mark said

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" Well... if you really wanna know..." said Stacey.


"Sounds right!" Laughed Ziona.


"Please!  I'm sorry!  I... I wanna try and be friends again!" Said Zoe.


" Oh.... that's a shame," said harmony

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"No you don't! You hate me! Now go!" Sarah shouted


"It...was her real form" Mark said

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"Sure. I gotta know why there not being friends." Said Fenn.


"Good! I won't go up another percent!" Said Seviper.

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"I'm sorry I said I hated you," said Zoe.


"I know.  But she was nicer the other way," said Harmony.


"Well... where she's from, Sarah is... basically a Princess," began Stacey.



Ziona laughed.

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"Y...you're still not going away!" Sarah shouted


Mark nodded and looked down

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"Can we try again to be friends?" asked Zoe.


Harmony hugged Mark again.  "It's okay.  It's not your fault."

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"GO AWAY!" Sarah screamed


"I know...I can't help it..." Mark said hugging back

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Zoe slumped against the door and started crying.


"It's okay.  You're just a nice boy, that's all," said Harmony,

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Sarah slumped on the other side barely avoiding crying


"Th-thanks" Mark said pulling his ear again

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"Really!? That's amazing!" Said Fenn.


Seviper smiled and said "I love making you laugh. It makes me happy." Said Seviper.

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"W-we were f-friends!" said Zoe.


"You're welcome," giggled Harmony.


"Except she's a mean one.  She thinks she can tell everyone what to do and should always get her way," said Stacey.


"And it makes me happy to! So win-win!" grinned Ziona

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Sarah ignored though was beginning to cry


Mark smiled happily

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"Sarah please!" begged Zoe.


"Now, why were you two hunting me?" asked Harmony.

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"What?" Sarah asked




"Mark wanted to see you while I go train!" Dominic said


Mark looked embarrassed

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