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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"That's not right!" Said Fenn.


"Yeah! Double win!" Said Seviper.

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"Let's try to be friends again," said Zoe.


"He did?  Aww, that's sweet," smiled Harmony.


"No, it's not," said Stacey.  "Then she fell into the magical pool."


"Hi tail five!" said Ziona, putting up her hand.

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"Why?" Sarah asked. "I don't need friends"




"I... was hoping you'd show me how to read" Mark said

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"And that's how she became nicer and shy?" Asked Fenn



Seviper put his tail up and collided it with Ziona's hand.

Edited by Seviper

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" You mean... you didn't... have fun together...?" Asked Zoe.


"Öh of course we can do that!" Smiled Harmony.


" Yes.  And a wolf," said Stacey.


Ziona grinned, then winced a little as a small trickle of blood ran down her palm.

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Sarah went silent




"Th-thank you" Mark said

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Seviper quickly took his tail away and headed for the door.


"Then what happened?" Asked Fenn.

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"You did.... didn't you..." said Zoe quietly.


"It's no problem.  I actually looked out a few books to help too," said Harmony.


"Seviper?  Where are you going?" asked Ziona surprised.


"Well... she.... became everyone's friend like that.  But we couldn't leave her like that," said Stacey.

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"I-I-I hurt you....And now you'll think I'm a...monster." Said Seviper.


"And then you changed her back?" Asked Fenn.

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"What, I would never think that!" said Ziona, hurrying over to Seviper and kneeling down.  "I know it was an accident.  You didn't mean to." She hugged Seviper tight.


"Yes, we did.  But... she got mad," said Stacey.

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"... go away" Sarah said barely audible




"You did?" Mark asked surprised

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Zoe shook her head, though Sarah couldn't see it.


"Sure, after you asked before," said Harmony.

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"Are you gone?" Sara asked




"Wow... Thank you" Mark said

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Seviper hugged Ziona back as a single tear dropped.


"Why?" Asked Fenn.

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"No...." Zoe admitted.


"No problem little guy," smiled Harmony.


"Don;t cry," whispered Ziona, wiping the tear away. "You're wonderful Seviper."


"Because she thought we made her weak," said Stacey.

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"Why?" Sarah asked




Mark smiled shyly back

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"I.. don;t want to go..." said Zoe.


"So shall we go?" asked Harmony.

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"I thought she was a friend?" Asked Fenn.


"Not as wonderful as you." Whispered Seviper.

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"... Please..." Sarah said weakly


Mark nodded

"Good luck! I'm going to go train!" Dominic said grinning

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"She... I.... I don;t know," said Stacey.


Ziona shook her head.  *I'm an alcoholic washed-up cop who's seen too many friends die."


"Why?" asked Zoe.


"Have fun!  The equipment's still set out," said Harmony.

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"I want it" Sarah said crying




"Thanks!" Dominic said grinning

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"Why c-can't I help?" asked Zoe.


"No problem," said Harmony petting Dominic's head


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"I'm an insane, pathetic, human hating bum who causes nothing but problems." Said Seviper


"Oh..." Said Fenn with her head down.

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"You just can't" Sarah said


Dominic gave a big grin

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"I guess that means we're right for each other," said Ziona.


"I wish I did, so I could fix it," said Stacey.


"Why not!" said Zoe.


Harmony smiled back and headed out.  "Have fun!" she called.

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