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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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It may cause serious problems if you two are seen wandering around Mobius. Technically, you aren't meant to be here. At least now. Questions may be asked leading to different futures

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“Dangerous?” Melody began, definite, yet still nervous of Shadow. “Ha… I doubt… there’s anything here… worse than… Moebius. Skye and I… can handle ourselves. Wait… Dylan… What do you mean… now and future?”

“Erm, Melody, I didn’t manage to tell you this before but, erm, we’re kinda thirty years in the past, as well as a different zone. So if we go out and are seen, we might mess up this Zone’s past. Erm… I mean present. You know what I mean.” Skye told his sister.

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Locke came back, his face still full of kisses. " well, one DOES walk simply in the kindgom of acorn shadow; After all, as long as they don't do elementary things , nothing too grave will happen. After all, silver came , and didn't messed up the whole place from what I remember, right?"

Then , he sat down:"The second you two got in there, time changed.Beside, it is not even your timeline, so , nothing will happen. The only difference , is that the good doctor you learned to like back in your zone is now Evil... and that's a shame."

(OOC: I saw what you did there, Shadow)

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As Knuckles entered Skye flashed his sister a sly grin and the two children walked over to him.

“Hiya Knuckles. I’m officially your little brother now! Don’t worry, I won’t try and steal the Master Emerald. I’m past that. And this is Melody, your little sister!”

“Erm… um.. hello….” Melody enviously introduced herself to Knuckles. “I… never thought I’d…. see you outside… the dungeon.”

“Mel-o-dy!” exclaimed Skye, “That’s rude.”

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"Oh come on Knuckles, we lived through worse time"

"And I'm pretty sure everything will be ok , Right? " Said Red with her most genuine smile "I'm a Mother now!! Isn't that wonderful?Ah, Knuckles, come in my arms, I'm in the mood for a Hug.Yes , even the children and the old man can come." AS she opened her arms, still smiling.

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"You may think you can handle it. But that sort of overconfidence can be your downfall. There's nothing wrong with having a sense of superiority as long as you can back it up and I mean no offence, but I doubt you can. You two hardly have the strong outward image of your step brother, so you'll be seen as easy targets."

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*slowly hugs Red in an awkward way* Umm....yea, hey guys. So what's new?

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Oh, not much. Planning to infiltrate a DEL base and free my zone from the werehog curse. The usual

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"lot's of things son, and you are hugging one of them." said locke ,while eating another waffle.

"things is , we are planning of taking care of the werehog issue back in Dylan's world, And it will happen as soon as we can...At least, once we get a working plan..."

"And you two kids, Shadow is unfortunaly alright. You are both children, there is no need for you now to go in this kind of world. As long as you'll act like children, nothing too bad will happen. but shall the doubt arise, there might be questionning. Especialy you skye. Having another two tailed fox is always a matter of suspicions."

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"Leave it to Shadow to spoil the moment," Skye sighed. "So all I need to do is avoid anyone who knows my father's counterpart in this zone. How hard can that be?"

"Okay, okay, I get it, no sight-seeing." Melody sighed while address the whole room, rather than any single person. "I've had some training at infiltrating so if I can help with the plan..."

"Wait, before the base, we still have that were-hog data to examine!" interrupted Skye.

(ooc: and don't forget, Mina is pretty well known, and Melody bears more than a passing resemblance....)

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It's not the sight-seeing that is a problem.And like i said, there won't be any anyways. just find a good excuse and the both of you will be fine. Here is mine: you lost your adopted parent in the war against robotnik, and i took uponn myself to take care of you. That will work. And if it doesn't , just say "brotherhood secret", only if this doesn't work.

(ooc: this should cover you)

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Shadow's patience was running out. Just as he was about to rant at Skye about his own experiences of what can happen to a child on Mobius, he stopped himself and left. When he got to his room, he began to disassemble his dart gun for cleaning, hoping to keep himself occupied.

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"Hum, Shadow must really care about the two of you. To see him being that concerned about you well-being is quite a sight, in a good way.I'm going to talk to him, don't do anything stupid,while i'm out."

Locke then went to shadow's room. "Shadow, may I speak to you for a moment? It's about the kids."

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"Knock yourself out man. Pass me that oil will ya?" (OOC I just figured Skye and Melody's nonchalance would get to Shadow, seeing as he is incredibly serious about such matters).

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“Ok Dad, we’ll keep that in mind whenever we meet someone. We’ll get back to planning this mission.” Skye turned to Dylan. “Was anything planned before breakfast? I think Melody and I missed the start. And Knuckles will need to be brought up to speed.”

(ooc: That excuse will cover Skye and Melody until Tails hears there’s apparently another two-tailed fox around. And if anything slips out in the following awkward meeting it might be Bye-Bye Prime Melody and Skye! )

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(ooc:Well, he was supposed to mature a bit after the Event Of SHADOW THE GAME. But well...OOC 2: don't worry about that, we can always says something about a mutation in the baby during the birth, due to all the polution at the time.)

"Here you go, mister Killer Shadow." As Locke Closed the door behind him, and took a chair to sit down. " They are just kids Shadow, And their past is less than Happy. I think it would be nice for them to go around and be happy for once, don't you think? What would you do, if you were In my place, and you had a broken child's responsability?You care about them. But overprotection lead to even more trouble in the end. There are things they need to discovers by themselve."

"And shall the need arise, I'm sure the lot of us will be more than efficient to protect them." Locke smiled while helping shadow taking care of his cleaning equipement.

"And I almost forgot: I present you: the sleeping rifle. It's you usual assault rifle, but it doesn't shoot lethal bullet, unless you change the mag of course...It is suppose to shoot all kind of rifle bullet , thank to echidna technology, but it can also use a special, non lethal round. It make is target sleeping for a long while, depending on how many bullet he took , of course. Just try not to shoot them while they are swiming, they might drown ."

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"I never said to be overprotective. I'm just saying that them running around on their own is a bad idea. This whole world is a warzone. When you see the reports I do, you realise that fact. Haven is the exception, not the rule. And thank you, I'm sure it'll come in handy.... man I needed that leave. This constant barrage of misery and near death experiences really puts a crimp on my mood.

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Well, I missed the discussion of plans, but I believe we will be infiltrating the DEL base in my zone. Something about this not being a natural curse. They asked me for some plans to the base which I may have on file in my zone. That's all I really know for the moment. I think Locke is the man with a plan. Either him or Shadow

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"Haven ...Is not the exeption. It's a miracle... When we learn the news of the falling of Albion..We knew something terrible happened...I Have seen my share of war Shadow, More than I should have... I know how you are feeling. But i'm not willing to let go on their own. This is the last thing I'll do... I'll go with them,that would be a first. Because, let's be realistic: we know what kind of world they come from; And this is more than the occasion to show them that violence is not everything around here, don't you think? Hope, is all I want for them."

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“Ah ok. In the meantime, we do have the scanner data. You haven’t looked at it yet, and I’d hate for your and Shadow’s efforts there to go to waste.”

(ooc: I get where you're coming from Shadow. The kids nonchalant attitude is in part because they do actually think mobius is completely happy and peaceful, and in part coping mechanism.)

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"I see your point. You better get back in there and brief Dylan. I need to familiarise myself with this rifle, then send a report on our progress back to HQ." (OOC I completely understand you Skye. Shadow on the other hand is far too busy imagining the worst possible outcome. He is incredibly stressed so he would revert to his pessimism).

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"Yup.Glad we had this discussion. I guess i'll be back to see the kids and dylan then. Good luck with that. "

And Locke left back to see the others. " you wanna know something Dylan? I really wonder How Blaze is doing...Don't you think?"

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I'm now really interested in seeing the data. I remember before the... incident, I was told that there was sabotage in your scanner, which could have affected Shadow had he been the one to scan the werehog instead of me

*Sees Locke come in*

Blaze? Yeah, she probably took an extended cat-nap or something. I'm sure she's fine. Her help would be appreciated a lot though

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"Uh, yeah. Sorry about the scanner sabotage. It... I was... He... Um, I'll just go and unlock the data." Skye hurried from the room. Melody watched him go with surprise, then shot after him.

"Skye?" she asked, "was that about...?"

"Father. Yes. He had started taking control of me." Skye shivered at the memory. "Never again."

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