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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Oh dear. Sun setting. Something I always hate to see

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Shadow groaned at Skye's codename. "5 by 5 Skye. You picking us up alright? And the sooner we get this done Dylan the sooner you can see the sun come back up."

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Well... I guess I should say now that my teleporter didn't 100 percent pass the tests I did with it. Is this a good time to be telling you?

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"If push comes to shove and you transform I've got my dart gun. By the time you wake up you'll be back to normal. But don't dwell on it. I'm sure your teleporter will work."

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Can we say I tested it last night and it only... partly worked? There's no need to use a dart gun on me though

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"That's great dylan. If you go mad we'll throw you at the guard then. They'll take care of you. And your heroic sacrifice won't be forgotten. And stop calling me greybeard." they were finnaly on the move...

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Now wait a minute. Can you two calm down and let me explain?

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“You're coming through load and clear Agent Moody. And sorry Agent Greybeard,” Skye said over the radio, “we need to keep code up in case our frequency is being hacked. Now, what does Agent Jekyll have to say?”

“Got ‘em,” Melody called as she sprinted back into the control room. Skye turned the mic off again.

“Brilliant. Think you can make three focusing talismans out of what you have there?”

“Making talismans is more your thing Skye.”

“True. But you can make them faster than me.”

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Well, the teleporter unfortunately can't stop me from transforming. However, it does stop me from losing my mind, so I'll still be me and I'll remember what's going on after transforming back. Nothing too serious I hope

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You could chose something less.. evident than greybeard.. They are going to know i'm coming... And yes dyllan,the only thing you should be fearing are the loss of your clothes everytime you'll change back...

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That's partly why I always take my cloak and hood. Some of it is to hide myself. Some to hide from the moon in extreme emergencies. And some to avoid being totally naked after a transformation. Anyway, the sun is nearly down. Is there anything you want to ask me now? Because I can't speak much in werehog form

Also, Jekyll? What does that have to do with anything?

(ooc: Don't answer that last question)

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"How is Greybread evident?," asked Skye after switching in the mic. "There's tones of people who have grey beards."

"As for Jekyll..." Skye couldn't finish and just ended up giggling over the radio.

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"Whatever, let's just move out. the faster we are here, the faster this'll be taken care of..." Finally, they were at the coumpound....

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"Cut the chatter. We've got a job to do. You ladies can have handbags at dawn later. Set up the party Locke. I'll get the guests."

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Okay, but can you make it quick? The sun is almost gone, and the more we get done, the better

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Skye flicked the mic off. “They’re moving faster than I thought Melody. How’re you getting on?”

“Just finished Skye,” Melody smiled as she held up what could be mistaken for modern artwork designs made from spoons.

“Great. Take over the radio. I’m gonna head to the portal room with these.”

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"Wonderfull". Locke started to set up the Thermite.. "here and there.. almost done.... good" And he was done. "It's done Shady. Once you get the guest, I'll set up the party. And our main dancer will do her show"

"You are giving me too much credit my dear"

"Modesty? That's so rare nowaday."

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Shsdow was 400m from their position when he found a pack of werehogs. He threw a rock at them, and ran back towards the compound as soon as they gave chase. "Ok Locke. I've got them."

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Stepping into the portal room, Skye swiftly set up the three focusing talismans in a triangle around the portal itself. He then stepped into the centre of the triangle, outstretched his arms, and begun challenging arcane energy while muttering unintelligible words underneath his breath.

Across the surface of the portal, a film of energy began to appear in a multi-coloured crescendo, then it faded into invisibility.

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"Showtime..."As Locke put a Mask on his face. He then Proceeded to activate the thermite. It started almost instantly.

"It's good, let's hope it'll finish before you come. Now dylan, Red, and Crowley, let's take cover. And wait for our guest"

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Shadow made it just as a hole was made in the wall. He jumped to the side as DEL troops poured out of the hole, and were soon set upon by the hungry werehogs. "Ok Red. Showtime"

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The arcane energy faded from sight, as too did the talismans, cloaked by the magic. Skye walked over to the wall mounted camera.

“Can you see me Melody?” he asked

“Perfectly, camera’s running fine.” Melody responded.

“Great. Set it up to record. I can’t wait to see their faces when they get back. I’m on my way to the control room.”

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Red did not need to be told that twice. As agile as she was, she quickly got inside the building, thank to the breach.

"The diversion plan worked. there are less soldier inside now. You should be able to slip safely. I'll open the door from the inside"

And so she did.

"Thank for the help cutie."

"No problem. I'll scout ahead,while you go for whatever there might be."

"Perfect, Locke, over."

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