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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Cool to both, and really don't worry about it. The rest of us make mistakes too. The best thing to do if you think something might be puppetmastering is ask in one of these ooc's or in a pm. For example, a lot of what is happening with this possession (such as what is about to occur below) shadow and I have already talked about in pm's. And if you're worried you won't get a chance to make Miles pay for this, don't worry. Once he's driven out of Zamy he's fair game!)

Anna was starting to giggle a bit as she flew.

"Sorry, but I think we might be on the clock a bit," she said to Ziona.

"How the heck are you even able to carry me anyway?" asked Ziona.

"Uh, Spark said something about boosting strength. I could have done with something like this during my work days."


It took an effort, but Miles was able to resit being dragged into Spark's head. Gasping for breath, Miles half turned his head to look at Sparks. "Why are all of you so persistent? You're all risking your lives to save someone who'd turn on you in a heartbeat."

Concentrating, Miles began channeling some magic, then he noticed something unusual about the way Zamy's body reacted with magical energy.

"You have some untapped potential Zamy, did you know that?" asked Miles as, with a gesture, a flail appeared in his hands. "Hmm, can't say I approve of the colours," commented Miles as he tested the weapons seemingly perfect balance, "but..." He swung the weapon round with a cry, aiming a heavy blow towards Spark's head.

(ooc: A flail was the closet weapon to a Prower tail attack that I could think of!)

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Spark felt the full hit but only cooked his head now unable to now what he was doing he was preparing to kill miles by taking Zamy out with one blast but then he went back to his normal Phoenix transformation unable to stop him self from shooting the blast he shot it behind himself) I can't remember what just happened all I remember is entering her head the miles making that comment then...

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"It appears you need to work on your aim," said Miles. "And have a few anger management issues." He got ready to attack again by a cry of 'Zamy' distracted him. He turned to see Anna approaching carrying Ziona.

"More irritants," he hissed, taking a good look at Anna. "I'm sure I've seen her somewhere before."

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Once again , glen was out of the picture . Boy he hated that . "Having fun up there ?" He shouted.(Ooc: me too by proxy)


Tikal was snuggling against skye, enjoy the warm of the fire .


Red moved her out of the battlefield and against a three ."There , you should be safe here ."

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Spark zoomed in front of Anna and said.) hey go watch younger Miles alright this one might try taking you because well you know. (he whispered in her ear.) that your real name is something else

(me) if your wandering how spark knows that I can't remember if she told him but he heard it when she got kidnaped

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(ooc: Sorry, but you don't post as much as you used to even when you're around. We could say Anna picked up Glen as well if you wanted?)

Skye snuggled back, enjoying both the fire and being with Tikal.


""I don't think he... she... whatever... has realised yet," said Anna. "Plus the shock might distract him if Zamy is fighting back. But if you'd think it'd be better that I watch Miles, I'll do it."

"What about me? You didn't taxi me all the way up here just to have me be carried around did you?" asked Ziona


'I'm not sure about safe,' thought Melody. 'I wonder what they'll do to me now. Probably think I'm in a coma and lock me away in a hospital room alone with no company'

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(ooc: your call. i'll answer depending of your next post.)

Red sat down next to her."Yup, this s a fight way out of my reach..."


"It's a very good day..."

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"It is now," clarified Skye. "It didn't begin that way."


"If I do check on Miles, can you carry these two?" asked Anna to Spark, indicating Ziona and Glen.

"Make me sound like useless baggage why don't you," muttered Ziona.

"Uh... sorry, I didn't mean..."


'What fight?' wondered Melody. 'Where's Father? Is he still fighting?'

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"You won't avoid the beating Miles. That's already owed to you. But it could be lessened if you give up now. You're weaker than you think you are"

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Yah I can carry them for you wait ill do yah one better (spark summoned up to extreme gear for them to ride) there we go if one of you fall of ill catch you. (He said in a sensere way.)

(Me sorry if you can't tell what sensere is its not the right way to spell it and my auto correct can't tell either

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Yah I think that's how you spell it thanks Dylan(me)

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"I've heard the name Mina, I guess, but not sure where. You can turn the story short." Berry said.

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"I could make it shorted if you wanted me to," said Melody. "But to be honest, telling the whole thing might take my mind off, y'know..." Melody poked her non-functioning legs.

(occ: Your call Eliza. I don't mind if you want a summary, or a detailed recap spread over several posts. The recap would fill you in on most of what happened in the game though.)


Anna nodded and began flying towards the younger Miles.

"Whereas staying safe in here will prevent any beatings," replied Miles. He sounded confident, but Dylan had rattled him slightly. 'He thinks I'm weaker. Do they know my magic was drained?' he wondered to himself.

Ziona landed on her Extreme Gear, balancing with ease.

"Zamy, can you hear me?" she called. "We're all out here. He's hiding behind... well... inside you. Push him out and we can deal with him!"

"She's beyond your help Ziona," said Miles, searching though Zamy's memories for information on Zamy. He was relieved to find they weren't close friends. And that she had a 'reputation'.

"Why don't you and your boyfriend-of-the-week go off and get a room together, you ****!" yelled Miles as he flew at Ziona, swinging the flail. Ziona ducked underneath the blow, looking at Miles with a amused raised eyebrow.

"You make quite a B*tchy girl Miles," said Ziona.

"I am NOT a girl," shouted Miles.

"The current evidence suggests otherwise," commented Ziona. Miles gave a cry of anger and attacked Ziona again. This time she wasn't able to dodge fully and the flail impacted with her arm, causing the bone to snap and almost knocking her of the board.


"Hey Miles," called Anna as she approached the young cub. "You're flying again."

"Yeah. It's great. I didn't really appreciate it until... Hey, you're flying too! You've got wings!" said Miles, slightly shocked.

"Yeah! I was kinda weirded out at first. But now I'm getting used to it, I kinda see why Melody and Skye like playing with transformations."

Miles shook his head. "You've an odd family Anna," he said, causing her to laugh.

"You have no idea."

"And I used to be part of it," he added sadly.

"Well, given being part of the family would make you that..." said Anna, pointing upwards towards Zamy.

"Ah, good point. I'd never want to be like that. Possessing a girl like that, bleah!" Miles pulled a disgusted face.

"Are you saying there's something wrong with being a girl?" teased Anna in a mock-offended voice.

"N-no," said Miles quickly, a little scared. "But a boy taking over a girl is wrong!"

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"You can't stay in there forever Miles. Besides, pink is not your colour"

Dylan got ready to step in and help where he could. He didn't want to attack him whilst he was in Zamy's body. But if it came to that...

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Come on pinky, oh wait you can't (he said in a really high pitched squeaky voice)

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"nnneeeeerrrrrrrraaaaaaAARRRGGGGHHHHH! SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" screamed Miles. He raised he hand into the air and rapidly closed it into a fist. The sky above them darkened as a rain of swords began to fall.

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"Hmm... I think we hit a nerve with mr pink, Spark. Or is it miss? I'm not sure anymore" Dylan said whilst using the board to move around falling swords, barely missing a few

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Hmm was that sword pink I think it was is it ms. Pinky(he said leaning towards Miles while he summoned a flame Shield around him)

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"Talking about a woman's reputation,yet you are the one 'inside' a girl...... That's the hospital insulting charity , Brother !!!" Joked Glen.


Red was still sitting down next to Melody, making sure she was commfortable.


"What's important is what's happening now, not the past."

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Zamy knew she had to distract Miles before he injured anymore of the others. She focused on the image of Mina berating and beating Miles in the future, having picked up on her future appearence whilst Miles was tampering with her mind. She had no idea if it was real or not, but hoped it'd throw him off.

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"You're right Angel," said Skye. Then he added: "And what would you say is happening now?" curious about how she was feeling about their relationship, especially as Skye was continually using her as an emotional crutch. He hoped he wasn't straining her.


"Berry?" asked Melody as the squirrel remained silent.


Not being in a condition to dodge Ziona flew out of the radius of the spell, then back alongside Glen when it finished.

"I'm worried," she whispered to Glen. "I can't see any sign of Zamy fighting inside."

Miles was audibly growling at the insults being thrown at him. He began sharking as anger overwhelmed him. Miles forgot about his plan to take over his younger self. Now it was all about crushing those who stood against him inside and outside.

Then Sparks leaned towards him, causing Miles to lean back.

"What are you doing? Are you wanting a kiss or something? Back off you creep!" Miles channeled more magic through his flail, increasing it's size and power, and swung it towards Spark, aiming the blow between his legs. But before it connected, Miles' eye's widened, slowing the blow and giving Spark a greater chance to dodge.

"Mina, no. I'm sorry. I... I love you... Don't you love me?" Miles asked as he clutched at his head.

(ooc: For the record, before Miles and Skye fled the castle that wouldn't have happened, or at least they'd have had evenly matched verbal sparring matches. But since Miles was captured...)


"But you sound... almost worried as well," said Anna to Miles.

"I want Zamy to be okay. She's... my friend," replied Miles. Anna made a motion as if trying to get water out of her ear.

"I must be going deaf. I thought you said friend," she joked.

"We talked, she let me have a last look outside. We were going to place chess... Isn't that the kind of things friends do?" asked Miles.

"If she's your friend, then help her," challenged Anna.

"I can't! He's after me. If I go up there, he'll take me over!" whined Miles. "And my magic is drained."

"Then think of another way. You're always boasting about how smart you are. Prove it."

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Spark didn't move instead his legs disappeared) come on pinky show me what you got (he said shadow boxing)

Edited by Spark Falls

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Dylan was surprised at Miles' last comment, but he saw it as an opportunity to mock him even further

"Do you really think Mina deserves someone like you. She's got someone else now. Someone a lot more manly than you could ever hope to be. Especially in given your current feminine state"

(ooc: Gosh, he's feeling cruel right now)

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(Me oh crap I didn't read all of Skye's post well Sparks going to be in pain

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