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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"He shouldn't be there too much longer," said Ziona to Dylan. "There was a... medical emergency and we couldn't transfer him to jail immediately. And don't worry Berry. I doubt you'll even meet him. But why isn't Zamy answering..."

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"What kind of medical condition could stop them moving a dangerous psycopath out of here! Maybe hes faking it so he could escape. Maybe hes knocked Zamy out and is on the loose"

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"You can't fake losing a tail Dylan," said Ziona. "And I wouldn't have said he was in any condition to escape... but..."

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"...okay... Who is...miss Zamy?" Berry said, feeling kind of embarrassed.

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Dylan stared at Fiona for a minute shocked

"Missing a tail? You don't mean literally do you?"

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"Zamy is a college of mine Berry. I'll introduce you. And yes Dylan, I DO mean literally. Hope jabbed him with something before she was captured."

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Zamy's radio crackled into life as Ziona's message came through. Seizing the moment she threw her handcuffs towards the older Miles in an attempt to make him pause, and shot forward, hoping to grab the younger one and get out of there.

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The older Miles turned as the radio cracked, only for him to received the handcuffs square in the face. As Zamy grabbed the younger Miles, Melody barrels into them.

"Sorry, but Father ordered," said Melody as she brought her knife down, only to be suddenly thrown back by a blast of magic from Miles.


"ZAMY? Where are you? What's going on?" asked Ziona, starting to try and track where Zamy's signal was coming from.

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I see yo..your just a corp..se (he said touching her check then both fell to the ground side by side) this I..s it.

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Anna struggled to stand on the ice then hurried over to Spark's side.

"Spark?" she asked quietly.

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Zamy kept skating onwards, hoping she'd outpace them for now. "I don't know where I am. The older version of Miles and Melody just abducted Miles and I. He was in the cell, a flash of light then were both somewhere else. Apparently he wants to possess this Miles' body and somehow bring Skye back to him. I think it goes without saying but I need backup. Preferably lots of it."

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"An older version of Miles and..." Ziona repeated, glancing over at the bed where Melody sat, looking stunned and horrified. "Understood, I'll call HQ and try and track your position." Ziona quickly adjusted the signal on her radio.

"HQ come in, this is Officer Ziona. We've an emergency..."


Miles was nowhere in sight, but Melody had recovered and was rapidly gaining on the two.

"Sorry," murmured the younger Miles, "I think that blast was all I can manage."


"Hold on Spark. The infirmary isn't far. I'm sure we can get you patched up," said Anna.

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"It's a lot more than I could do Miles," reassured Zamy. "Ok Ziona. Keep me updated."

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Miles glanced up at Zamy, not sure how to react to being reassured.


"Zamy, HQ says they'll send in back-up as soon as I've pinpointed your location. Do you have any clue where you are? Are you even in the same Zone?"

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"Honestly I'm not sure, but the older Miles mentioned to Melody that he was contemplating going back to his time to bring back Mina. I'm guessing we're still in the Prime Zone then."

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"He'd get a nasty shock if he tried that," replied Ziona. "And your certainly in the same time period, otherwise we wouldn't be talking. I'll try narrowing the search to the Prime Zone first."


"Give... up..." said Melody as she closed in on Zamy.

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"Ok.... Darn it, Melody's after me. I've got to time this just right," said Zamy as she slowed her pace slightly.

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Hearing her name mentioned again, Melody tried to clamber out of the bed. "I've got to.." she began to say, then stopped as she wan't able to actually leave.

"Just hold on. By the looks of things you're somewhere in the Dragon Kingdom. Trying to narrow it further," said Ziona.


As Zamy slowed Melody closed the gap and drew her knife. She leapt towards Zamy, aiming a blow at her arm.

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Looking back to see Melody leap, Zamy hit the deck, slowing dramatically but her momentum caused her to roll on the ground before she managed to regain her balance behind Melody, bruised but alive.

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With Zamy ducking, Melody did a forward roll to aviod planting into the ground. Getting back to her feet she turned to face Zamy.

"Give up the boy and I'll let y..ou... g..o.. I don't... hav..e t..o kill yo..u."

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Dylan stayed silent. He couldnt think of anything to say and even if he could, it looked to be a bad time

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Zamy was slighlty perplexed by Melody's off speech. There was clearly something else at work here. "I can't let you take him Melody. There's no way that's happening."

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The arm which Melody was holding the knife with was begin to shake.

"Why? W..hy risk your li..fe for him?" she asked.

Miles looked pleading up at Zamy.


"I've got a lock," said Ziona delighted. She began relaying the co-ordinates to HQ. "I'm heading out there. Anyone else coming?"

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