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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye was worried by Tikal's silence and turned round and saw her expression. "Tikal? Are you...?"


Melody laughed happily.


"Uh... I think that's it for now," said Anna. "I'll see what it looks like, and if I want to add anything more."


"So, we need to be stealthy, not kill anyone, and escape with a jewel and a person..."

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"Everything is listed. We'll take care of it as soon as we can."


"Keep on smiling Melody."


"More or less Zionna."


"It's alright Skye..."

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"Are you sure?" asked Skye


"I will Mom, I will."


"That's great Daddy," said Anna.


"So who here is sneaky then?" asked Ziona.

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"Not a problem, Anna."


"I got some basics in it..."


"Yes Skye."


"I'm counting on you dear."

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Skye looked somewhat unconvinced and worried, but turned back to Miles. The other fox had sat back done the the bench.

"So you've basically got me to admit I hate myself. What was all that in aid off?" asked Skye bitterly.


"I won't let you down Mom," Melody replied.


"So, uh, when do we go shopping for the stuff?"


"I've got some basics too. Anyone got better than that?"

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"I guess not since the last time I tried to be sneaky Locke noticed me"

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"Noooo, but you DO have a teleporter. Do we have an interior map of this house?"

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"Even if we did, we still wouldn't know where the guards are and my teleporter does make a noise"

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"we don't. It should be here by tomorrow morning." Said Locke.


"I guess that's better than nothing."


"You better ! or else.... no more bacon."


Tikal sat down and waited.

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Miles looked up at Skye.

"I suppose you'll consider my reasons selfish," he began.

"I would have been amazed if they weren't," Skye replied dryly. "But how does probing MY feelings help YOU?"

"Because I wanted to understand you, to find out how similar we actually are. And find out how you manage to fit into this rehabilitation program," Miles explained.

"Why would you be interested in... YOU'RE BEING PLACED IN THE PROGRAM? WHAT THE @&%$?!?!"


"But-but-but.... I can't smile if you threaten me with THAT!" stammered Melody.


"That's efficient. I better get some old clothes for painting... oh, wait... I, er.. Don't have any old clothes."


"Hmm, but we could use the teleporter to get out. Hmm, Spark, you had some kind of liquid form. Is it hard to see? If it is, you could scout out the house, give us the layout and the guard positions, then we sneak in, grab the gem and Lucy... Lucky... Loopy... Lucian! Then we teleport away."

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"Don't act so shocked. Think about it, if the Board will try to rehabilitate someone who was willing to destroy a Zone, murdering all of its inhabitants for the sake of one person, you can be sure they'll try and rehabilitate someone whose actions would have ruined the lives of a group of people for a similar misguided goal," said Zamy.

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"Knuckles either. didn't stopp him. Heck, I'm walking around in a nightgrown Anna." Joked locke."And nobody ever told you what was under spectre's cloak..."


"Were you thinking a single instant that I was serious ?"


"someone is having issue with naming things."

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Skye slumped to the floor of the cell.

"But... I'm sorry for what I did. I want to atone for it," said Skye. He looked at Miles harshly. "And that's something you'd never do."

"Are you absolutely certain of that Skye?" asked Miles, looking at his family photo.


"Well, uh, no. But I was scared you could be," said Melody.


Anna giggled. "I thought he was just a floating head."


"Hey, I got it right in the end, didn't I?"

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"You sure did, zionna, you sure did..."


"Oh, if only you knew Anna..."


"Don't worry, I won't steal that away from you."

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"Thanks Mom, but, I'm not sure if it's important or not, but as your my Mom you should know, well, I only like bacon in the mornings. I can't really stand it if I'm fully awake."


"Okay, he's erm... powered by a hamster wheel under his robes?" guessed Anna


"You sounding as if I'm an 8 year old kid again!" laughed Ziona

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When I'm in my liquid form I can hear and see but someone is going to take the Walkie talkie for now(he explained to Ziona) and I'm unoticeable because with in that form I can blend in with the shadows.

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"Depend, depend..." joked Glen."You were way to small for my liking anyway"


"I think that would be the easiest explanation."


"Silly me then... I guess I'll have to scare you with something else in that case."

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"You were still threatening to take away my breakfast! That's scary enough," said Melody


Anna burst into giggles.


"Do you have something against short people?" asked Ziona to Glen in a joking tone. She turned back to Spark with a more serious tone. "I can take the radio in the meantime while you scout, if Kayl is happy with the idea."

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"he better make sure not to get caught...." said Glen."Nothing against short people , ziona... but you know the law about young girls and old men : not your daddy , right to prison."


"Oh dear, was I that funny?"


"Not enough, since you didn't seem scare at all."

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" yeah, kept that" Kayl said, still laughing at 'luck....lucky....loopy....Lucian', "this is so serious yet so disturbingly funny."

"Spark, all I want you to is find out how many guards are around...hehehe... Loopy...hHahha... And where exactly the gem is." Kayl handed a piece of paper to spark, "this just marks all the rooms in here, write where the gem and Lucky is okay.." Kayl said laughing.

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"So what's brought about this sudden change of heart?" asked Skye incredulously.

"Something I'd forgotten, and a promise to a friend. And in a way, you..."


"You've done far worst deeds than I have, yet you've got everything I wanted. What do I have?"


"I WAS scared," said Melody. "Wait... that's not something I want to admit."


"In a way Daddy, yeah," smiled Anna.


Ziona smiled that, though unintentionally, she managed to relax Kayl somewhat. "We'll wait right here for you to return Spark," she said.

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Glen looked around ...."I saw a balcony up there, Anyone with me ? we'll bet a better view... maybe an opening, who know..."


"Too late Melody... You are now turning into the most terrible thing in the world.... A normal girl !!!"


"well, if it's making you smile, I'll ty not to do it That often."

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"I think we should let Spark go ahead on this one, Glen. I know your feelings about him but if what he says is true then letting him go ahead is the best option"

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"Gah! Tell me you're joking!" replied Melody. "I think must have damaged more than my back," she muttered, rubbing the back of her head.


"Don't you want me to smile?" teased Anna.


"I think Dylan is right Glen, but once we know where everyone is it might be a good entry point. Odd's are it's guarded though."

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