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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Smiling, Skye fed Tikal the forkful. "What do you think?" he asked.

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"Not bad indeed."Said Tikal.


"Anyways... What's happenning now?"Asked glen.

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"Glad you like it," said Skye, filling up the fork again.


"I don't actually know," replied Ziona.

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"Let's do it again then."Said Tikal."No one will get mad at us this time."


"Anything could and did happen." said Glen.

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"I'm going to shut down for a while doctor." said Crabmeat

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Kayl smiled and returned the respect by lowering her head, "Thank you so much," she kind of blushed, when something caught her, "by the way, if you are searching for Knuckles, Glen said me that MAYBE he is the guardian, so you'll find him around where master emerald lies."

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"Good thing we shut the door then," laughed Skye.


"That's putting it mildly," replied Ziona

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"I can tell this is going to be a more... eventful assignment than I'm used to," said Zamy.

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"I think we've even beaten Zonic's record for craziness already," said Ziona, only slightly joking.


Back at the canteen, Miles could see Hope was sitting at the same table. He walked nearby.

"West wall five meters from the infirmary door. There's a hole covered by an illusion spell. All the stuff you want is in there," he whispered as he walked past and joined the queue.

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Hope got up from her table and began to head over to the aforementioned hole. This wretch was proving to be rather useful to her, though she still hadn't decided in what matter to rid herself of him once she had what she wanted. Making sure no one was looking she crouched down and collected the items. Everything she requested was there. Now she could subdue the warden cleanly: killing him would only intensify her pursuit and would gain her nothing. She prepared several syringes, some to deal with the warden and any guards, and two others as her insurance against Miles. Given their small size she managed to hide them on her person without them printing.


"I think it's pretty much guaranteed," joked Zamy.

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"So do you want to try these board things out?" Melody asked Hope.


"After this assignment we can probably retire and become novelists with our adventures here," Ziona continued. "I'm guessing you've got some luggage ready to transport for this mission?" she asked.


Miles sat down with his meal. The fact that head been talking with Hope and emerged unscathed had already passed through the prisoners, so he was being left alone. All he needed to do now was wait for a signal from Hope to show she was ready to move. And then be ready for the inevitable betrayal.

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Zamy laughed at Ziona's joke. "Yes I do a suitcase that I need to pick up. Nothing fancy in it, but it'll help me blend in."


"Erm, ok. How hard can it be?" asked Hope.


Hope R headed back into the canteen and saw Miles. She gave a simple nod to him to show she was ready.

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"It's either that or we interrupt Skye and Tkal while they have breakfast.. And I can't think of a more horrific sight," joked Melody.

'And my headache's completely gone now,' she thought. 'Look's like your idea was right.'


"A suitcase isn't too bad. If it was more I'd have suggested dropping it off at Haven rather than the hotel. Is there anything else about the situation here you want to know?" Ziona asked.


Miles gave a slight nod back, then made a slight gesture to indicate they'd make they're moving during the next prisoner shift.

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"Yeah racing sounds a lot more enjoyable," said Hope.


"Well yes actually. I know about the out of Zoners, but who're the Prime Zoners?" asked Zamy.


Hope acknowledged Miles' signal.

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"Right, let's see if we can find an open space to practice. I think there's a desert somewhere on this island..." said Melody

"Would you mind if I joined you?" asked Anna shyly.


"In this situation. Well there's Locke there, and occasionally there might be involvement from the other Guardians. There's Shadow and Rouge, I think you met the former, and I think they mostly stick around for Hope's sake, the human girl, because she and Melody seem to have struck up a friendship. Even if that shouting match did suggest otherwise. There was also the Prime Zone Knuckles, but I'm not sure where he disappeared off to." Ziona sat back and thought.

"I think that's everyone who knows the full story. There is also the Prime Glen and his girlfriend, who I think only know that Glen is from another Zone. Aside from that I don't think anyone knows or suspects the truth."


Miles returned to his meal, smirking. In half and hour, he'd be breaking out of this place.

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"This discussion is already an adventure in itself,"Said glen."And you know,My heighened sense are telling me something is going to happen today."


Locke was busy taking care of thing is the penthouse while Red was relaxing herself a bit.


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"Sure Anna. The more the merrier."


"Ok. Thanks, I think that's everything now," replied Zamy.

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"Of course we don't mind," replied Melody. Anna smiled.


"Wait, I almost forgot. Mina and her boyfriend. They don't know the truth, but they think I'm called Zoe and just look like Prime Fiona. But she might start questioning that if she see's you as well," said Ziona

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"Oh yes, this problem..... And since apperently, she seems very close of the freedom fighter, as she told us already.... She might know you alternate." Said Glen To Zamy.

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"I'd suspect that's a certainty," said Ziona.

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"I wonder how we are going to cover up for this." Said glen.


"So, enjoying our little meal together?" Asked Tikal.

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"I doubt I'll run into her anyway. Once I set up my accommodation it's not like anyone will just be able to barge in unannounced," said Zamy.


"Alright then, let's find a spot to practice," said Hope.

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"Of course I am. I'm surprised you needed to ask!" replied Skye.


"Hey Dad," yelled Melody. "How do you get to the desert from here? We wanna go and tryout these boards."


"I wouldn't be so sure. With everything else that's happened..."

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"If she or anyone else does decide to that, I can assure you they'll regret it."

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"A lot of thing seems to happen here. Crazy things ." Said Glen."So, I wouldnt be surprised fate got something in store for you."


"Just fell the need to ask anyway." Said Tikal.

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