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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yes I'm Zamy. You must be Ziona. I wasn't expecting things to be so... hectic. You've certainly settled in here," replied Zamy.

Hope was fuming.

"I've got a feeling she did," she replied to Anna.

"Don't go whining to me. You're the one who made this happen. I was just trying to help," she thought bitterly.

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"Well, it seemed like I was going to be stationed here for the long term, so I though it would be better to," Ziona replied to Zamy. "And yeah Glen, she's my new partner here. Glen, Zamy. Zamy, Glen. Do you want me to, erm... try and fill you in on the situation here?"

"You're friends Hope. She can't have," replied Anna, who seemed distressed about the situation herself.

Skye sat down quietly for a second, and used the excess magic he'd gather to summon a fully loaded breakfast tray. He went quietly back into his room.


'I know, I'm sorry' thought back Melody, though she was still whining. 'I just... I dunno why I lashed out... So much craziness had already happened that morning... The headache, the army, the magic drug, and the Rosy lookalike...'

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"Yes please. I'd like to get up to speed," replied Zamy.


"It's too late for that. I'm going to go back to my beeping machines,"

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"Tikal? Are you awake?" asked Skye quietly.


Ziona sat down, motioning to Zamy to do the same if she wanted, and took a deep breath. "Let's see. I sent the paperwork in last night, but it might not have been passed to you yet. So.... Crowley, Red and Skye," she began, pointing them, or their rooms, out as she went, "are from the future Moebius, but have been given permanent residence here. So has Melody, but her's also has a resurrection clause. Skye and Melody are the two we're here to observe, given their criminal records, along the the Brotherhood of Guardians. Which has now twisted into the kids being adopted by one of the Guardians."

"There is also Anna, formerly the Moebius Mina Mongoose," Anna shuffled her feet nervously when her old name was brought up. "who's suffered a psychological breakdown. Given her new condition, and the enemies she has, she's also been placed under protection. And been adopted as well. Try... not to think too hard about the family tree." She paused, gathering her thoughts, then continued.

"There's also Glen and Dylan, who are from that Zone that almost lead to a multi-zone were-hog crisis. They were both instrumental in solving that problem, but made some enemies doing so. Both have a two-month pass for the Prime Zone, and their cases for staying or returning will be reviewed at that time. And then there is Berry and Kayl, the squirrel and Echidna. They are... from a different time Zone I think. I'm not sure, but we'll need to try and resolved there issue. As for him," she said pointing to Spark, "afraid I've no idea."

(ooc: Holy frack! And that is missing a helluva lot.)


Melody came rushing out of her room and hugged Hope, tears streaming from her eyes. "Don't go. I'm sorry. I'll do anything. I'll give you my tiara. I'll give up my speed. I'll do anything you want. Just say we're still friends," she begged

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"I already pleased to meet her."Said glen.


"What a bad way to start the day."Said Locke, sitting next to Red.


Tikal stayed on the bed and decided to wait for skye.

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(ooc: The shortened life stories of non-prime zoners and/or those from a different time. Nice)

Dylan was watching Hope and Melody's outburst, shocked and confused. He knew it was probably best to stay out of things

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"I see. They only gave it to me just before I left. You've certainly been busy down here. Let's hope we didn't have anymore hiccups, though given the range of cases here I doubt things will be so simple. Thank you for the crash course, is there anything else I need to know or is that everything?" replied Zamy.


"I would if you weren't giving me a bear hug," replied Hope.

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"Hey, I brought you breakfast," said Skye, holding out the tray.


"Busy doesn't begin to describe it. These last few days have been truly hectic. It's like this little group is cursed or something. Let's see, anything else you need to know. Well, we're mainly here to babysit the three kids, and then mostly Skye, as he's the one with the rap sheet. He seems to be genuinely trying to reform, though it might just be his girlfriend keeping him on the straight and narrow. Oh, and we do have one possible issue with Anna. Miles, the one from Moebius who got arrested yesterday. He has something of an obsession with her. He might have gotten over it once he's realised from prison, but..."


"Oh, sorry," exclaimed Melody, letting go, stepping back and staring at her friend with hopeful eyes.

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Zamy shuddered. "I heard about that. I've dealt with his type before as a case once. Zouge knows what she's doing, but erotomaniacs are tough to break. Well, mentally at least. Once he's out in a few months he'll probably try again unfortunately."


Hope turned to face Melody. "Yes we're still friends," she mumbled.

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"Excuse me, you talking about the kid that got in jail yesterday,right ?" Asked Glen."I think that what he could do would be to get a form of closure on his 'relationship' with anna. That could be a beginning. Because breaking people doesn't help. It just does what it says: It destroy you inside."


"Breakfast ?"Asked tikal."That's so nice of you." She said with a smile."Now come so I can reward you correctly ."

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Skye smiled a lay down on the bed next to Tikal.


Melody slowly managed to smile. "Thank you Hope. I'm sorry I was such a jerk there. What can I do to make it up to you?"


"I'm glad I've never had to deal with one, but you're probably right," Ziona replied to Zamy, then turned to Glen. "The trouble is, I don't think Miles will be able to accept any type of closure. No matter what happens he might just keep trying. But either way, we're in the clear for a few months."


Miles sat comfortably in the No-Zone jail infirmary, where his foot was being re-bound. He had slipped into an innocent charm persona, convincing the nurse he was both on the path to redemption, and harmless. Smirking to himself, Miles cast a small stealth spell to stop himself from being noticed, and snuck into the dispensary.

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"And yet."Said glen."It's the only way to have him out of Anna's back.


""Here you go."Said Tikal, hugging tighly the fox."That's a good beginning I think."

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"You don't understand. He'll never accept that she's changed. The only options that can guarantee he won't reoffend are life imprisonmemt or brainwashing, and we don't do the latter for ethical reasons. Besides, from what I heard he resisted arrest with lethal intent. Amazing he didn't go down for longer," replied Zamy to Glen


"I don't know. I honestly haven't got a clue," replied Hope.

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"Actually,when your friends got in, He wasn't in much state of doing anything..." Said glen.

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"I can't think of a better one," replied Skye as he hugged back, then tucked a napkin underneath her neck. "Though, I'm afraid this breakfast might also be an apology."


"Tell you what then," said Melody, as she sprinted into her room, then came back with a sheet of paper that she handed to Hope. Written on it was 'I.O.U. 1 anything. Melody.' "Use that when you think of something," she said.


"He didn't go down for longer because the paperwork hadn't been filed," confessed Ziona. "So officially it was a fight between Zone inhabitants, nothing more. And Glen was right, when I arrived the fight was already over. All we could get him on was the trespass charge."

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ugh wh-what happened where am i.

haha i could actually get online sweet hi guys

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"I know our guys had it easy. I meant the, what do you call it? Citizen's arrest. I don't understand our regulations sometimes. Paperwork or not, he should be in there for much longer," said Zamy.


Hope took the paper. "Will do."

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(ooc: Welcome back Sparks)

Melody's smiled wobbled slightly. "So, uh, what now?"


Anna went over to Spark seeing him start to stir. "Hi there. You're back at the hotel," she explained.


"I agree," replied Ziona. "But then most of our regulations are crazy. Only interfering in random cases, and even then we tend to get someone from the Prime Zone to do out dirty work for us."

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"Exactly. We aren't exactly the model of an effective and legitimate police force at times."


Hope shrugged. "Not a clue."

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"Should we talk to Skye about our... Hey, my headache's almost completely gone," said Melody happily.


"He's fine, don't worry," replied Anna. "Just relaxing with his girlfriend."


"No. And the recent war hasn't helped either," said Ziona.

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"Yes he is."Said Locke.


"An apology ?why ?"Asked tikal.


Not a lot of redeeming feature in the zone cops. good thing Zionna is there to save the whole thing ."

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"Because... Because I'm afraid I may be busy this morning. I'm not sure yet," replied Skye.


"Heh. I think I'm hardly a role-model Glen," laughed Ziona.

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thats good im gonna puck now. (spark pukes out the dark magic he ate from the dark army)

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