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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"A squirrel and sn echidna? It should be interesting meeting them"

Dylan then turned again to Spark

"A dark army? Sounds bad. How far away are they?"

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"We're not going to escape and leave everyone in this holiday resort to that army's mercy," said Skye.

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"Yes, we can fight, you aren't the only one who can control chaos energy and we aren't trapped either. Still, I guess we should wake the others. And to think we're meant to be on holiday"

Dylan started to knock on the doors to the rooms

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"ONE DAY!," yelled Skye to no one in particular. "Is it too much to ask just to have ONE %^$£ DAY with no crazy %^"£$$ happening?"

He took a deep breath and turned back to Spark.

"Okay, what can this army do?"

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Rancor lays in the bed, staring out the window and into the night sky.

"Shame I cannot sleep." he says, talking to himself. "However I'm sure they'll want to rest soon and having me up last could raise suspicion."

Suddenly he hears yelling and commotion from the other room. "Well, hopefully they want to rest."


Trigun laughs as Spectre grabs him.

"I've finally touched a nerve have I?" he mutters while being gripped by Spectres power.

"I must say, you truly are more powerful than I expected. However, you may wish to release me soon."

As he turns his head to point at Kali, the ice body in which he was sealed in now glows from the head. Both his eyes and gem could be seen as straight green lights as they burned through the ice.

"I'm not sure how we arrived in your world, but you never learned how the three of us were killed in the first place." Trigun says as Kalis body begins shattering the ice and growing tenfold in size.

"This very being had gone on his rampage. His....forbidden power, if you wish to see it as that. The true potential of the earth element."


Knuckles splashes out the water and onto dry ground. As he coughs out some water, he looks to see Chaos again, still holding the book.

"You sure know how to cut it close." Knuckles says smirking. Suddenly the ground rumbles again as the two realize the serpent was coming up once more.

"Let's hurry back to the group!" Knuckles says. Chaos nods and the two run out the room as the serpent breaks out the water and crashes into the doorway, continue pursuit of them.

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"We're not because some of us can chaos control and I have a teleporter"

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"Um... I'm not sure who here has a proper gun. My one probably doesnt do what you might want it to do"

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"Dark magic users eh?" says Skye with an evil grin. "Gimme a few minutes to prepare and I might be able to prepare a ritual to disrupt their magic."

Melody spring up from her seat, looking overly animated.

"I don't have a gun, would hurling a knife at your sternum count?" she asked, unsheathing her knife.

A door opened and Anna sleepily poked her head out. "What's going on?" she asked.

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"A dark army is approaching Anna. You might want to get up"

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Skye ran back into his room to pick up his journal. "Let's see. Magic disruption.... Anyone got any chalk?"


Melody lined up a throw. "Hold still," she said with a grin, and hurried the knife at full force and her super speed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING," shrieked Anna. Using her own super-speed she tried to catch the knife mid-air but just missed.

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"Anna! Don't worry. They know what they're doing. I think"

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"Wow, that's cool!" exclaimed Melody.

Anna gave a shriek and hid behind her younger sister.

Skye, walking back into the main room, gave a sigh. "Oh, you use dark magic as well.... Huh, the ritual's gonna need some tweaking so I don't mess you up too."

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Dylan watched the transformation

"Whoa! He's as overpowered a Cheerleader was"

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"Wait, does he actually need any help?" Skye asked, eyebrow cocked.

(ooc: That's an In and Out of Character question.)

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"Well, this is a relief and a disappointment"

(ooc: Yeah. So do we come and help or are you going to return or what?)

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(ooc: Okay. So we are meant to be helping. Let's carry on then. But I think I'm going to sleep first. So goodnight everyone!)

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"I'm heading to the roof to get the ritual started. It'll help de-power the army," called Skye.

"Anna?" asked Melody, offering her sister her hand. Anna stared at it and shook her head.

"I can't. Not anymore," replied Anna, shaking her head. Melody looked disappointed.

"Okay. Catch ya on the flip side," said Melody, as she ran out the basement, down the side of the hotel and slammed into the army, slashing at the foes.

(ooc: In general we continue when we're on! You'll see how the participation fluctuates depend on who is online at any given time. I'll prob be heading off soon as well though.)

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"Stop talking as you fight Spark. It wastes energy!" called Melody as she acrobatically fought her way through the army, her knife shimmering with magical energy. "And yes, I know I'm being hypocritical," she added with a grin.

On the roof of the hotel Skye knelt in the middle of a chalk circle. The lines were glowing brightly, then a dark cloud began gathering above him.

"And here we go..." he muttered, the resumed his arcane chanting as the cloud began to draw out the dark magic from the army.

(ooc: and that's me off for the night. And, also, just realised; We've cleared 600 pages! Go us!!!!)

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Gken opened his eyes, only to meet zionna's "hey there cutie. Had a nice sleep ?"


Locke was quite angry. The whole situation was being both ridiculous and annoying . An entire army , on his island? That wouldn't do sir. No, that wouldn't do. Just what the other guardian were doing to not realise such a big treat was on the island ? Well , it was here, and he had to take care of it .

As locke went outside , he realised that they all started without him"Just because I'm old and weary doesn't mean you couldn't wait !!!" He shouted, before taking down two nearby fighter."Chao user ? Them? They are more pathetic than they look actually. You are all lucky it's me and not Spectre fightinf here."


Spectre looked at trigun."I'm 300 years old you bloody mongrel . I have been using chaotic power for just as long . Holding you both is definitively not a problem."He said creating another bubble. Hopefully , the heat of the chao energy would make the ice melt before the earth fighter would go full power."You still forgot one thing : this time , you are the trigger that is causing all this . "

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"Don't melt away the ice you fool! That will only speed up his transformation!" Trigun yells, but it was already too late. the ice that continued to grow over Kali was fully destroyed, allowing him to move around freely. He rampantly bashed against Spectres energy bubble, destroying it's integrity with every punch.

"We may not have a grasp on the power of you energy, but that doesn't mean you can assume it will combat anything!" Trigun continues. "Once an earth element reaches their full body, their body is covered with the strongest material unknown to even our world. If you try to fight him alone, you'll doom all of us without a doubt!"


Knuckles and Chaos continue sprinting as the look back to see the serpent.

"How in the world?" Knuckles says as he looks under its body to see small legs and feet spread out in full stride.

He tries to block the image from his mind and picks up the pace as the start to reach the entrance to the temple again.

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"These ... Forcefield are powered by my own strengh combined with the chao energy . It . WILL. HOLD . BACK. " said Spectre."Beside , he is bound to get ahold of himself , right ? Unless you'd prefer i get him closer to you."

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(ooc: We didn't all start without you. Just Spark (understandable), Melody (no surprise there) and to a lesser extent, Skye.)

Skye continued to disrupt the dark magic of the army.


Melody looked around when she heard Locke's voice. "Hey Dad!" she called. "Come to join the party?"


Anna watched from the hotel balcony. A strong feeling of guilt beginning to rise up. The rest for her family was fighting, and she was cowering behind.


"Possibly the nicest I've ever had," Ziona replied, smiling.

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Dylan went up to Anna

"You okay, Anna?"

(ooc: Sorry we did it without you, Locke. I can see we did do... a lot

And 600 pages. Woo! Celebration!)

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Red appeared behind her."Don't feel bad. You deserve a rest."


"Wanna make it last longer ?" Asked glen.


"I'd suggest you be more careful ." Said Locke, avoiding an attack.

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(ooc: Is that old Red or Young Red. I'm assuming old, so my dialog may be wrong.)

"I'm.. I'm fine Dylan. I just hope Skye and Melody don't get hurt. I'd never forgive myself," she said. She turned to face Red. "I know Mom. But I'm worried about them. And... Dad said you wanted me to spend more time with Melody?"


"Oh I'd love that," replied Ziona

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