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The Jest

Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Thanks for the tip, I might check it out sometime when I'm bored.

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Now that we seem to have a break from him, I'm going. See you around!


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*See's laser and tackles it head on.* This is the true test of limits in my ability.

The servers are the seven chaos.

Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart.

The controller is the one that unifies the chaos.

​Give me the strength to save the universe!


*The large explosion causes a rip in time and space, taking me and the laser fire with it. I'm calling defeat on this thread in commemoration of saving the universe*

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I admire your courage Knuckles. I'll pray to Aurora that you'll come back to life for the sake of the people you are protecting.

I have the power to revive people but it's against the laws of this universe. My apologies.

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Whoa. I did not expect that. Knuckles, you were the the bravest of all of us. The only one who never ran away from a fight. I think we should all take something away. What it is, I cannot say.


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Yes. You should be ashamed of yourself.

If it wasn't for Knuckles, all of your friends would have died. You would have got no home.

And the biggest part of this all, is that your tries ultimately failed. You are a coward for giving up.

I could easily destroy all of you now, but I'm giving you a chance to get a change of heart.

Good luck.

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First, I don't have any friends, and that wasn't my world.

Second, I'm not stupid enough to take on a deity-level cheerleader that is invulnerable to everything we've thrown at it. So I'm going off to find some nice quiet Zone to conquer.

*Teleports away*

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As for me, I was taking a tactical break. Your way to powerful for any hope of destroying. Everyone has something that they can go by against you. I currently have no super or hyper form, nor can I control fire or do magic. I have ideas of what to do but I'm not in the mood with Knuckles gone. I "gave up" because I knew you just want excitement so my plan was to stop fighting and hope you get bored and give up being hyper cheerleader so that you will fight fairly with us!

I am going back to my zone to find a way for me to get a super form in this form seeing how you won't power down. Good luck with your destruction of the universes as we know it


(Yeah... my character has really flipped)

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Very well. I shall await you guys powering up. Hope you'll be more of a challenge in the future.

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*In an unknown zone looking through video of encounters with everyone else*

That's what I need to do

*Breaks out in evil grin*

Soon, not even hyper cheerleader can stop me. Nothing can stop my progress!

(Seeing as no one is replying or writing something else, I assume I win?)

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*In some far off Zone, Skye approaches an inhabitant.*

Excuse me, I’m looking for some glowing crystals that contain unlimited power. Probably seven of them, all different colours. Or maybe several more, all the same colour, depending on how it works in this zone.

What? No, I’m not a kid in a costume. What makes you ask that?

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*Meanwhile, in another dimension*

I'm hungry, wonder if there's some chocolate around here. I'm unknown to this dimension though :c

*Sees a giant flying isle called 'Chocolate Angel'*


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*Appears in prime zone*

Well, I have returned. Now to wait for everyone else to arrive. I wonder which zone cheerleader has gone to destroy now, or if Skye has made a new skybase. Or if Blaze is going to sneak up behind me and start throwing fireballs. I'm ready for anyone.

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A few hours later...

*Taps on mirror*

Hello! I know there's someone on the other side. Look, what's all this about? Why did you grab me off the street, and were the tranquilliser darts really necessary? C'mon, talk to me! At least tell me where I can find this worlds Chaos Emeralds, or whatever they're called in this Zone.

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Back on Mobius

This is getting ridiculous. Where is everyone? Even the tracker I put on Skye's teleporter isn't working. How am I supposed to win if there is no one to go against.

(ooc: This is starting to get dangerously close to another role play. Be careful.)

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I'm currently not destroying a dimension. I found one with lotsa chocolate so I'm busy for a while.

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Now there's an idea. Why stick to the Emeralds of a single Zone when I could mix and match. Power more than the sum of it's parts, I'd reckon. But first I need to get out of here.

*Pulls out a bracket that fits over his hand, on which is mounted an Anarchy Beryl, now sitting in the palm of Skye's hand.*

I can't believe they missed this. ANARCHY BLAST!

*Takes out the mirror and most of the room beyond with a explosion of Anarchy Energy.*

(ooc: didn't mean to start rp-ing, I though I was just doing daft things. Oh well. I'll try and hurry up and get back to the game.)

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My tracker on the cheerleader says he is in a zone full of chocolate. Well, he's not going to leave anytime soon. May as well go find out what's wrong with Skye's tracker.

*Disappears only to reappear in unknown zone again*

The tracker not working either means he has found out about the tracker and destroyed it or something much worse. Well if he is still around, perhaps I can pick him up on one of my zone monitors.

(By the way, I didn't mean it literally for destroying a zone, and no worries about the rp-ing. It has happened before, and it can happen again.)

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*Looks over the cobbled together Emerald scanner he just built in the ruins of the building*

Really, this world has no Gems of unlimited power. How boring.

And with Skyebase destroyed I've no way of just teleporting to another Zone. Looks like I'll need to build some more Star Posts, but to get the power and resources I need with no Emeralds, I'm going to need to take this planet first.

*Presses a nearby control*

How thoughtful of whoever own this building before to leave me an army of killer robots to conquer the world.

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Ah, finally a signal on Skye. He appears to be in an unknown zone. That explains why I haven't picked him up on any of my monitors. I guess I should pay a visit to that zone, get some information for my database, set up another satellite to watch over that version of Mobius. The usual. First I need to pinpoint where that zone is. This may take a while.

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Don't worry, it would be boring if this thread was just like ''Ha, I win'' and then someone else saying ''No, I win''. It's hard to avoid a Roleplay in this thread so I'm seeing it through the fingers this time. Don't do it too often though.

And I don't consider this to be a very serious Roleplay at all. Like, who's idea was it to create a cheerleader with godly powers? D:

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(Your idea which is why everyone has trouble coming up with ideas to defeat you. Most of it isn't too bad but now we are all separated so it is becoming more role play. Shouldn't last too long though.)

Right, got a location but my teleporter only works with zones that have been explored so now I need to build some star-posts. How I will find what I need in this zones, I do not know, so I guess I will have to "borrow some from another zone"


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Meh still, what would a Last to post wins thread be without a story anyways :P It's a fun timekiller, so I'm keeping the thread the way it is, unless Jest doesn't want it to :P

I'm thinking about creating a party game rules thread though, everybody is following them good currently but it might get crowed in the future, so I wanna keep things up to date before that happens.

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(A party game rules post is probably a good idea so that late comers will understand the rules behind these things. I came late to this forum and luckily haven't broken any rules [i hope] but you can't predict whether someone else will)

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Heh heh. Robot army, mind controlled slaves, a new Skyebase; things couldn't be better. Shame about that planet, it looked so pretty before.

Hmm, I haven't had any interruptions from do-gooders outside this Zone. I wonder if time flows differently in this Zone, or if I just got lucky.

Oh, well. Either way, time to find some gems of unlimited power. All hands, prepare to jump.

*Activates Skyebase II's Star Post Drive*

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