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Found 53 results

  1. How did Tails and Mina get together?

    hey guys, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but i want to ask you guys: how do you think tails and mina got together to be married in 30 years later. one theory i have is ash just simply moved on or saw tails and mina getting closer and closer and just left to heartbroken to break up with her in person.
  2. Archie may be selling the rights

    Guys: word on the street has it Archie may be selling the rights to sonic.  Forget the new panders situation, if this is the case we got a bigger problem 
  3. Sonic the comic online

    sorry if this is off topic or in the wrong place, but i can't help but ask, what do you guys think of sonic the comic online?
  4. If you wrote for the Sonic comics

    if you got a job at archie to write for the sonic comics, what would you do? for me, it would be to expose characters we don't normally see, and try to bring fleetway super sonic or some form of sonic begin evil in his super form into the comics.
  5. Who do you think is most likely to return?

    Sorry guys on here if topics surrounding mr.panders lawsuit are making you hate me, but one thing i can't help but ask is who (who was not made by panders) do you think we could see return in the comics again. we have storm back which took me by surprise, and i think/hope that others we may see include -ash mongoose -mina -li moon -snively -iron nicole. what's your say in this guys.
  6. so ships in the series can no longer happen due to archie fearing sega will take the license away from them (the comic book is more closer to the series.) if this situation ever blows over or ends, do you think we'll see couples in the series again?
  7. Why's Fiona fox gone?

    now I know what you guys are thinking, team random come on now, panders won, you should know this by now. Well, panders said he doesn't have Fiona fox's rights. I know other writers characters have been taken out, but would it kill Archie to maybe ask the writers permission to use there characters or reintroduce Fiona? 
  8. Darker subjects?

    probably going to get me in trouble on here, but should sonic the comic or universe tackle subjects like suicide and depression by having some of their characters deal with problems or be in situations that would make them deal with those problems. I know it's sonic, but there are teens and older people read the comics, and the comics can get a way with a tab bit more.
  9. Incomplete Pages on Certain Comics

    It has come to my attention that certain Archie issues in the of the Comics section have pages that are either incomplete, or "corrupted" with black boxes that shouldn't be there. When time permits, the admins really should correct these errors by re-uploading the original image files.   Pages that need fixing are 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Sonic the Hedgehog #5. and, 20 and 21 of Sonic the Hedgehog #43  
  10. how sonic multiverse came to be

    teamradnom21 (me): hey guys! glad you could make it. in room with everyone from the comic series, even panders characters knuckles: so what's this meeting all about? teamrandom21: well, i want you all to be a part of something...a fan fiction series. scourage: what! sally: come on now teamrandom21, no offense to you or any other fan fiction writers but, well, while some are good, there are those stories that are just... scourage: horrible! terrible! madness! like a bad fever dream acid trip. teamrandom21: look guys i know this is bad but come on now, i'm tired of the comics begin ruined because panders wants lara-su to be in some comic (or manga as i call it just to clown honk panders off) that looks like a very bad fever dream after reading all the knuckles comics. no offense knuckles. knuckles: none taken. teamrandom21: that and come on guys, don't you want to work with each other again, all of you. everyone looks around at each other scourage: well i do want to live up to my promise of "big plans" for sonic's world. fiona: and i do miss tails a bit... teamrandom21: exactly! come on guys, so what if this is fan fiction? i'm tired of the comics and other great things suffering either cause sega goofed up or panders wants to pull a lawsuit card. all's i ask is for you people to be a part of this fan fiction series for the fans, by the fans! scourage: and panders can't sue us cause it's just fan fiction, and we're not making any money off it. teamrandom21: yes! (sadly) but yes, now come on, let's do this! are you ready? everyone: yeah! teamrandom21: then let's do this! for the fans! everyone: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Cute/touching moments

    alright guys, i've talked about sad and dissapointing, now let's add some positivity to the mix. what are do you think are some of the most cute and touching moments in the sonic comic's?
  12. What would have happend?

    sorry i'm once again bringing up the ken panders lawsuit, but am i the only one wondering how the story would have played out if the lawsuit never happen? what are some things you think would have happen if panders never sued (or archie)
  13. top 4 sonic ships

    alright, i know this is going to get some people mad at me but because the sonic SCANF community didn't mind my which ships did you want to see list, i'll give you a top 5 ships that i ship from the sonic universe. and because i'm bad at intros let's just get into it. number 4 : sonic x amy (in the boom universe) sorry amy in the games and comic but boom amy seems a bit more mature and non stalker-ish or obsessed with sonic, i mean sure it's there but she keeps it a secret while game and other forms of amy mind as well hold a sign bigger then a billboard saying "I LOVE SONIC!" or "SONIC SENPAI NOTICE ME!" also boom sonic seems to have the same feelings as well. number 3: shadow x amy shadow is 50 years old my foot sonic fan base. Shadow doesn't look 50 and let's be honest, the age's in sonic's universe are complicated as all heck. if it wasn't for the characters just outright saying there name or it begin in there bio i wouldn't know what there age would be. And no i don't ship these two because of amy accidentally hugging shadow, i ship it because well, who's to say amy or shadow won't have more encounters in the future. also flynn if you make amy x tails cannon i swear to god I'll-techinical difficulties sonic  x blaze number 2  i don't mind sonic x sally that much, but something about sonic x blaze just shouts "that would work" for me. Maybe it's some of the shipping hints in the games, or maybe it's because looking back i kind of see blaze and silver as more of a brother and sister relationship, but i wouldn't mind one bit if these two got together. Sorry sally but that dude who headcannoned that you're not into anyone post genesis wave is onto something...not to mention you probably were brain washed by sega... sega: holding up men in black memory forgetting device  you never loved sonic the hedgehog f number 1: tails x fiona and tails x nicole i'm sorry guys but i can't decide. number 1 has to be a tie. tails x fiona because i feel bad for fiona fox. her betrail and slapping tails is because she was a train wreak, with a bad past and childhood begin left behind by the freedom fighters. If tails can just understand this, i have a feeling the two are gonna get together, or would have. besides, i see tails as a forgiving guy, and he didn't know about her past. nicole and tails because while nicole is an AI, who's to say she can't or won't become real someday? other then that the two are tech sabby and i know i'm not the only one in this fandom who wants to see tails cheer up or talk to nicole when she's feeling left out because she's an AI and not a real begin like all the others. If sega still doesn't want ships to happen i hope flynn can at least do that, and give the fans at least a close enough moment to a ship with the two, that and there isn't much evidence of the two begin anything more then friends, and standing next to each other doesn't count unless there blushing or something...on a final note now with fiona MIA, i definatly want this ship to become cannon in the comics.  sega: I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is team random21 signing out. tell me which ships you ship and why and what you thought of this list, and if i should do more.
  14. What do you want to see?

    what are some things you want to see happen in the future for the comics. this goes for story lines, characters, or anything else you'd like to see happen in both STH and SU
  15. I feel bad for Ian...

    i'm gonna be honest here, i feel bad for ian fylnn. Ever since the lawsuit i feel like there's more and more restrictions that sega (the same people who technically caused the lawsuit). are putting on the comics, such as not using the term "mobious" as i saw in one video. Flynns response to the tweet (a somewhat rude i can't use it), is understandable cause as someone on here said he's in a war he doesn't want to be in.    I really hope all this stuff blows over with the comics and things get semi back to normal, old news or not i still feel the comic is topsy turvey and the 2nd crossover was just made to distract fans while archie try's to find out what the heck to do next.
  16. Sad moments

    what are some of the saddest moments you can think of in the sonic the comic series/sonic universe.
  17. now i know we're all warn out from crossovers, but if the comic could do anther one in the future, what would you like it to crossover with. I would like to see it crossover with nights into dreams. I know NIghts appeared in the megaman crossover, but i would like the crossover to be more focused on just the 2 series, which is owned by sega and shouldn't be a problem.
  18. Comic downloads

    small question since i am new to this. can someone please help me out with the comics and its download files
  19. Favorite Fan comics?

    There are many fan comics of the Sonic series and I got curious, do any of you guys have a favorite?   I know mine is GOTF
  20. On this topic, you can share your favorite crossovers involving the Sonic franchises. And now, my favorite crossovers with Sonic franchises are Super Smash Bros. franchises including Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Metal Gear franchises, Spyro the Dragon franchises, and Transformers franchises. So, what are your favorite crossovers with the Sonic franchises? ^_^
  21. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Well, it appears Xander Payne WAS onto something in Mega Man #40, because this just popped up recently: Source: http://www.polygon.c...rossover-series Yep, Sonic and Mega Man are gonna have another crossover, in Spring of next year! The article above has more details. Judging by the teaser image, it looks like Sonic's world will still be suffering from the Shattered World Crisis (Unleashed Arc), and I'm guessing this event'll happen just after STH's 'Champions' arc, Sonic Universe's 'Spark of Life' arc, and the second half of the 'Mega Man 3' arc. (I highly doubt the Sonic Boom comic will get dragged into this.) With that said... I think it might be a little bit too early for the heroes to cross paths again (or technically, for the first time... dammit, time travel!). I mean, if it was after the Unleashed arc is resolved in Sonic's World, then maybe I could understand. But it's looking like it'll still be shattered during this event. But obviously, what I'm most curious about is HOW they're gonna meet up this time. I doubt it'll be another Genesis Wave, or another Skull Egg Zone. And it's likely that Xander's gonna be involved in some way... I guess all we can do is wait till New York Comic-Con this weekend to get more details. Anyway, what do you guys think? Awesome news, or too early?
  22. Top overpowered characters

    Whether it be Shadow The Hedgehog, Enerjak, Silver, Mogul or even Sonic himself, Archie Comics is famous for its portrayal of powerful characters. But what about broken characters? Characters that are so far beyond the individuals of their Universes that they are only defeated by luck, chance, stupidity or through sacrifice of precious lives. What Sonic The Hedgehog characters do you think are overpowered?
  23. So I was recently looking over at the Bumbleking forums and found this... interesting topic: http://www.bumblekin....php?f=4&t=7415 You may notice that pretty much everyone (both there and even outside the forums) aside from a few are calling this a blatant cash-grab and a gimmick. And you know what? I actually think they're mostly right. It basically just amounts to making you buy the same issue twice, with what is likely a one or two-page difference at the end. While you could argue that they won't be necessary to understand the next issue/arc, to me it still sounds a little bit greedy. This really doesn't help matters here either, as practically all the issues on this website are the standard covers. Luckily, this appears to simply be a 'test' of-sorts, so it won't be permanent (and judging by most people's reactions, I doubt it will return anytime soon). But I'd like to know what you guys think about this: Could it possibly work, or is this just a cheap money-grabber?
  24. Does anyone know when Knuckles will show up? and how do you think Knuckles will be affected by this change? Like will Knuckles be able to use the chaos emeralds and go super like he could in the classic game Sonic 3 and Knuckles? or how do you think Knuckles will be written in the series now that the Super Genesis Wave warped reality.
  25. Nights into Dreams

    Out of curiosity, is anyone here a fan of Nights into Dreams? It was admittedly a bit back, but for a while there Archie had a couple mini series going with the character that promised some interesting directions (which sadly never were delivered due to low sales of the comic) It is sorta tangentially related to Sonic comics admittedly, with the largest reference being Saffron Bee's nightopian friend but surely there is at least one or two people around who have heard of it.
