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Christmas role-play?

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"-ahem- I'm a Freedom Fighter. I saved lives and I'm not dead." Amy said to Techno.

"And, so, YOU WILL HELP US!!" she added, pulling her hammer off with anger.

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Ash found G and the young cat right away. "Eggman is going to attack the orphanage! We need to get the kids to safety" said Ash while catching his breath. "Ash you get the kids out while I" said G until the sound of an engine in the sky appeared. The sight of a large red bot similar to the Blizzard bot was viewable in the distance. "We are running out of time! Ash let's get moving" said G as he rushed outside. Ash gathered all the kids he could find and started leading them outside.

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Peggy was busy shuffling several kids outside when she saw the robot. "Crud, I should of brought my car."

Myra took a few steps back when Amy took out her hammer.

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After seeing the new red Blizzardbot arrive, Amy looked at her hammer." Huh. I guess pulling the hammer out wasn't a bad idea after all."

Then she talked to Myra and Techno. "Okay, first things first, we have to make sure those children get out safely, is everyone out?" 

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"Got no choice." Said Techno as he pulled out his blasters.

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Peggy carried the last kids outside and rejoined the group, "All the kids are out, What now?" She asked.

"We can wait for it to come to us or go to it." Myra replied.

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"I'll see if I can slow it down," said Skye, before entering Cyber-space.

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"You think he'll get some of that robo-madness like last time?" Asked Techno. 

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"I hope not," Myra replied, "that was scary."

- -

Phage lay wait for Skye in cyberspace, "So you're the one who destroyed the doctor's finest robot." Phage began, "I did not expect you to be so... small...childlike...weak. If it where up to me this would end now, but the Doctor what's you incact... mostly." With these words Phage attacked Skye.

Edited by Katmuffin

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"Phage..." Skye quickly reformed Cyber-space around him, creating a shield just in time to block Phage's attack.  Unlike out in the physical world, Skye attitude was different in cyberspace.  More certain and confident.

"This is an unfortunate if not unexpected development.  I'm afraid you will have to return to your slaver empty handed however."  Skye reformed his shield into a wave of energy, blasting it towards Phage.  The sheer power would likely be more than Phage was expecting/

(The way I see it, this should be a pretty even fight.  I would say Skye has more raw power in cyberspace, given he was born there, and the years he spent inside, plush the fact he is thirty years more advanced.  On the other hand, fighting in Cyberspace is what Phage is designed to do.  So it is strength vs skill here.

Oh, and Skye will appear as my current Avatar does!  It seems apt

And finally, well done Kat with Phage!  You got her verbal tic perfectly.  Great work.)


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"I will go after the robot. Anyone want a piece as well!?" Said Boulder grinning.

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"Let's HAMMER that thing down, buddy!" Amy said to Boulder, sharing the grinning expression.

(Whoho, Phage is in the house! This is going to be fun. Kat definately sounds like Phage... 

And Skye, that means a lot to me!)

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(Thanks Guys! Let the best AI win!)

Phage avoided Skye's attack by forming a barrier of their own, and seemed impressed by Skye's raw power. "It's rather obvious now why those robots fell so easily to you. But will find that I am not so easily defeated, challgening me was a mistake...error...lapse in judement." Phage continued. Instead of a headlong charge, this time Phage expanded and began too attack Skye from multiple directions, shooting out tendrils at random.

- -

"And I'm completely weponless." Peggy sighed.

Myra stared at the robot, unsure what to do.

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(You're welcome, both of you!)

"Hardly an error, you presented no other options when you attacked unprovoked," said Skye, forming the shield again in a bubble around him.  For the moment, it was a stalemate, though Skye knew that he wouldn't be able to keep the bubble up forever.  And besides, others were counting on him.  He tore away a section of his barrier, breaking it into small shards as he did so and hurling them at Phage.  He wasn't aiming to hurt her, just distracted he so he could escape and move to a more favourable position.  "If you are this powerful, why do you follow the orders of some foolish squishy meatbag?" Skye asked.

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Phage hissed as the shards struck her and recoiled, and paused her attack "Because when the doctor takes over the world, everything will be machine or part machine, and my prey...fodder...toys. You will soon see the wisdom in this." Phage replied, retracting completely and began to form a container around Skye. "If I have not persuaded you, then perhaps the doctor will."

(Not like that's going work.)

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"You're deluded," said Skye, taking off and blasting through the top of the container before it could be fully formed.  "If the Doctor wins, he's not going to let you act free.  He'll eliminate you, or at least put so many limitations on your programming your free will would be destroyed.  Didn't you notice that reset chip he put into Metal Sonic?  Or the fact all his underlings are rigged to explode at his mere command?"  Skye formed two energy blades, one in each hand, getting ready to parry the next round off attacks.

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"The doctor may be many things, but I am the master programmer, when I was first created, I tore through his systems with ease, and I will do it again. The rest of them will perish, but I will survive...live... conquer!" Phage replied. She created a barrage of spikes and hurled them all at Skye attacking him again herself.

(Makes me wonder, what fail-safe did Eggman on her?)

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The red Bot landed and shot at Boulder using a flamethrower. Ash ran to G and said "G! Sasha is missing!"  Heading that G started to panic. Everyone one of the kids is missing! It is Sasha cat. She is one of the kids I told a story to before" said G as both him and Ash started to look around.

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Peggy, eager to help, began to look for Sasha as well.

"Sasha?" Myra called out, scanning the scene.

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"My skin is incredibly thick machine! You can't penetrate it that easily!" Said Boulder as he moved in the flames.

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(Oh, there's bound to be something there.)

"I see you've inherited your enslaver's arrogance, thinking he'd be that easy to defeat," replied Skye.  He tried parrying the barrage, but a few got through, causing him to yelp in pain.  He dropped to the ground and started reforming it, causing it to spiral around Phage to try and trap her.

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"Target unaffected. Increase power intensely" said the Pyro not as it fire both flamethrower at Boulder at max heat. 


G was starting to panic when he saw the bot attack Boulder with both f lamethrowers but finding Sasha was more important. 

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"This is going to be truly intense...for YOU!" Amy said while charging against the Pyro-bot, aiming to give it a blow

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Boulder began to slowdown and soon fell to the ground.


Techno was about to leave until he saw Boulder and ran to his friend.

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