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Sonic X

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Sonic X is the only Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon that isn't actually a cartoon. The anime features three seasons: the first one is about the Chaos Emeralds hunting and generic fighting with Dr. Eggman, and the second is based off Adventure Series and Sonic Battle. The third season, which wasn't made under SEGA control, is all about space travelling, visiting other planets and searching for the Chaos Emeralds which were lost again during the Super Sonic's fight with some mysterious metallic monster.

The thing that is special about this anime is that there are people. The one of the main characters there is Chris Thorndyke, a boy who made friends with Sonic and others in the beginning of first season and was sharing all the adventures with them till the end of the third season.

What did you like in this anime? What disappointed you? Is it good or bad they didn't make the fourth season? What do you think? Share your opinion here.

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It's good anime, I think. Not very cool, but not so boring, as some others. I hope SEGA will create the fourth season, and I hope to see there new some heroes like Silver and Blaze.

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I didn't watch the Sonic X anime much, except for the first few episodes on that GBA Video Cartridge I obtained from a funny Canadian dude.

I also saw a few episodes when flipping through the channels a few years ago. The thing I enjoyed about Sonic X was that it was (partially) an adaptation of the games. I don't dislike original Sonic stories, but the ambiguous canon between the games and the comics and various cartoons is irritating sometimes. I think making an anime of a game while keeping the storyline relatively unchanged allows viewers to see the game in a different light.

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I only seen a few episodes, and I got to admit it's not too bad. Though I have yet to watch the japanese dub though, I heard it's much better. (Well the english dub was done by 4 Kids though...) I really like how Sonic sort of looks like a hybrid of classic with modern, a look that they should use in the games IMO. (But i'm not too picky about modern Sonic anymore as much as I was when I was younger...)

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Yeah, it reminded me of that kind-of traditional-modern hybrid look they had in Sonic R and Sonic Jam's Sonic World.

I suppose it's similar to Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood's model.

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I liked it when I was like eight. Going back and watching it, I feel they need to make a Sonic show that follows the Sonic the Hedgehog Comic storyline.

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i wanted to see silver in it! i hope if they creat a fourth season i want to see silver, metal sonic and eggman nega.

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  On 2/11/2013 at 2:21 PM, NEO METAL SONIC said:

i wanted to see silver in it! i hope if they creat a fourth season i want to see silver, metal sonic and eggman nega.

But we know that the fourth season will not be.

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What's wrong with Chris? He is an important character in the Sonic X. Simply, he is still a child. He creates an atmosphere of "What if Sonic was on the earth"

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Hmm, nobody seems to like Chris. It's kind of become a running joke to bash Sonic X solely because of Chris, make videos of Sonic characters beating up Chris, et cetera. I think it's because Chris, while not the only human character, is the first human character Sonic sees. He really has no abilities, and so people get the feeling that they had to put in Chris as the token 'human-world' character. Also, since the plot of SA1 and 2 is roughly outlined in Sonic X, Chris' very existence at that point is rather hilarious, like if someone put in their personal fancharacter, "Jelly the Donut," into a Sonic game and called it canon. He's also further bashed because while characters in SatAM and AoStH are also backed up by the comics and official games to some extent, Chris (until the rather late Sonic X comics) was just in Sonic X. So essentially, he has no powers and the importance of Bean the Dynamite, but he appears far more than some consider necessary. This makes him a rather unique character in comparison to virtually any other Sonic character, and naturally, he's a target of hilarious pranks.

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I highly enjoyed the show. I remember watching it premiere in Britain on Jetix. There were alot of great episodes and the adventure episodes we're excellent to say the least. I've gotta say though, I wish they tied up those cliffhangers at the end of the last episode.

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There seemed to be too many fights won with a single ring boost, ya know?

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I like portions of Sonic X. It's a really interesting show and so Chris can get pretty annoying, but he's pretty realistic when you look at how some people would be when they have someone who can be their friend literally fall out of the sky one night when they've spent the majority of their life without anyone that ISN'T hired to look after him or family.

You'd cling to them, too. But my main problem with him is in Season 3, he didn't grow up at all.

But funny thing is, Season 3's my favorite overall since it had much more story and definitely showed the show's potential.

After that, I can definitely see how you guys want a Season 4. That's be awesome! But... I doubt it. Oh well.

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I really doubt there's gonna be a 4th season but I seriously wish there was!

I mean Chris was incredibly annoying in the first season and by the second he was practically pointless, but he actually gained my respect in the third season.

I just really wish they were able to tie up the last few cliff-hangers but otherwise I think they did a great job!

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Sonic X WAS my favorite TV show. Now I don't like it at all. Because Eggman looks so fool, and Sonic always wins only because of a ring. I like Sonally (Sonic and Sally) and SonAmy but in Sonic X Amy is so annoying, she's always after Sonic. The Archie Comic are different: Eggman is so evil, and he won once, only once (or twice?) but that is something. Sometimes you want evil to win. And Amy doesn't waste her time looking for Sonic (right?) and she's more mature. -_- (Oh, I'm new at this and sorry for my bad english)

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I thought it was alright but the human characters, especially Chris, just got on my nerves and seemed to be far too prominent. The only 2 I liked were Topaz and Tanaka. I think it would've been better if it were set in the Sonic Adventure world, so Sonic and co were already established; Tails has his workshop far from civilisation, Knuckles is on Angel Island, Rouge is working for GUN etc. That way the focus could remain on them with humans only occasionally appearing as secondary characters or plot points, as it should be.

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I'd agree that the human characters were overused (though my opinion is Chris is more 'meh' that 'destroy him!!!). On the other hand, unlike Shadow, I'd say that they didn't take enough advantage of the setting i.e a group of Mobians on Earth. I think there was a lot of plot potential there that got skimmed over too fast or just wasn't utilised. But as the series actually stands, rather than hypothetical potential, it would have been better in the SA world.

And I have to disagree with Me4ever on one point, Eggman is not a fool. He appears that way, until you realise that ruling the world isn't his goal. He's not trying to rule the world, he's enjoying the challenge of attempting the conquer the world. It just a game, albeit a dangerous one for the players! I suspect Sonic is aware of this, but the others aren't.

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  On 2/11/2013 at 2:21 PM, NEO METAL SONIC said:

i wanted to see silver in it! i hope if they creat a fourth season i want to see silver, metal sonic and eggman nega.

Metal Sonic was going to appear along with few others

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I think sonic x is ok I saw it and both English and Japanese they where great it just some of the line the character say is embarrassing, Chris stole tails spot light, and knuckles it more hot headed and stupid this is not what Sega use in there games or Archie comic :angry: I wish they include some character like metal sonic, blaze, silver and a couple of other including sally of there is a 4th season they need to include those character. Oh and they need to give shadow more spot light then just sonic adventure 2 adaption and Season 3. -_-

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I liked Sonic X and I felt it was rather a popular cartoon among the fan base though people really need to watch the Japanese version of the show. Watching the English version was really a waste of time when the original was hanging out there. The anime had its ups and downs, let me list my personal opinion:

The Good

Adaption of Sonic games (Main win for me).

The only Sonic cartoon to feature Amy, Cream, Shadow, Rouge, Tikal, Maria and many other game characters.

Good animation and coloring.

Great soundtrack.

The Bad

The human characters were fine, but felt overused and annoying at times. Chris was okay but stole a lot of spotlight from the rest of the cast. He was better in Season 3.

Amy being way too aggressive. Sure it can funny but a little out of character for her.

Fighting scenes were too rushed, (especially Super Sonic's battle with Perfect Chaos) A LOT more action could have taken place.

Certain episodes felt very repetitive. Sonic and the gang happen to do something, Eggman comes, Tails gives Sonic a ring, Sonic wins.

Season 3 mainly taking in space. I wanted the series to be focused on Mobius after they came back from Earth. The Metarax arc was okay mainly cause of Cosmo, but no, space travel adventures aren't meant for Sonic. Hopefully if there's ever going to be a season 4 (which I doubt) the plot setting would be on Mobius.

So yeah, I liked the Anime along with SATam. If a season 4 would ever come I would like to see it adapting more Sonic games and more characters like Silver, Blaze, Metal Sonic, etc appearing. That would be awesome.

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  On 5/27/2013 at 2:23 PM, Glider4 said:

It's OK but the 4kids dub ruined it

Should of let funimation do the voicing

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  On 5/27/2013 at 5:36 PM, Blue Comet said:

Should of let funimation do the voicing

I would say that they should have got the offical game cast at the time but they were terrible too. Infact you can see how 4kids starts rushing the show more and more and it get's worse as the series goes on. Same with most 4kids dubs really

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