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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"She can talk," said Kimi surprised. Skye just stared back at Fluffy. He was certain her knew her. That she was special. He just couldn't work out how.

(ooc: And this time I won't put that lone in, even if it would be apt! :P )

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(Ooc: huh?)

Fluffy looked at Kimi, and then went back to looking at skye,

"S..." She said when Chris interrupted, "you did anything productive?"

"Hmm... YES." She said to Chris, the looked at skye again,

Chris shrugged

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Kimi looked at where Fluffy was staring, and realised that Skye was staring right back.

"Wait, you know her Skye?" asked Kimi. Skye nodded. Slowly, he started walking towards Fluffy.

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Fluff took a few steps back when she saw skye, but then went a bit closer too, it seemed she could trust him.

"O...Kay." Chris said

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"I think they... like each other," said Kimi.

Skye slowly and carefully reached out his tail towards Fluffy.

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"...okay.. Eee.." Romance wasn't Chris' thing

Fluffy looked, and then smiled. She took the tail slowly, hugged it, and then murmured one of Skye's fave Mina's song

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"Aww, that's so sweet," said Kimi. She recognised the song Fluffy was murmuring. It was the same one Skye had been humming earlier.

And Skye was humming the song again as Fluffy sung, smiling broadly. He took another couple of steps towards Fluffy, standing right next to her.

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".." Chris said, cause mush wasn't his thing but that scene was so too touching for him.

Fluffy hummed the tone, she smiled too. She felt so nice, she sobbed, and then hugged skye, trying to say him name. "S.k.."

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Skye hugged back, sobbing a bit to. He guessed what she was saying. Wanting to help, he said it for her.

"Skye," he said, then followed by saying her name. There was something else he wanted to say. His mind frantically searched fro the right words.

"So, that's Fluffy!" said Kimi.

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"Skye." She looked, waving her hands through his head, and her head on his shoulder. "...I...missed you skye..." She murmured.

She then turned to Kimi, and smiled, "yes..." But then she got scared, looking at Chris,

He stood confused, knowing not what to say,

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(ooc: I think.... I'm gonna have Skye say something he may regret once he get's his right mind back. Eliza, if you don't like it, I can't easily retcon it out. The edit button is there for a reason!)

Skye held Fluffy tight, wrapping his tails around her. There was so much he wanted to say. Now he was certain he could speak. Skye knew he'd done it before. With an effort, he forced the words into his mouth. "Missed you... so much..." There was something else, something he wanted to say, but didn't at the same time.

"Oh God, he can talk," muttered Kimi. "Why couldn't he before? Why did...." She looked down at the pokeball in her hand.

Skye forced himself to speak again. "Fluffy, I... l-l-love..."

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(Ooc: nah, ima good)

Fluffy was engrossed in his arms and muttered, "I missed you too..."

Chris looked at astonished Kimi, "so... It's the thing of...pokeball...""

Fluffy suddenly heard him and looked at him, nodding, "yes... YES!" And waited and wished for him to continue.

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"They obey us. They never question. They have no past." said Kimi. She looked at Chris. "Didn't you ever wonder why?" she asked, holding up the pokeball.

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"Uh..." Chris looked the other way, trying to hide the embarrassed, "so... What now,"

Back there, fluffy was shaking skye, "you...what?"

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"We need to talk to Misty," said Kimi. "And then I think we need to talk to the Professor about all of this."

Skye looked Fluffy in the eyes. He tried to repeat it, but his stammer cut in. "I-I-I-I l-l-l-l"

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"So... I'm not taking her in..."

Fluffy sobbed again, blushed, and kissed him on the head, "mutual." She smiled.

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"This is a bad place to be, I got to get out of here."said Seviper.

"Don't we all."said a voice

Seviper turns and sees a toxicroak in a cage.

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"Taking her what?" asked Kimi. "If you're meaning in a pokeball, I'd say certainly not." Kimi glanced into her satchel. "I think I might want to let the others out..."

Skye blushed as well when Fluffy kissed him. But it gave him a slight lift to his confidence. He leaned and whispered into her ear 'I love you'.

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Chris looked at his other pokemons and took a deep breath, "okay, let's head to the gym now."

Fluffy stood astonished for a second, then smiled, and hugged him crying and whispering back, "I love you...too..."

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(ooc: Skye is gonna have a panic attack when he gets his mind back. ;) )

Skye smiled, the his smile faded. With an effort, he started speaking again. "Can you... remember?" he asked quietly.

"Right," said Kimi, looking at Chris, wondering if he really was as affect by the revelation as he seemed. She turned to the two Mobians, looking a little reluctant to interrupt them.

"Skye, Fluffy. I'm sorry, but we would like you to come with us now. There's someone we need to talk to."

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(Ooc: lol yes, this thing made him courageous lol)

"Remember, what?" She said, still having him close, but disturbed by Kimi.

"Okay." She smiled, holding Skye's hand.

"Let's go"

"Yeah..." Chris said

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"So I'll take it the pokemon hunter got you to."said the Tokicroak.

"I got to get out of here, I've got friends waiting for me."said Seviper

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(ooc: heh, yep, rather ironically! And where are you Dylan? Seviper needs you!)

Kimi couldn't help feel a little amused at how uncomfortable Chris was feeling. She tried to push the feeling away, but didn't quite succeed.

"Don't worry, the gym isn't far," she said as the set off.

"Before... before here," said Skye, holding onto Fluffy's hand following Kimi. He looked at Fluffy and smiled.

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Chris realized Kimi was amused, he shrugged and smiled too

Fluffy felt kinda bad Skye couldn't speak well, but she loved him, and didn't cared, she smiled back at him. "You feeling good?"

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"Unless you got a plan, I'm all ears."said Tokicroak.

"Prehaps I can help?"said another voice.

Both turn and see a hoothoot.

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