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Danny Felixe

Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

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"Mutual. Oh, yes, and then, why are you a trainer, eh? Why are we all trainers. Want a fight?"

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"Being a trainer is my way outta this backwood. And away from YOU!" said Kimi, activating her rollerblades. "And no, I don't want a fight. I'm to busy right night. People to see, places to go. That sorta thing." Though, the main reason was, aside from her newest catch, her whole team was badly hurt already.

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"Right, you are such a desperate person!" He shouted, "we'll see who sees more people and goes more places, COWARD!" He shouted, and in the already grumpy mood, came bad news for Fluffy, "let's see what this daughter of bulls**t do..."

(Ooc: dammit, doing mean roles suck :'( )

Fluffy was in a peaceful mood now, but not for long.

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Kimi skated away, a look of anger on her face. "It's bad enough, but when people like HIM are being cruel. Maybe it's just here. Maybe things are better out in the wider world," she hoped.

It didn't take her long to reach the town and the Pokemon center, handing the pokeballs in for healing, and picking up some spare potions before heading home.

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Chris threw the pokeball and out came Fluffy, falling badly on the ground.

"What j-just happen- WAH," she said, after receiving a kick, she turned around to see a human staring at her, angry, "uh...he'll- OW!" She shouted, as he pulled her ears.

"You can speak, huh? What powers do you have?"

Fluffy just cried, as loud as she can, hoping someone heard, suddenly realising she has no one around to help.

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"Ain't nobody putting me in a ball cause if you do it will ruin your life." said Seviper.

Totodile nods in agrement.

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(ooc: Yeah Eliza, playing mean people can be hard going. That's why I completely changed my original character idea.

I'm gonna have a slight timeskip here, so that Skye spends more time inside the Pokeball, which means his mind is more affected. Because otherwise, the moment he starts talking, Kimi isn't likely to keep ahold of him)

After leaving the Center, Kimi meandered through the town for a bit, letting her Fennekin out of it's ball as it followed at her heels. Stopping at a cafe for lunch, Kimi pulled out a map and began looking over it.

"Where do you think would be the best place to go first ?" Kimi asked the fox pokemon as she petted it fur. It just gave a little yawn in responce.

"You're right, we should head home," said Kimi, setting off. Kimi was a little reluctant to get home because...

"So, how's my little trainer?" asked Kimi's father the moment she stepped though the door.

"Dad, I'm not..." began Kimi.

"Oh yes you are. All those grass and dirt stain, classic signs. I was just the same at your age."

"But Dad.."

"I know you say you don't enjoy it, but once you have a few matches under your belt, get a few badges, you'll wonder why you ever complained about it. You'll make me so proud."

Kimi winced. She hated it when her father brought up that line.

"I'm going to my room."

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Back there, Fluffy was being hit badly by Chris.

"Please let me go..." She cried, when she heard Seviper, "h-help me..."

"Just get out of here, I don't need commons weak pokemons like you."

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Annoyed with what had happened with Chris and her father, Kimi stormed into her room and threw her satchel onto the desk. It slammed into a radio and knocked it onto the floor. Groaning, Kimi picked up the radio and tried turning it back on, but nothing happened. She gave it a shake, hearing a rattle from within. Sighing, she put if back on the desk and pulled the pokeball with Skye in it from her bag.

"Okay, let's see what you are," she said, opening the ball.

Blinking at the sudden brightness, Skye appeared in the room. He looked around slowly. This wasn't where he'd been. But then, he couldn't remember where he'd been. Almost everything before being in the ball was a blank. Had there ever been a 'before'?

Turning, he saw Kimi. For some reason, he immediately thought of her as someone to trust. Someone to... obey.

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Dylan had spent the whole time watching the two trainers even after one of them left. He didn't notice the attempts at pulling him away. Finally he said something

"There's got to be something we can do. That guy hasn't noticed us. Maybe we can grab Fluffy and go find Skye before he knows what happened"

(ooc: I've missed... So... Much!)

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"Well aren't you a cutie," said Kimi to Skye as her Fennekin sniffed around his heels. She reached out to pet his head. Skye was hit by two conflicting thoughts. The first was to back off in fear. The second was one of absolute trust in her. The first felt more natural. But the second was stronger, so he let himself be petted, grinning.

Kimi knelt down so she was at eye level with Skye. "I'm Kimi," she said pointing at herself. "And I'm gonna be taking care of you." Skye's grin broadly, believing completely in what she was saying. He could understand what she was saying, but was unable to speak himself. Had he forgotten to speak, or could he never speak? Except... Except for a few words. There were some he could say.

He pointed to himself and said "Skye". Kimi jumped a little.

"What did you...? Is that your name?" she asked.

Skye nodded, still smiling, and repeated 'Skye' again.

"That's... a really nice name Skye," Kimi said, but part of her was feeling unsettled.

(ooc: I don't know if anyone else has plans, but I've had some ideas as to why there's this whole mind control aspect going on in this world. Basically, erm, permission to play one of the big bad's, though I'll need some help from those who know the franchise to make sure I'm not going off the track.)

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"Little Totodile, I'm going to show you how to bite good."said Seviper.

Prepares to attack Chris for hurting Fluffy.

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(Ooc: I'm gonna show that the power to speak is still on Fluffy because a normal pokeball was used to capture her, and even though she is brainwashed, the cruelty reminds her of times anyways.)

Christy groaned, "no, he has a pokeball, he can take her when he wants, and now, let's get out of here, we'll save them... But not now..."

Sarla shouted, "Eh, Seviper and totodile, this isn't time for games!"

Fluffy was still groaning with pain as Chris hurt her.

"Now I shall test you with this pok- OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT?" Chris shouted.

He noticed the Seviper

"So, you want a battle with me, eh? Not right now, I've got to save the energy for this rabbit."

Fluffy sobbed as she was taken away in the pokeball again, and Chris took out a charlizard, sitting on him and flying away.

"They're gone...with her." Christy said, sadly.

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"I... I should've tried to save her... But I just stood here and now... she's gone!" Dylan sat down clearly in a state of shock

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Christy sadly looked at him, don't knowing what to do, she sat beside him and kept her head on his lap, "it'll be alright... We'll... Save them..."

"How?" Sarla said, "you do know that Chris is aggre-" she stopped when Christy gave her an angry look.

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"One way or another we need to save them both. Did you see the way he treated her?" Dylan said to Christy and Sarla. "And what about the other trainer who took Skye? Who knows what he's going through. I'm sorry, but your world is awful. Why has nobody tried to stop all this?"

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Christy and Sarla looked down, "he's known around here, he's a very aggressive trainer, your... friend." Christy was saying when Sarla corrected, "little Fluffy." "Yeah," Christy continues, "Fluffy, isn't in for a good time, added that the last... Fairy type pokemon he took... We will save her, Dylan."

"And about Skye." Sarla continues, "Kimi Williams is a nice person, as I've heard from my younger sister igglypuff, whose friend Mr mime came to know from an espeon who came to know from her boyfriend, an umbreon, who came to know from another Jigglypuff. Uh... All I mean is, in most probabilities, Skye is fine, and I know, it sucks."

"We can't, we simply can't, it's all the humans... Game." Christy sighed.

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"I have to find them. The sooner the better" Dylan said getting up. "Even if Skye is fine, he could still get hurt going into battle with other pokemon. I don't trust these humans to stop him getting hurt. And the guy who took Fluffy needs be shown the error in his ways But how?"

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They both looked down, "well... Yes, let's start now." Christy said.

"The only two things we can do is either steal the pokeball they're captured in or destroy it." Sarla said, "it's not easy... But possible."

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"And how would they affect them?"

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"If we steal the pokeball, which is really Darn hard, we can, like, get them out of it and within some time restore the pokemo- errr... Your friend's memory. And destroying the pokeball stops all the effect of the pokeball itself."

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"So, their memories would be restored straight away if it's destroyed? With no side effects?" Dylan asked but then thought about it. "Wait... what do you mean restore memories?"

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"Okay then Skye," said Kimi, ticking Skye tummy causing him to giggle, "let's find out what you are." Kimi was about to turn on her computer, when a cry of 'Kimiko' came from downstairs. Kimi sighed.

"You two stay here. I'll be right back," she said as she left the room, calling out 'Yes Mom, I'm coming as she went."

Skye started wandering around the room, looking at it curiously. But as he was told to stay, he had no intention of leaving it. The Fennekin followed him curiously, and Skye paused to pet it. Then his eyes fell on the broken radio. Hopping into the desk, Skye pulled out a screwdriver from his gloves and began taking the radio apart, humming to himself.

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"Yes, it won't harm the pok- err your friend at all, they'll go back to the situation they were before being captured." Sarla said

"Restore memory, as in... Like... What you do after someone loses their memory. We can always steal and then destroy he pokeball, altogether, it's easier, fast and safer." Christy said.

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"So what you're saying is.... this ball takes away their memories?" Dylan asked

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