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Uh okay. Well. Its fine I am posting random things ;-)

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*Fluffy turns around* uh! ermmm yeah...but...


It'll still uh...

Dylan,you gotta answer this one

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No. Neither of you are going to disappear. I wouldn't want that to happen

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Seviper will use protect and defend you all from the dangers!

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Woof`~ Soooo. We're RPing for the sake of meh? D: I feel so loved now.

(And a pleasant morning to you all)

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(Good morning, Inuki)

(Making this a temporary RP? I don't know what to think, there're rules and I don't want to break more)

Hello, Inuki. *kneels and pets Inuki* I'm glad you're part of this family now.

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(Good morning, too! :3)

*wags tails* Woof! I'm happy too. :3

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(so... what... do we just start an RPM3 then?

And a good eve...er morning from me. Just back and browsing here before bed!)

*both Skye's speak together*

T-thank's Dylan. T-that's good to k-know.

*Joins Tails in petting Inuki*

We do have a problem though...

...yeah, there's two of us...

...but only on Kit.

Hmm, you know, there is another Fluffy here...

So... one of us goes with Kit, and the other Fluffy...

If... they want...

How do we choose which one of us?

That should be up to them,

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(I propose that we finish the RP in 2 pages! Since it's just a light RP. *gets kicked*)

Ooh, ooh. Do rock, papers, scissors!

Do we still need to find the emerald?

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If we find it, I promise I won't try to eat again

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Ummm... Are you sure? You do need food , right?

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(Hmm, Nice idea. But it might not work out that way.

That won't work Inuki.

We'll show you. Watch.

*both Skye's speak together*







*they stop playing*

It won't work I'm afraid

Nice idea though.

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They're too similar to decide that way. Um... what makes you two different?

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*both speak at the same time*


*start speaking separately*

We're not just both Skye...

...we're the same Skye!

We even know kinda what the other is thinking!

Which is rather creepy.

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Then how are we going to decide who each of your girlfriends will be?

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Ummm. Yeah. I suggest draw lots. xD

And Skye. I found an old family picture. xD


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I think we should let the girls decide.

Make thy can tell us apart somehow.

(Yep, I love that picture. It's currently my desktop and phone background!)

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Fair enough.

(Really?! Cool! It's really cute and adorable and family-ish and sugary and -insert all nice things here- to me)

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..we guess so.

(ooc: I know, I just love it. Even more so for those slightly askew goggles.)

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(ooc: Oh I remember Locke showing that. It's adorable)

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So... when do they arrive?

(Oh. It's a repost then. xD I'm sorry.)

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We could give Kit a call now.

We don't know were Fluffy is...

...she was with Eliza...

...so when Eliza shows up...

...she should to!

(ooc; No need to apologise for re-posting that picture! Besides, given how large this topic is, you can't really look back and check easily!)

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You could try the call. XD

That's good then. The only problem now is when Eliza would show up. :3

(Thanks for that. :D)

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Okay, we'll call her.

*Both Skye's pull out mobiles*


(No probs)

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