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*Seviper grows a second head*

This isn't good

"Lalala" Shut up!

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*Covers face*

No doubles of me here. Nope... Please

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Oh great. Are we going to clone ourselves now? Because... *sees an image of me in front of me* NOOO! Oh wait... It's just a mirror. Phew.

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I don't need two of me. One of me is enough

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No. We think...

...it's just us who got copied.

And Seviper is just being Seviper.

He does odd stuff like that.

You two should be perfectly safe.

At least we hope so.

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Yes. If I ever see a double of me... I don't know what I will do. XD

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You could alway...

.. pet each other's head. Actually...

*both Skye's grin at each other then speak together*


*both Skye's pet Inuki*

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Ummm... Me petting myself is just... weird... So weird... I have to go to my original world and bang my head on the enemy's HQ's wall. Just to know that I'm not under the spell of one of the guys who likes to mess with other people's lives with his illusion powers. Whatever. And thanks for the pet,, Skyessssss! :3

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Not a problem Inuki.

We're glad you liked it.

We don't think anyone plays with illusions in this world.

Except for our Grand-uncle, but he hasn't been around for a LONG time.

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Hmmmm.. Does your grand uncle happen to go by name of Merlin?

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Uh, yeah. That's him.

How do you of him?

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Heh. Saw a sign that said 'Merlin was here' when I found that truck load of chocolate--- Egad! The chocolates must've been from him! Why didn't I realized this sooner!?

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The chocolate's from Skye's grand-uncle???


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He left us chochlate?

Without tell us.

Actually, now we think about it...

..that does kinda sound like his MO.

I don't think he likes his family much.

He doesn't visit in person unless he really has to.

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What circumstances does he usually visit?

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Awww, come on. I think he prioritizes family too.

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Nooooooooo! Not the ship!

I would hope so

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What about the ship, Dylan? XD

Yes, yes. Let's hope for the best.

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Two posts above my old one :P

I am

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Oh. Oh. *hides behind you*

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Yes. Cause the picture's scaring me.

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Inuki is behiund dylan, because she ignore my post and I am angry! >: I No joke :P

Splash Woman is verry angry.

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